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Friday, September 05, 2008

Daily Times Proof Reading?

"Was reading the DT today, (don't shoot me) and this just jumped right out at me. In the delmarva section on the first page at the bottom where they have the newstracker updates on previous stories..on the 2007 princess anne home invasion it says under the latest russel was sentenced to 10 years in prison with 15 years suspended LOL..I shit you not...now I am no journalism major..but that should have caught someones eye before going to press."

This was yesterday's paper.


  1. Maybe those 5 years he's owed can be credited to any future convictions. LOL!

  2. Does he get 5 years credit towards his next crime?

  3. Those who live in glass houses Joe.

  4. What is wrong with that? He will serve 10 years in prison and 15 years were suspended.

  5. Proper names, like town names are capitalized. "..." does signify a pause, but no real news writer would use that a tool. A question mark is used after a question and a period after a statement. Glad I could help.

  6. he probably recieved a sentence of 25 years, with all but ten years suspended (25-15=10).

  7. i cant critic anyones spellin joe, i have all the passion but lack some literary skills,shoot me.


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