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Monday, December 01, 2008

Tomorrow's County Council Meeting, Hmmmmmmm!

Look What The Wicomico County Council Is Doing Tomorrow (Dec. 2)

11:05 a.m. Open Work Session:

Crown Sports Center
Dog Ordinance
Tax Differential Study
PAC14 discussion

12:30 p.m. LUNCH

1:00 p.m. Closed Work Session:

Salisbury Mall Property
West Metro Core Park


  1. Whats the reasoning exactly behind the dog talks? Thanks for the info

  2. If they go along with the City on PAC14, a pox on both their houses.

    Who wants higher cable-TV rates?

  3. WBOC just reported that the meeting will start at 10:00. I guess those who don't get the last minute memo will come too late to comment on the subject matter! The old bait and switch is becoming the usual here, seems to me.
    Barry G

  4. As much as Mike Mercer has cried about his taxes they are forced to talk about it. Only in America can someone cry like a baby and the government lets him have his way. If this works I'm going to try it.

  5. Just enforce the dog laws the state has on record.

  6. rumor has they have been having conversations with the owners of the old mall property for a while? seems odd that such a controversial topic such as the old mall is in a closed session.Isn't closed sessions that got the city into this mess with that property. I smell something fishy!

  7. the county council was smart not giving the old mall a tif, if they go into default they city loses it's $14,000,000

  8. Why no stated reason for "closed session"? I would bet it's for land purchase/acquisiton (for mall parking area and metro park land). A reason for closed session is required.


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