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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Delmarva Classic Need Your Help

This is an e-mail I was hoping not to have to write, but alas, I must.

The Wi-Hi Wrestling Team DESPERATELY needs your help. Last season, after a 13th year of record attendance, we made the decision to move the Delmarva Classic Wrestling Tournament to the Civic Center. We had more teams interested in attending than ever before, and this would allow us to also offer a JV tournament for those JV wrestlers who get few opportunities to wrestle each year. The tournament will be next Friday and Saturday, Jan. 16-17.

With the Civic Center comes a rental fee - $3,000 a day for the two days, and $1,000 in mandatory WY&CC staffing. The Civic Center is barred by the County Council from giving community groups discounts as they have in the past. So we have to pay the entire $7,000. I don't blame the Civic Center - they are just administering a policy given to them by the County. Arguing over whether it's fair or not doesn't help me make the rent, to be blunt. It is there, and must be paid.

The team had planned on doing that by offering sponsorships - $300 per weight class (there are 14) would get a corporate logo on every t-shirt, every program sold, and every bracket for that weight class. Also, the mat that weight class is wrestled on would have signage as well. This looked like a great idea last spring, it really did.

Well, the response has been underwhelming to say the least. Of the 6 of us actively soliciting sponsorships, we have secured one. Not one each, one. We need 14. And, to make matters worse, I've had 4 teams (and their fees) pull out due to travel restrictions put on them by their counties, so instead of 21 teams, I now have 17.

If you know ANYONE who owns a business that you think might be willing to help the Wrestling team, PLEASE let me know. I’ll pass on a sponsorship packet you can present to them, or arrange for someone from the team to make contact.

We’re looking at losing more than $3,000 if we don’t secure these sponsorships, and I have to have a definitive list by next Tuesday – just 8 days from now.

If you know ANYONE who can be of help, LET US KNOW!


Bill Duck

Tournament Director



  1. Have you checked the prices at the roland powell convention center? Might get a better rate there

  2. Is this the same BIll Duck that graduated Parkside 86'

  3. What about Crown Sports Center--can they give a better deal?

  4. Yup, that's me. No one who knew me in HS can believe I coached wrestling, I know!

  5. Duck, you should have stayed where you were last year. IDIOT!

  6. 10:37 -gee, that was helpful. We have overflow crowds every year at Wi-Hi. The only complaint I get each year is not enough seating. There is not enough seating at Crown. We need seating for 600-800 people. UMES wanted the same $3,000 a day and is nowhere near as accompdating with logistics like moving mats as WY&CC is.

  7. Why do they even call it Wicomico YOUTH and civic center? THE YOUTH can't afford to use it. Many of the schools wanted to have proms there.. nope they can't afford to use it. Now here is another example of the YOUTH wanting to use it and cant' afford it.

  8. anonymous 2:48.... some of you people need to make up your minds. The "people" convinced the County Council several years back that the Taxpayers should not have to support the civic center...that it "had to operate like a business"...well, be careful what you wish for...you can't refuse to fund it but then use it for free.

    As far as The OC Convention Center...even though the state of Maryland TOTALLY supports it's occupance costs, you will still pay more to hold an event there.

  9. PLEASE don't bash the Civic Center over this - they and Tourism are bending over backwards to help. I don't want anyone to think THEY are the problem - they're not. I knew what I was getting into as far as rent when we agreed to this. We just had no idea the economy was going to absolutely tank the way it did. The Civic Center and Tourism staff have been GREAT to work worth - they're doing all they can within the latitude they have, which isn't much. I can't stress that enough - this is not a problem of their making. We have had support from the business community before, and I'm sure there are people and businesses who want to help, but just can't. I just wanted to let the community know "Here's a need, can you help?" That's all I'm doing, and I thank SBYNews.com for letting me do that.

  10. Can the Salvation Army help at this point, or, any of the other charities that we gave so willingly to over the holidays? People gave a lot in order to improve their own community, and Mr. Duck is doing just that on a personal and community minded manner, helping kids succeed. Kudos to any business out there that could dare reach out in this "tank time", but from what I saw today trying to sell construction work, people were huddling and hoping, but I saw not much faith in their eyes. God will intervene, I'm sure. Thanks for all you do Mr. Duck, even though you have to hear that forbidden "quack, quack" once in a while! It built you with character!

  11. Barry G: I'm not looking to place blame on anyone or anything like that. I just wanted the community to know we had a need, and if you could help, here's how. And this is a great avenue to do it. I've already had two positive responses due to Joe's posting.

    And again, please don't call the WY&CC and take up my cause - it's not their fault. They are doing EVERYTHING they can to help me.

  12. The Wicomic High Wrestling tournament is one of the most well run tournaments in the area. Any help funding this tournament - I am sure would be greatly appreciated and used to help benefit student-athletes from all the schools participating.

  13. I'm about to graduate college but I wrestled in high school and I remember Duck and the Delmarva Classic. Duck and his tournaments are great and everyone looks foward to them every year.

    What if every competitor had to pay $5? That would be at least $1500, right? I wouldn't have been happy about that when I was in high school, but look at other sports such as Jiu Jitsu or Karate tournaments. The cost to compete can be anywhere between $25 and $100.

    Anyway, just an idea. Hope this tournament doesn't get cancelled!


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