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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Daily Times Falls Behind Another 4 Days

Landfill thefts costly to us all
Pilfered funds should have funded county's basic needs
January 20, 2009

Revelation of a longstanding "culture of corruption" at Wicomico County's landfill has raised eyebrows in the community, and rightly so.

This latest news concerns discovery that dozens of dishonest landfill employees had for years, perhaps decades, routinely stolen fuel and equipment from the facility. They filled up their personal vehicles with fuel without paying and took equipment for personal use --lawnmowers, saws and other tools -- considering them "perks" of the job. Between 2005 and when the first hints of serious shortages first came to light in February 2008, $100,000 or more may have disappeared through these sources.

Read more HERE.

That's interesting because Salisbury News posted our article January 16th, 2009 on this same subject HERE.

Here's a little follow up the Daily Times didn't say in their article. Remember those 10 Employees County Executive Rick Pollitt clearly stated would be FIRED. Guess what, it may not happen after all. They are looking into the legalities of terminating such said Employees and in a follow up interview recently that I had with Mr. Pollitt he expressed his concern on that topic.

Anyhow, now that I have uncovered that, perhaps in another 4 days, (just like this article) you'll read about it in the Daily Times.

Published by Joe Albero


  1. You cant fire a thief?Why not let them have open door policy.Thats pure BS.

  2. Maryland is an at will state. You can let anybody go anytime for no reason whatsoever.
    However, getting fired for gross misconduct (theft, damage)will prevent you from getting unemployment benefits.

  3. While we are still on the landfill topic I would like a question answered please. How is it that everyone is "ok" with the "ring leader" of this whole thing getting less time than the people he involved in this. I understand he did not make them, he just encouraged them, but really, come on. How is this justified? I am sincerely asking this question because I truly do not understand how this is allowed.

  4. Somebody tell them crab seasons over please.

  5. I'm not Ok with the ring leader's punishment. The blind lady done her crappy justice. A black person would have gotten 2 years minimum. Justice is blind my white butt.

  6. This isnt as profound as stealing gas and equipment but is worth posting.

    One day I made my bi-weekly trip to our dump, and noticed a very "good" conditioned computer work desk in the "bulk" bin.

    Since it was near closing and there was only one other pick-up there, I asked if it would be ok if I dug the station out and kepted it for myself . (one mans trash is anothers treasure)

    I was rudely told "NO" and went back to my truck. Before I could get out I noticed two colored guys loading up their truck with more than "several" items from the same "bin".

    The next trip back ,I noticed the same pick-up loading up again. This has been wittnessed by myself and my wife on many occasions.

    My concern is "why can the colored guy manning the station give other colored people free run of the junk there and not everyone ?

    It was items to be recycled Im sure. I noticed that the pick-up didnt even have a dump pass on it.
    I on the other hand have shelled out for two stickers every year for 8 years running.

    It may seem petty but wrong is wrong. I feel the entire industry at the landfill needs a complete investigation of the going ons there.

    Whats up with that !

  7. You should have just taken what you wanted if the guy was allowing others to do it. I would have taken it and told him to call Rick Pollitt if he didn't like it.

    Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. I'd still report the guy, what's fair for one is fair for all.


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