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Friday, August 22, 2008

Will the Wicomico County Council Defend the Taxpayers?

November, 2010 is the earliest practical date for a referendum on the Wicomico dispensary. Assuming that the dispensary is abolished, it will be at least until 2011 or 2012 before this corrupt dinosaur breathes its last. In the meantime, the taxpayers of Wicomico County are being denied what is due them from the WCLCB.

Can something be done about a group of non-elected officials spending taxpayer money like a bunch of drunken sailors on liberty? Absolutely! It all depends on whether or not the Wicomico County Council has the intestinal fortitude.

Will a majority of the county council continue to allow the pockets of the taxpayer to be picked? Will this council continue to support corruption through their inaction? or ... Will at least four of our elected officials stand up and say, "NO MORE"? Read More ...


  1. It's now getting B-O-O-O-R-I-N-G!

  2. "Can something be done about a group of non-elected officials spending taxpayer money like a bunch of drunken sailors on liberty? Absolutely! "

    I say let's have Gov O'Malley appoint G.A. Harrison to run the WCLCB. He seems to be just the right know-it-all for the job. No one is really complaining about the fact the County recieves free revenue from the WCLCB, just their percieved mismanagement. Well then, why doesn't someone with the intestinal fortitude step up to the plate and run it more efficently if you think you can. I'm sure Mr. Haemel would be happy to retire anyway.

  3. Have Haemel submit his resignation today! There will still be 2 board members to continue the business until the Gov. appoints a democrat.

  4. 7:43 anon...it is boring to you only because you are obviously a dispensary lackey.

    Mr. Harrison's summation is right on target. The dispensary BOD should be replaced as soon as is practical.

  5. they are also a huge liability if they have to follow the same laws as everyone else

    hope it doesn't take an alcohol related death to force WCB to open up to the public. they would have no choice in a court of law

  6. Two Cents -

    "Free Revenue"? There is no such thing. This is so typical of liberals (or in this case - people with ties to the corrupt dispensary).

    You sound like Bill McCain. It's the TAXPAYERS' MONEY! People like you take the attitude that as long as the dispensary doesn't spend ALL of the legitimate surplus on non-dispensary stuff the taxpayers of Wicomico County should be grateful. HOGWASH!

    If someone sticks a gun in you face, and only steals 80% of your money, will you be grateful?

    As to your comment about Stew Haemel - if he'd be so happy to retire, why doesn't he?

  7. They are also supposed to have someone certified T.I.P.S training on every shift, every open minute, they fail to do that as well

  8. Article 2B requires:
    1. Tips or Tams certification when the store is open
    2. Monthly reports to the council
    3. Salary increases not to go into effect until next term
    4. No selling to anyone under 21
    5. Annual Financial report published in the paper'
    6. Reserve total requires council approval.
    7. All profits to be transferred to Wicomico County

    All of the above constitute violation of the law they are suppose to be adhereing too.

  9. The only person on the council besides John Cannon that gives a damn is Stevie Prettyman. She carries a heavy load. Don't knockher.

  10. anon 10:20...thanks for paying attention.

  11. Did anyone catch the dispensary dog and pony show at the Chamber meeting yesterday? Collis was provide a forum to spout more dispensary propaganda.

    Interesting....I thought the Chamber's mission was to represent the interests of BUSINESS.

    But then...follow the linkage...Brad Bellaccicio managed Alessi's campaign. The current Chamber Pres,. works for Pigg Krahl and STERN.

    There is no end to the corruption.

    Thankfully,there were a few informed people present who had the courage to ask an arrogant and smirking Collis some tough questions....questions that he had pretty pathetic answers for...tough when you get off those talking points hey Justin?

  12. GA,

    ‘“Free Revenue”? There is no such thing.’

    What then does the County have to do to receive these contributions from an independent body?

    "If someone sticks a gun in you face, and only steals 80% of your money, will you be grateful?"

    This comment is so typical of Republican scare tactics and to use one of your favorite terms, a red herring.

    "As to your comment about Stew Haemel - if he'd be so happy to retire, why doesn't he?"

    I don't know. Why don't you corner him up against the elevator again and ask him?

    If you really want to talk about a waste of ACTUAL taxpayer money, you should investigate the number of County development and construction contracts that go to out of town, out of county, and out of state firms and contractors with higher bids, no more technical know-how, and less local experience than firms from SBY. It’s a shame those MILLIONS aren’t reinvested back into the community. I’m thinking of the new 300 acre County Marina project on the Wicomico River for example. Or how about all the brand new county vehicles I see parked in home driveways around the county just to name a few. I’m sure a little digging will uncover many more. There are bigger fish (herring perhaps) to fry.

    Two Cents

  13. I don't know where any of you folks are getting the information that the Wicomico County Council has no say over the WCLCB.

    Quite the contrary. I remember vividly when the County rented, yet another, building to house the monster agency. That's right folks, they authorized paying rent for the facilities that they are in right now. I wonder if this is factored into their operating surplus. . . or is this method of accounting off-line just like the Civic Center.

    Joe. . . I hope you take a photograph of the building and offices. The one lone council member and disenter that voted not to rent this facility was one Richard S. Adkins. He stated the rent being charged to the taxpayers was way to high. He even cited the square footage and said the County shouldn't be renting this office.

    I remember because I was in the audience.

    So don't tell me Wicomico County doesn't have a say in the matter.
    I know because I was there.

    7:18 AM

  14. I don't know where any of you folks are getting the information that the Wicomico County Council has no say over the WCLCB.

    Quite the contrary. I remember vividly when the County rented, yet another, building to house the monster agency. That's right folks, they authorized paying rent for the facilities that they are in right now. I wonder if this is factored into their operating surplus. . . or is this method of accounting off-line just like the Civic Center.

    Joe. . . I hope you take a photograph of the building and offices. The one lone council member and disenter that voted not to rent this facility was one Richard S. Adkins. He stated the rent being charged to the taxpayers was way to high. He even cited the square footage and said the County shouldn't be renting this office.

    I remember because I was in the audience.

    So don't tell me Wicomico County doesn't have a say in the matter.
    I know because I was there.

    7:18 AM


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