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Monday, August 04, 2008

An Update On The Firefighter Paintings

Hi there Joe,

Things are progressing in an interesting fashion... the TV picked up on it here and have been filling in the news with the project and so, we have started the prints and cards and can offer them for much less than we originally thought. My web guy is getting it up on the site soon! It all happened a little faster than we were ready for.

I have also just put up a youtube video under Christine Mac Shane Henry and will be following up soon with a big one of the firemen I think. Just thought I'd keep you in the loop.

So far I have raised about $500.00 on my own and hope that the print sales will kick it up a notch when we are in production order.
Happy Blogging

Christine Mac Shane-Henry
C.Henry Studios
Solar City Productions

Live Large and Laugh Often


  1. pretty nice painting there.

  2. very nice, can you please fill in more and how did it all get started?

  3. Hi there, thank you for your kind words. As you know, we have had enormous fires throughout the summer here on the west coast and I wanted to contribute something back to the folk who get up everyday and keep us out of harms way. I did not want to feed it through an organization, but have a direct impact on them as they do on us. Fortunately the TV and papers have picked up on it and it will hopefully continue on it's own path and bring in a steady contibution.

  4. The fires on the West Coast have been unbelievable. Best of luck with your production. Please post when your website is ready, I would be interested in making a purchase. The love of my life is dedicated to the fire service, so when he's involved, you are too..

  5. Certainly. I can also paint a personal one if you'd rather. You can send me photos to chenrystudios@yahoo.com.

  6. That would be great! I will continue to look for updates here and will contact you at your yahoo email.


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