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Thursday, January 08, 2009


Our Friend Delegate Mike Smigiel has an Official Website and has an UNBELIEVABLE story of animal abuse.Mike has his own Blog and you must go to this Site and see just how horrific this abuse is. Animals allegedly being shot by Staff. Director makes $85,285.00 a year salary. Plus $11,158.00 in benefits plus the use of a vehicle and this kind of CRAP is going on! We're told the States Attorney & State Vet Board is now on top of it but allegedly local media is covering it up. No one would tell this story. They were shooting cats out back with a 22 rifle. GO SEE THIS STORY NOW!!!!! Cecil County Commissioners have the Wicomico Humane Society on hold for the moment but they are expecting to rush in to the rescue of this unbelievable environment. I just spoke with Linda Lugo and they are prepared to help out.

I'm told they have numerous people who have signed affidavits who will testify that what you are about to read is true and accurate. How this has gone on so long in mind boggling. Thank You Mike for recognizing this Hitler Institution and coming to the rescue of so many animals, Sadly, in hundreds, if not thousands of cases its been too late but we'll all help from here on out.

Kittens euthanized at the SPCA. (For other photos, see image page above)
GO HERE to see the article. Unbelievable!


  1. Joe, Thank you so much for posting this on your site. I had seen something about this on craiglist earlier this week, but had not seen any photos. They made me sick to my stomach. I hope this article and your posting of it on your site will entice people to call or write to their elected officials and help these poor animals.

  2. She should be dragged out of her cage by the neck and shot a couple times in the chest as well...what makes a person think that they can get away with things like this?! How do people like that even live with themselves!? I know that I couldn't even work at a humane society for fear that I would end up with 50 animals at home much less kill them for no good reason, I'm a sucker for those sad faces...

  3. Sorry folks, there are actually some feline haters out there who don't shed a tear for stories like this.

  4. I see your an animal lover have you ever seen the organization Pets on Wheels. They go too nursing homes and adult day cares with their pets and the elderly love it. They need to pr

  5. That is so horribly gut wrenching that i don't even know what to think. Anyone who abuses animals is one sick individual. Please keep us posted on what the outcome is with this.

  6. I Hate Cats 3:44,

    I'm confident you expected a ton of defenders coming back to you referencing your comment. Nevertheless, I hated cats for most of my life, until they started showing up at my front door here in the Country.

    Nevertheless, there is a humane way of handling the removal of an animal and an inhumane way of doing so. No animal deserves this kind of treatment, hate them or not. If you still feel this way, I pray that you are not the owner of any animal and that you're a single male living on his own away from society but obviously close enough for Internet access.

  7. anonymous 3:47, did you even read the article?

    There's a time and a place for plugs. This is not one of them. I strongly urge you to go back and read the article I provided.

  8. I HATE CAT 3:44
    I can't believe that you would even say such thing,to hate is one thing! but to feel it's okay to treat an animal or anything in that manor is horable. What kind of person are you???
    It's like this what if you were treated in this way!!OH YOU WOULD BE HERE TODAY WITH YOUR UNCALLED FOR REMARKS!!!

  9. Quite simply, the employees at the CC SPCA should be arrested, and fired, in that order. Although I shouldn't be, I am constantly amazed at how cruel human beings can be, against pets and especially, children. It's sickening.

  10. if the wicomico shelter needs volunteers to go pick up animals please announce it, I really want to help these animals

  11. Joe, this is a horrible thing to do to any animal. Even if you do not like animals, they are living things just as you and I. If you have ever had to put a pet to sleep, you would have a heart. I would take all of them if I could. I hope they are helped.

  12. This is an outrage! I can't even say how I honestly feel because we promised Joe no cursing!

  13. They are just cats, not humans. RELAX people....

  14. And also i think shooting them with a .22 is humane. It is quick and easy? No maybe you're right, should have used a 12 gauge.

  15. Dear 3:44 there are actually some haters of people like you who would love to rip u a new a--hole. You are a sorry excuse for a human being!

  16. It doesn't matter if you hate cats, dogs or anything with 4 legs. What these people are doing is wrong. Even the people in this county who hate animals, at the very least they should be angry at the way their tax dollars are being wasted.

    Being an animal lover, I am sickened at what I read on Delegate Smigiel's blog yesterday. It seems for years that a blind eye has been turned from the CCSPCA. Thankfully someone had the courage to speak up and we are seeing the results of that.

  17. There were two affadavits signed according to the story, not several as you claim!! Shame on Mike for posting such an outrageous story just so he can attract attention to his webpage... Must make you all proud to know a man that would destroy peoples lives over trying to further himself. He's done if for years, why should he stop now?

    Did any of you read this article? Do you really think that two ex-employees is a lot of people to make this complaint. Did these employees suddenly get a conscience? No, they have a bone to pick.... Just a thought that maybe when you want to put someone on trial that you should let them have their day in court instead of assuming what you want to beleive!! There is always more to a story than what one side has to tell!!

  18. anonymous 10:43,

    I don't care what you say about everyone else. These animals now have a voice and from what's been said, there are many more complaints allegedly coming forward now and you have a lot to be worried about.

    No matter what is said, this deserves a massive investigation and now that it's on Salisbury News, Google will create a position up top for us so whenever anyone hits any of these key words the story will be told.

    I personally hope EVERYONE is wrong here for the animals sake but God Forbid they're right, you people are going down and I'll tie you in to being the new Hitler of the Animal Kingdom!

  19. someone should take that guy who shot the cats and put him in a freezing barn with no food and water. then, put a food bowl outside and when he gets hungry enough to get it, shoot him with a .22 See how he likes it.

    the amount of human evil in the world just makes me so angry and so sad

  20. A portion of an article on Mike's Site.

    "Late this afternoon the Salisbury News, Maryland’s # 1 political blog (as reported by BlogNetNews), picked up the story. Once that happened we saw traffic increase and since their post went up just a few hours ago we are heading toward 400 people who have surfed over from Salisbury News. And that’s just in a few hours. Here’s the link to the post they put up and I see they already have 15 comments down in Salisbury on this issue. Thanks Joe Alberto for helping me spread the word. It is appreciated."

  21. Its sickening to read....I think they should clean house from top to bottom and possibly even press some criminal charges against these shelter employees.

  22. That is horrible, I can't understand why someone would ever do that and still be allowed to be in charge of that establishment.

  23. I adopted a dog and cat from that shelter and saw nothing like what this politician is saying. I am amazed that people who have never set foot in the place are using phrases like "Hitler" and threatening bodily harm against people working there! My faith in the words or motives of politicians is pretty low. I believe my own eyes more.

  24. Thanks to the previous poster for injecting some reason into an emotional debate. I am TOTALLy an animal lover and would do anything I could to help a sick or suffering dog or cat. But in my animal rescue efforts, I have seen too many times that some people, especially politicians, try to use the animals for their own reasons.
    I will always give money to help the animals but I don't give money to politicians!

  25. Thank you to this blog for allowing people who have a different view than the delegate to speak freely here. That has not been the case elsewhere, where some posts disagreeing were rejected or anyone with a different viewpoint was threatend and attacked.

  26. How can anyone have "a different view" than the Delegate after reading about the outright abuse and insanity going on at CCSPCA? A staff member perhaps?The staff members involved are obviously mentally disturbed and if you do not think so then maybe YOU need a shrink.I do not know how anyone can justify any of it,so please do not attempt to.Respectfully, please CYA someplace else.Someone has spoken for the animals and we have listened.

  27. 3:44 - You must lead a pitiful nonexistant life to make such a statement. I wish with all my heart and the tables were turned and someone made that statement about you. You are a cruel insensitive moron and there is such a thing as karma. Making a statement like that just got you a mess of trouble. You will never be truly happy with that mentality. God help you.

  28. i used to volunteer at the SPCA and everything that you here about it is true. i used to work with the dogs there and some of the things that i saw were horrific. there was a man that used to kick dogs in the head and they had this cat room there and one time they put every cat in that room down and i don't even know why. so thank you for putting this site out there for people to see. they should know what is going on and maybe they can help stop the abuse that is happening to these poor animals.


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