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Monday, September 15, 2008



I was listening to Sen. Biden spew from the mouth and he said something that speaks to the core of his beliefs.

He was reciting a piece from the pledge and stated this, 'One Nation, indivisible'. Now I ask you, where is God?

I thought the pledge was 'One nation, under God, indivisible'. Let them try to keep God from my country.

Let them forget who it was that started this great nation, and the God fearing people that put God into everything they said or did. To remove him, to remove God, well that says everything to me.

Lord, I pray that you don't let Obama and Biden win the presidential election. I pray that you help us bring you back into our mainstream life and country. I pray you put McCain and Palin in office and help them to restore us to 'ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE with LIBERTY, and JUSTICE FOR ALL' A-men."



  1. Bullsh*t. Biden is a known DEVOUT Catholic.

  2. "Under God" wasn't added until way later. Google it.

    And who cares. This is a nation where church and state are best kept separate. If you want theocracy, go to Iran.

  3. If you know that this country was founded by the ideals of god. Then you will also know that the people who founded this country were escaping religous prosecution. You should also know that "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights." Their creator. One more time. Their creator. Seperation of church and state.
    Also when people claim that these wars are "a mission from god". Guess what...the people that caused 9/11 believe that too. Whats the difference? We're right...? They are wrong??? Either one of our gods would say peace. Don't take up arms against your fellow man. So when you bring up statements of god in politics....well thats certainly not good for peace. I hope you realize that. Because if your post is true. I'm sure thats the type of government and freedom of religion that Joe Biden would be refering to.

    Republicans for Obama
    Republicans for Real Change

  4. or maybe you shouldn't be picking every little mis-qoute and bringing it to the forums?

  5. Total nonsense. I pray that you take a history class, and I pray that your teacher actually kows something about history, and I pray that you will learn that we do not live in a theocracy, that in fact we are at war with people who would like to impose a theocracy. Oh, and I pray that you kow what theocracy means.

  6. 12:55 Im with you all the way. We need change allright change back to the way things were in the 50s and 60s thats the kind of change we need.And McCain is gonna give it to us WHEN he is elected. As a matter of fact im so old school i believe when you win a war you post a flag and that land becomes ours. And dont turn this into some kind of race thing because i happend to be married to a beutiful black woman.

  7. Ok here is the thing. I sit on both sides of the fence in this whole debate. I don't know about the veracity of this post, but I do know that as an American, I have the right to believe in whatever I choose. If I choose not to believe in God, or if I choose to believe in a different god than you or someone else, I do not believe that I should be required to show reverence or "pay homage" to your god by reciting Under God in the Pledge of Allegiance. I want to declare myself a servant of this country and a patriot by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, but not be forced to do it in the name of a god that I may not believe in, because pledging something in the name of God makes that pledge a lie. So if, as I recite it, I leave out the words "Under God", it is simply because I want to be truthful and wholehearted in my pledge to this beautiful country we live in.

    However, on the other side of the fence..... I think that in some instances the political correctness has gotten WAY out of control. I am not a Christian. As a non-Christian, I see nothing wrong with displaying the 10 commandments on a government building, or having "In God We Trust" on currency. I smile when someone wishes me a Merry Christmas, and I wish them one right back because it is an act of goodwill shared between two people, regardless of belief. If we want respect for our own individual beliefs and practices, seriously, we have to respect other people's beliefs and practices too. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, we have to figure out what is really worth the trouble. Words on a dollar bill? Not so much. If the dollar bill said, "The user of this dollar bill is an @$$ hole," maybe I'll be offended. But until then, lets move on to things that REALLY matter and make a difference.

  8. I see we have a few people who don't believe in GOD by the comments that have been made.
    That's exactly how Obama wants it!
    Biden is a devout atheist!

  9. If your not racist I don't think you want things to go back to the way that they were back in the 50's and 60's. And your statement saying that McCain will bring change 1. isn't supported, and 2. has nothing to do with this thread. Therefore why are you posting? And if you think that you just take over a country and everything is ok. I have news for you. Its improbable but not impossible that we could be taken over. China and many other countries own us. They own us in the fact that many countries own "american" run companies. They own our houses and our banks etc..etc. And we are not the biggest dog in the yard anymore.


  11. Seperation of church and state is NOT in our constitution. It was in a letter to the Danbury Baptists from Thomas Jefferson and it states as follows:

    The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist Association, give me the highest satisfaction. My duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

    Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between church and state. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

    I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and Creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect and esteem.

    The fear of those, both christians and other religious practices, was that there would be a state sponsored religion. That is what they had in England, where the King was also the head of the church. The seperation they wanted was from that. It didn't mean that God should be taken out of everything. It didn't mean that you couldn't have prayer in school. It simply was meant that the government would not control religion, and religion would not control government. That was it.
    Any action by the government to remove religion from our everyday affair, including the word of God, is a type of control over religion, something that our founding fathers were infadically against.

  12. hmmm mardela.... I don't remember saying it was. When I stated it I was refering to the "their creator statement" meaning everyone has the right to choose "their creator" and if they have one.

  13. AMEN
    Mardela (2:07

    I do believe that we all have the right to believe how we choose to believe. However, when this country was founded it was founded on certain principles and those principles are now being trashed. If our founding Fathers believed that God was important enough to be printed on our money and included in our pledge of allegiance then it should stay. It's a part of our history!

  14. I don't remember saying that either? And I don't think thats what the post is about.

  15. Hey Anon (3:53) - Money didn't have "In God We Trust" until the mid-1900s, and the pledge did not have "under God" originally.

    Part of our history, yes. Just not as far back as your post seems to convey.

  16. Anon 12:44pm, then please don't use the USA money as it has God printed on it. This seperation of God and government is not even in the Consitution. Look it up,

  17. While Biden may be a "devout Catholic," he is obviously catering to those who do not share our God.

  18. God is a word. It is not a name. Allah is a name. Jehovah is a name. Jesus Christ is a name.
    God is a word used by Satan to trick Christians into believing a lie. Nothing is simple. Everything is intentionally skewed and hidden. We are living in the last days. America is the New Atlantis.

  19. Hey 7:22,

    Whose God? As a devout Catholic myself, I take offense to your comment. Your statement has an undertone of bigotry that makes me ill.

  20. Anon 5:02 pm

    Please read below:

    Congress passed the Coinage Act (1864) on April 22, 1864. This legislation changed the composition of the one-cent coin and authorized the minting of the two-cent coin. The Mint Director was directed to develop the designs for these coins for final approval of the Secretary. In God We Trust first appeared on the 1864 two-cent coin.

    It was not printed on paper money until 1950 something, but it has been on our money since 1864.

  21. Mardela,

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

    Yeah... it's called the first amendment. It's like Prego: "it's in there."

    So, don't try to spread your theocratic beliefs in our SECULAR GOVERNMENT. We left Europe because of your belief that government and religion were one and the same, and I will fight you to the end to keep America free.

  22. 3:53,

    If our founding Fathers believed that God was important enough to be printed on our money and included in our pledge of allegiance then it should stay. It's a part of our history!

    That's probably why you believe such ridiculous things: because you're ignorant of history.

    The founding fathers had nothing to do with putting "under God" in the pledge, nor with putting it on our currency.

    Please be aware of the facts before you comment.

  23. 11:54--I'm not sure how in the world you saw my comment (7:22) as bigotry. You're certainly reading something into it that I did not intend. I apologize for having caused you to feel ill; that was not my intent. I am not questioning Biden's devoutness, as only he and God are privy to that. I certainly am not questioning his Catholicism; that is my background as well. I was simply responding to the post about Biden's not including the phrase "under God" in the pledge, if indeed that happened. Either he inadvertently omitted it, or he was attempting to cater to those who do not believe in God so as not to offend them. If that were his intention, I find it regrettable.

  24. Cobra Communist, 10:27

    You really are a snake for attacking a patriotic American like Mardela!
    You know very well it was never the intention of OUR founding fathers to take prayer out of schools! We were free to pray in public schools for 200 years!
    You,also, know very well that it was a liberal Supreme Court appointed by Democratic presidents that took prayer out of public schools against the will of the overwhelming majority of Americans.
    That's one BIG reason it is so important to elect McCain. With a couple more right thinking Supreme Court Justices, our children and grandchildren will be able to pray in public schools like they were for the first 200 years of OUR republic. Put America back on a moral path and cobra communist back in his hole! TAL

  25. God was added to the pledge in the 50s.

    What context was Biden talking about it in? Maybe he was asked about Palin's husband spending 7 years in a group to have Alaska secede from our "one nation, indivisible."

    You know when that woman lost me? When she was introduced as the pick and said she hoped the position (VP) could benefit Alaska.

    Uh, lady, this is the United States. It's supposed to benefit ALL of us, regardless of what state we are in.

    So that told me where her loyalties are. As an American, I don't want to get screwed by oil companies and watch polar bears disappear from the face of the earth to suit the needs of one state.

    Separation of church and state IS in the Constitution when it says that the government will not act to promote a religion because our country was founded on escaping religious persecution. The phrase is not in there. The intent by other verbiage is.

    I believe in God. But not to be told how to by anyone. Look at all the different sects in Christianity. Which one is right?

    By the way, our children can still pray in schools. Just not ORGANIZED by the government! For all your talk about government getting into our private lives, you sure like the government in the most private parts of it.

    My kids pray in public school. Do yours? If not, let's start talking about what you don't give them at home that you expect the government school systems to do.

  26. It's not illegal to pray in schools, it just can't be led or mandatory.


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