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Friday, December 12, 2008


Could Wicomico have received preferential treatment in its sale of municipal bonds as a result of relaxed collateral standards to accept securities that weren't rated AAA?

For the first time the Fed's lending exceeded 2 trillion dollars. It rose by 138%, or 1.23 trillion, in the 12 weeks since September 14, when Central Bank governors relaxed collateral standards to accept securities that weren't rated AAA.

The Fed stepped into a rescue role that was the original purpose of the Treasury’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. The central bank loans don’t have the oversight safeguards that Congress imposed upon the TARP.

‘Been Bamboozled’ - Click here to read more as Bloomberg News submits Freedom Of Information Request for disclosure of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from US taxpayers and the assets the Central Bank is accepting as collateral.



  1. Hmmm....I wonder if a local vet was on this list, I remember the last time he was on a list & was entitled to "Funding". I'm sure the poor thing needs the money after the countless number of heartaches that he has caused people...myself included.It sickens me.

  2. Its all bull-shit, you cant believe anything that comes from any part of this goverment. Its all bull-shit. You want to rob a bank today call your elected officials, they go right threw the front door.

  3. Response to 9:25 Posting:

    You are exactly right. This is what happens when a Country goes Socialist. Corruption breeds more corruption, censored media, payoffs, bribes. . . the Bible puts it most eloquently when it says that the 'Nations shall partake of the Whore' and that is exactly what is happening as I write this analysis. The people in the US are now living and seeing it first hand.

  4. As I read this, and I think about yesterdays post about conditions at JMB school{all public schools?], I think about the outrageous and possibly unconstitutional spending of our taxes. I remember the standards that have been lowered and even eliminated, just to please this or that group. I recall my father telling me about my grandfathers life, the way he lived, the skills he had, and what mattered most. I do not believe that an America of today could unite to defeat the great evil of the world, as did the greatest generation. We may not even be able to identify it. My question to citizens would be, can we turn this country around? Doe's anyone believe that the United States will continue survive and thrive regardless?

  5. After the WAR maybe.

  6. I think everyone living in America realizes we are already at a State of War. The war that we are in is within our own borders. Special interest has encapsulated all of the tax revenues and are parceling out the proceeds based on their own interest instead of the taxpayers interest. Whether it be schoolteachers, firefighters, law enforcement, bankers, poultry growers, it is about as corrupt as I've ever seen it.


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