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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Salisbury News Offers FREE Tickets To Fernando Guerrero Fight On ESPN 2

The highly anticipated Fernando Guerreo ESPN 2 Fight is just around the corner Folks. With only 16 days left, Salisbury News will be giving away 18 FREE TICKETS to this special event. However, you're going to have to earn them!

We're going to be asking a series of questions over the next 16 days. The first person who answers the question correctly will win a pair, (2) FREE TICKETS! Could be political, could be about sports, could be about anything but you'll know it when you see it. Remember though, in order to win you're going to have to put up your real name. You can still post anonymously but you must sign your name at the end of your comment in order to win. If your name is NOT on the comment, all comments without names will be rejected.

So stay tuned because you never know what date or what time we'll be putting up these Posts. Stay Tuned To Salisbury News and spread the word.


  1. This is going to be easy as 1...2...3...HE'S OUT...lol

  2. my son would love to see this fight

  3. I love contests! Can't wait...I hope the questions aren't too hard! cj

  4. Joe,
    Is Barry G my real name?

  5. AWESOME! So, do we have to answer all 16 questions right, or just be the first w/ the correct answer on any given day?

    Just curious, what kind of seats are they? Not that it matters, because beggars can't be choosers, and hey, FREE is FREE!

    Thanks for the opportunity, Joe!

  6. fernado came to my sons school over a year ago and left such a lasting impression that when he heard he was going to be at the center helping the salvation army he had to go he and coach hal welcomed him in and took photographs with him and he was out of control the rest of the day, they are truly good people cant wait to try to win tickets

  7. Count me in would love to take my son to see him fight. Bring on the questions.

    My real name is Will.

  8. Why do you have to have "real " names posted ? You appear to be so obsessed with this that you are offering a bribe to get them posted . I ask you why in all sincerity.

    What ever happened to the "5th" amendment.

  9. Tell me how one is to confirm a winner with nothing but anonymous to go by?

    9:08 Your head is mighty thick, you idiot.

  10. anonymous 8:00,

    Thank you for that wisdom. Sometimes I truly wonder about people. Let me change that. I often wonder about people.

  11. OK, I was out for a while last night and someone else was moderating but I'm glad I got back to this particular post to look at the comments.

    The tickets will be at the Will Call window at the Civic Center. Your REAL NAME will be necessary to reserve your tickets as well as confirm you are who you say you are by showing them a photo ID.

    Barry G, you'll need to give me your full name, should you win.

    anonymous 9:08. don't play, period. Folks, he's an Anti Albero Blogger.

    anonymous 6:43, Each day, (not every day) over the next two weeks we will ask a question. The FIRST person who answers that question correctly and uses their full name in the message wins 2 tickets that day. I will have 9 questions over a 15 day period, so you'll have to keep an eye on Salisbury News regularly, day and night.

    Good Luck Everyone.

  12. 6:22 DONT BREAK THE gLASS.


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