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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Dow up 288 points at noon!

Thanks, again, Nancy, for that vile you spoke yesterday on the floor of the House of Representatives!

PS -- If Barney Frank wants to kiss -- DON'T


  1. Why is it vile to remind people that the lack of regulation is how we got into this mess.

  2. Pelosi & thugs need to be thrown out.

  3. Yuck, who'd wanna kiss that toad!

  4. How is it vile to call out the truth? the Rethugs promised to vote for the bill, lied about their support, and withdrew it on the floor to make a political statement.

    The Rethuglicans have no moral center. Their deregulation and "trickle-down" economics is why we are in this mess.

    They need to be out in the political desert for 30 years as punishment for this crime against America.

  5. And the winners are: big investment banks -- way UP

  6. Dearest 1:46 - There are 235 Dems with 140 voting for and 199 "rethugs" with 65 voting for. If your Dems are in the majority, how come the bill did not pass. Fox News stated this AM that not only did Pelosi cost the bill's approval because she made that speech BEFORE the voting BUT that she also told some of the Dems who were up for re-election that they could vote "No" in order to keep their home people happy. That
    lady(?)thinks she is the power -and I for one am glad it blew up in her face.

  7. Pelosi & Barney both contributed to Kratovil. I wonder how he would have voted?

  8. You know that having to pass something "NOW" is pure BS when they take off two days for a Jewish Holiday!

  9. anon 12:08..because her version of how we got into this mess is pure fantasy...her own party is more to blame as well as her own inablity to lead...along with that partisan hack Reid.

  10. 2:31:

    Ask him at the candidate forum/debate at SU tonight -- wanna bet he waffles (and that Harris does, too)?

  11. Fools Gold! You people amaze me with your (lack of)knowledge on how the economy works. Since you obviously get your daily ditto head opinion from a blow hard gazillionair I'm sure you've never bothered to actually research the facts of anything to form an opinion of your own. You're LAZY intellectually. That's how Rush, Hannity and O'Reilly get rich. Keep eating it up like pigs at a trough. Suckers!

  12. 2:49 anon....yes..well you sound like a real economic wizard. Try explaining away the CRA'S impact on lending..how ACORN made it worse..how under Clinton, the securitization of junk mortgages was created...how the Dems blocked legislation to tighten controls over Fannie mae and Freddie Mac....or..just go back to your Dem social club and do whatpeople like you always do...overlook the corruption in your own party and blame everything in the world that goes wrong on Republicans....you are the ultimate caricature of the partisan hacks who have crippled this countryfor decades.You wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit you in the face because you are too damned brainwashed.


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