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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Before & After

Remember that beautiful old Barn that was looking like it was about to fall down off Rt. 50? Well, it looks like the owner chose to take it down before someone possibly got hurt. It was a beautiful piece of Eastern Shore History and we can simply rely on the photos we've posted here to keep that history known.


  1. I cant help but think that this looks like a micro-cosim of our country. Damn I hope not.

  2. That old barn was once part of a Mr. James Adkins farm along with the brown shingled house near Rt.50. Mr Adkins was a county commissioner in the 1940's for Wicomico county. His father Denard Q. Adkins also lived there before him.

  3. Thanks for the history, now-a-days it seems like the best part of us sometimes. I really like local history.

  4. I loved looking for that barn on trips home from Baltimore. That's the sad thing about how we live now, out with the old. Once something like that has been torn down you can rebuild it. The old barn that sat along Rt. 50 on the west side of Easton was also torn down a year or two ago.

  5. You can make history better than it was if you have a serious society, thats a dream huh. That means personal reponsibility. self respect, which will lead to respect for others, integrity, trust and honor. Before you know it youll be in your Mirror, nice to see ya. Its been getting lonely in here. That the American way...

  6. What's funny to me is that people don't worry about their own business. People getting hurt?
    They shouldn't be on private property to begin with.

    It reminds me of a neighbor of mine on the Western Shore sending me a certified letter complaining about the trees blown over by hurricane Isabel. Seems that the trees on our farm were an eyesore for his family to look at. He was also concerned that they could injure someone. I promptly sent him a certified letter telling him he was not permitted to walk (w/o permission) his dogs there anymore.
    I also told him to take his leaves and grass clippings to the dump instead if piling them in my field.

    Problem solved.


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