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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Salisbury Firefighters Are Pissed!

The Bill Gordy and Chief See slick tactics never seem to end.

If you're not affiliated with the Salisbury Fire Department, Deputy Chief Bill Gordy has a Son names Jeremy. Throughout his time in the Salisbury Fire Department as a volunteer he has been suspended so many times it isn't funny. His slick tactics and refusal to follow the rules has continuously kept him in deep trouble regularly and he certainly does NOT have the respect of the majority of the other Firefighters working hard to get their time in and earn different positions within the Fire Department.

There was a recent announcement made that See & Gordy have PROMOTED this young man to acting lieutenant, all of which he does NOT have even the basics to fill those shoes. In order to fill that position you must have the following.
3 EMT Classes, he allegedly flunked out whenever he went into these courses.
Officers Course, he does not have this.
Inspector 1 Course, he does not have this.
Instructor Course, he does not have this.
A Driver Course, he does not have this.

There isn't a Firefighter, (so I'm told) in the Fire Department that isn't royally pissed off at Bill Gordy right now. There is a process to make things equal for all Firefighters and they bypassed that entire system to get this kid into this position and believe me, no one is happy.

The way the system is set up, if you're one week shy of having enough time in and a position opens, you CANNOT get the position and must wait for the next one to open. NOT in the Gordy case!

See & Gordy have gone too far this time Folks. Expect to see MANY Volunteers to simply walk away from Station 16. I don't know who these guys think they are but they have screwed every taxpayer as well as the Volunteer Staff and hopefully this time they follow through with their threats and teach the SFD a lesson that they aren't going to take it any more. However, I have learned in the past that most of these guys are all talk and bellyache about things. Hopefully this time some of these young men grow a set? Time will tell!

And everyone wonders why I have an attitude towards many of the leaders in Salisbury. Come on now, this guy has been suspended more than anyone ever has in the SFD. He's even had to allegedly take a Anger Management Course to boot. Yeah, another great leader in the City of Salisbury, NOT!


  1. Whatever will Gary Comegys and Bill Gordy do without the Volunteers? If they don't have volunteers there is no reason to donate or for the county to fund the volunteer fire department. Who will pay for those 4 brand spanking new fire trucks? Who will pay for the $800k fire boat Gordy wants?

    No need for the city to continue to fund a retirement fund for volunteers if they don't have any. Right Bubba?

  2. Is See's son also in the FD? Don't think he's stellar.

  3. This young man has always been a problem. Your source is correct about the suspensions and he has no respect for anyone. He is your classic spoiled brat with an attitude.
    The police have stopped him for speeding to calls and he was arrested for stealing gas of all things when he first got into the SFD. He was found guilty and still allowed to remain a firefighter. During the Station 2 ordeal he openly confronted and cursed line officers. His father would do nothing to stop him. He was once suspended for months when he responded to a fire while intoxicated and cursed the officers who confronted him about it. At least they had the balls to do something about it.
    I can not speak for his class listings, but I know he slept in 80% of the EMT class that I took with him. I dont think he has much training at all. I have moved on now to another volunteer department and dont have to worry about it. This is one of the reasons I left the SFD and why they have the problems they have.

  4. This new promotion process has to be the biggest joke in the world. It was supposed to be fair and makes the volunteers equal with the career guys. This guy is the poster child for TROUBLE and STUPIDITY. Everyone in the SFD knows about his troubles with the law and how daddy bails him out of trouble. They know he has been suspended more times than you can count. He has so little training it isn't funny. If this administration thinks that the members are going to take orders from this clown, they are sadly mistaken.

  5. You mentioned the theft of gas. What about the theft of equpment and tools that he was involved in n few years back ? Wasn't he at the center of this also? They expelled two other guys in case. One of them was involved in the gas theft that you mentioned.

  6. Events also leading up to one of his many suspensions include disrespect to officers! sleeping in class as well as being to damn lazy to get out of bed to help his fellow firemen respond to emergency calls! "Great strategy to get a promotion"

  7. has he passed a urine test for their insurance company yet???

  8. You Go Jeromy! Congrats!!

  9. He meets the requirements as well as Joes daughter meets the requirements to be a mother. I guess that would make them both a failure right?

  10. I haven't heard of any resignations yet..

  11. anonymous 3:56, or should I say Gordy?

    Let me explain to you one thing. Joe Albero does not have a daughter. His wife does not have a daughter. This is why you shouldn't be promoted or even in the fire department.

  12. This clearly not the,good ole boy syndrome.
    This is not ,He is highly qualified.
    This falls under, BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER.

  13. Kinda like Joel Todds son right? We all know how that works and it is what it is. Nothing you can do about it.

  14. Lordy,

    Quit sending in your messages. First of all, it shows your stupidity thinking I'd be so dumb as to post them. Secondly, did I tell you that you're an Idiot?

    How does it feel to have NO CONTROL? Pisses you off, doesn't it! Now you know how everyone else feels, you spoiled brat.

  15. Come On Guys..leave Joel's son alone. THEY DO NOT HIRE BAD COPS!
    1. They do not lie.
    2. They are professional.
    3. They risk their lives...ugh!
    4. They do not speed.
    5. They have integrity.
    6. They are role models...excuse me for a moment, my bathroom is calling me.......

  16. That is why your news SUCKS...it is your side or no side you dumbass.

  17. You wish you were Bill Gordy so you would have control when it really counts...hahaha

  18. It also looks like he is driving on a suspended license.

    Maryland Judiciary Case Search - 08/24/07.

    Suspended as of 04/07/08.

    Nice . . .

  19. Looks like Albero could use some of those anger management classes.

  20. The kid was such a pain in the behind that Daddy sent him away to boarding school in New England. That way he didn't have to put up with his crap. You can't raise a kid for 9 months of the year when he's that far away.

  21. The SFD has always had issues with promoting the asswipes first so what is all this news about. You all act like this was the first time this has happened. They are also guilty of hiring family qualified or not!

  22. Anonymous said...
    The SFD has always had issues. They are also guilty of hiring family qualified or not.
    6:19 PM

    Un... yeah... can you say HOPPES!!!

  23. Sounds like a bitter Tony W. talking here.

  24. Tony if you scored higher you would have been promoted!

  25. How about the other guy that got a promo Pat Davis? How long has he been in the dept? I can really see him running a scene. yea right! I'd rather have little gordy in charge insted of the rehobeth boardwalk runner davis.

    Hey Joe, the davis guy is one of the guys that took photos of you when you delt with the bs not long ago at the detention center. He is one of the guys that sat all day waiting on you to come out along with others. Dont cut him no slack.

  26. You may think you know what your talkin about but you dont...if you do then maybe you should come do this job yourself. Then maybe u will actually have grounds to make these rude comments. I don't know about you but i haven't seen any volley's running from the fire house. I can tell you that I would rather follow a man with as much fire ground knowledge as gordy than someone else. If you know Tony Waller than you would definately rather have gordy leading you than him.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like a bitter Tony W. talking here.

    11:16 PM

    At least Tony is more qualified than Jeremy Gordo and has never had a set of handcuffs on him. Tony has never assaulted anyone. Tony has never stolen gasoline from anyone. Tony has never stolen fire pagers and other supplies and sold them on ebay like gordo has. Tony has never been arrested at PRMC for being intoxicated and represent the Salisbury Fire Department and like Jeremy has. At least Tony has taken all of the required courses and certifications.

    Joe, thank you for exposing more of the corruption found in the Salisbury Fire Department.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Tony if you scored higher you would have been promoted!

    11:37 PM

    Are you trying to say that Jeremy Gordo scored higher on a test than Tony you are full of shit. ROTFLMAO

  29. Terry and Debby I hope you don't condone this. Please help us out and at least speak out against this.

  30. Young Mr. Gordy can't have much experience when he has been suspended more than he has been active. I am not T. Waller and know he's not the most popular. However he has the classes and and has a clean criminal and departmental record. He has also served his country. You may not like him and I respect your opinion, but he is qualified. If you don't like either of them, then do without an Act. Lt. This move has discredited the promtional preocess. I had forgotten about the drunken behavior at PRMC. If I remember right, he had been released from suspension less than 24 hours for anger management. Thanks for bringing that up.

  31. TW may have the classes but he doesnt have the pratical experience. He as a leader would neither be liked or respected by any troops that fall under him. If they dont give him respect what does he really have? When the vollies are staffing the truck and he comes up to ride the vollies head on home leaving him to be the engineer or bucket man or what ever position he wants with a truck all to himself

  32. Give the boy a chance to make or break himself. It will show either way.
    He hasnt wreckless drove to the fire house crashing into the basement wall only to get in the engine and drive to a call. Only to tell his officer on the ride back that he had a minor accident when the car was actually totaled. I wonder who that was?

  33. Anonymous said...
    TW may have the classes but he doesnt have the pratical experience. He as a leader would neither be liked or respected by any troops that fall under him. If they dont give him respect what does he really have? When the vollies are staffing the truck and he comes up to ride the vollies head on home leaving him to be the engineer or bucket man or what ever position he wants with a truck all to himself

    4:38 PM

    These comments are a down right lie and I can assure that it has never happened. If this was the case then everyone would be talking about it. Tony has the experience and he is also a respected individual with military experience.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Give the boy a chance to make or break himself. It will show either way.
    He hasnt wreckless drove to the fire house crashing into the basement wall only to get in the engine and drive to a call. Only to tell his officer on the ride back that he had a minor accident when the car was actually totaled. I wonder who that was?

    4:44 PM

    Give the boy a chance my ass. He has already been given numerous chances and he keeps f#cking up.

    If anyone else had been suspended for half the things Jeremy has done they would have been thown out a long time ago. The volunteers in Salisbury are punks and they have no balls. They are afraid of Gordy and he is nothing but a reject from Delmar. They laugh every day at Salisbury because they don't have to deal with him anymore.

  35. Joe can you please put this article back at the top. It deserves way more attention and it is getting lost at the bottom of your blog because of the other good articles.

  36. TW is a DA. Period. He wouldn't know how to put his arse out if was on fire.

  37. 5:35. Do all of us a favor and go read and post to some other blog. We don't need your kind. the truth always comes out. Didn't yo mama teach u nuttin?

  38. WOW!!! it's messed up when i know a guy in the SFD that is on probation with the state of maryland for sumthign very little and he cant even ride the fire truck cause see wont let him but wait jermey gordy can with theft.. the boy that i know has assult and that cause he held somebody against there own will and now he can pass MSP background cause he cant have a weapon.. wow i didnt know salisbury firefighters carry guns on them.. The chief told him he needed to be a better role model to the public.. WELL SEE GUESS WHAT U HAVE ASSULT ON YOUR WIFE AND FOUND GUILTY and its still on your record this boy record will be clean after probaation and its something little.. The worse part is he hasnt stole like JG has and beat a cop and more and he is a cert firefighter that all he can do is watch the fire truck leave and he is in the top 5 responders.. Shows how people can get there way around here and the best goota sit and watch that are better than him..

  39. yes jeremy has been suspended many times yes he has gotten in trouble in the past. How ever he has stood up for what he believes and is very knowledgeable about fire ground. I have personally known him since he was at bennett with me. I would want him on my back at a fire b/c i know he is not affraid to suit up and go into a burning building. He has also always treated me with respect and gone out of his way on several time to help me out.

  40. Boy this must occur in every small town. Because there are several positions which were filled on the volunteer side of the new Ocean City Fire Dept. with individuals who didn't have the qualifications when they were elected to those positions of assistant chiefs. I guess it's all in who you know and who you blow.

  41. There’s no doubt Jeremy has challenged his belonging to SFD in his some five years or so of service to the organization. Jeremy however is a good, hardworking firefighter who gets the job done without being led around by the hand. Tony on the other hand after smashing his vehicle into the basement door of the old fire station, then almost wrecking the piece of fire apparatus he then drove and I quote “You will never drive another piece of apparatus as long as I’m chief of SFD” William E. Higgins past chief. In fact to make that perfectly clear and I quote “If it’s red and has SFD on the side of it I don’t care if it’s a nail you don’t drive it”. That being said Tony’s tenure has been weak at best starting with station 2. Tony was thought of as being so stupid while on probation at station 2 he was expelled on vote night when his probation was up. After that failure Tony joined station 16 (then Headquarters Co.) to begin his career of failures. After numerous attempts at being successful Tony failed at every attempt. Much like his father he followed in the footsteps of being inherently stupid and being made fun of because of it. Due to a condition Tony was born with (buck teeth) he earned the name “Corn” because he could eat an ear of corn through a picket fence. Going back to his driving abilities and the nickname corn you can see why other firefighters would get off the engine when he got behind the steering wheel to only get on the next piece leaving the building. I personally saw this happen more than once. In fact my personal opinion on the issue is if he made it to the fire I don’t think he could poor piss out of a boot if someone else filled it for him and there wasn’t a hole in the bottom. Tony was an officer for a short time I can’t remember how long other than maybe a year or so. The chief demoted Tony because his subordinates made fun of him all the time and he basically couldn’t do the job at all. Most recently Tony never being overly active saw another opportunity to become an officer through officer testing. All of a sudden he was at the fire station everyday trying to sell stupid ideas that didn’t even make sense to the newest guy or gall in the fire service. Now who do you put in an officer position when it comes down to these two names on the list for one open position. If I were the chief do I promote a known failure who didn’t make it previously or a guy that can easily do the job that has a bad track record. Hard decision of sort however I’ll take the guy who can do the job and give him a chance to prove himself like Tony had. I heard from day one when the officer testing started that those testing would be placed based on test scores, seniority, and experience. That being said rumor has it Tony scored very low in the testing process and Jeremy beat him out for the position and beat him bad. Like I said that’s only what I’ve been told. Jeremy is not the only “Action Lieutenant” in SFD. There are several other acting lieutenants currently that have a deadline to meet the qualifications or return to the rank of firefighter. Being a performance based position the ball in Jeremy’s court; he either performs or goes back to firefighter. SFD is a very young department based on many older veteran firefighters retiring as they reach a golden age. In closing Tony by my own observation is not the man for the job no matter if he has military experience or not. Playing with computers in the Army doesn’t make him a fire officer nor does it make him a good fireman. I back the administrations decisions with all the recent officer promotions and wish those who received promotions the best of luck.

  42. Plenty of other screw ups have been promoted on up the line and become halfway decent. Whos the Acting DC next week?

  43. Yes, Jeremy has been suspended several times in the past for acting like a spoiled little brat but, he did his time like a man and admitted his wrong doing. How many others do you know that would admit to anything or do their time like a man? In today’s society most don’t have balls enough to incriminate themselves. Maybe it’s time for Jeremy to grow up and accept this responsibility and do a good job. Give him a chance, he deserves that doesn’t he?

  44. Joe,
    T.W. in a total idiot! Navy Seals need someone to shoot at for training that's why T.W. belongs to the reserves.

  45. Testing? What kind of testing? I’m a volunteer in the county what kind of testing did Salisbury do?

  46. Anonymous said...

    I back the administrations decisions with all the recent officer promotions and wish those who received promotions the best of luck.

    9:37 PM

    Since you made this fine, eloquent speach about "you" backing the administrations decisions in the promotional process why don't you please sign your name. If you don't sign your name we will know this is either Jeremy or Bill Gordy. NUFF SAID!!

  47. this is why i love salisbury news!!!!

  48. Salisbury has a process where you fill out an application for the officer position. There is a written test and then a oral interview board. Scores are put together and a list is created.
    They are trying to get away from the good ole boy system of appointing officers as it is in most places.

  49. The system in place also keeps peoples fathers from going up to the fire chief and demanding / begging that their son be given an officer position.

    Some seals just bark and bounce balls off their nose in a zoo.

  50. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury has a process where you fill out an application for the officer position. There is a written test and then a oral interview board. Scores are put together and a list is created.
    They are trying to get away from the good ole boy system of appointing officers as it is in most places.

    7:13 AM

    Who the F*CK are you trying to lie to. This is the good ole boy system at its best.

    Case in point, 2 volunteer assistant chiefs at station 1 never even took the tests but they were reappointed. Why?

    One appointed assistant chief missed every deadline and it was given to him anyway. Trying to get away from the good ole boy system. LMAO

  51. There is a rumor going around that one of the salisbury chiefs recently got into some trouble. Is there another cover up going on?

  52. 8:47PM This is the most serious issue as to why he should not be an officer "He is not afraid to suit up and go into a burning building" After fighting fire for 13 years you still get afraid of what might happen or what you might find. If you are not scared (a better word would be worried) each time you step on the engine you should not be on there!!!! The ones that think they are above god are the ones that hurt people.

  53. anon 8:50: I disagree. There is a difference between being afraid and respecting fire. Those who are in fear cannot think clearly, and that is what gets people hurt. If you are afraid of it, I suggest that you find another career or hobby...whichever it is for you.

  54. The big picture here is that Operating Procedures are not followed, if it is written as a standard then it should be followed no matter who it is , big gordy didn't have to follow any standards so why should little gordy. It is sad that they can't follow their own rules and reg. This will only matter when something bad happens and higher authorities will check to see if they were followed to the letter and then if people put into positions not qualified for will be the fall guy. It is all fun and games until someone dies.

  55. You know I have stayed out of the fray until now....

    Yes, this Tony Waller and I did not start this but I will end this as far as my name is concerned. The stupid m'frs that want to take shots at me ought to have the 'nads to sign their posts. However I know they will never do that becuase they do have any honor, courage or commitment to their craft as firefighters. Matter of fact these are the same people who suck up to the Department leadership in person and then turn around and talk bad or belittle them while their back is turned. In case you can't figure it out they are a bunch of little d*ck cowards.

    Neither one of you stupid, lowlife SOB's who takes shots at me can put a candle to me and my accomplishments in life. I may not be the most outstanding firefighter however none of you have the right to judge me. In fact some of you have skeletons in your own closets as well. Don't think I cannot discern who some of the post are because your writing styles mimic the same mannerism that I have seen around the firestation.

    What amazes me is that you want to make comments beyond the firestation about things such as my military career. Humm ... I want to now what makes you uniquely qualified to comment? In reality your are small-minded little pr&cks that have never done anything beyond the confines of Salisbury, MD or Wicomico County.

    The reason why I was not selected for the LT. position because Steve Records made that choice. I do have a history with him and it is not all good. However, He and Salisbury Fire Department will have to live with that decision that they made.

    I do have choices in my life and they include how I will volunteer my time at Salisbury Fire Department. Now please keep me the f*ck out of this conversation or I will start calling people out by name and airing your dirty laundry.

  56. you go...booyyy.....

  57. Well Said Tony. You just validated your idiocy to the entire world. Thanks for proving what everyone's been saying here. Pretty typical that you'd blame your inadequacies on someone else because you have some sort of "history" as you call it with someone. If you were capable you would have been selected. Now run along with all of your life's choices and leave the real work to real men and women.

  58. I have personally known jeremy for a long time. I know exactly where everyone is coming from when he gets in trouble he is not being a very good role model or representing the SFD like he should. Jeremy does admit when he is wrong and is quick to tell you what he should have done instead. He also takes his punishment like a man. if he gets an easy punishment well lucky him. As far as anger management classes... well you would have to take them too if you have to deal with all the B.s. he does in the dept. He is very good at being disrespectful only because he has to constantly be on the defense considering how many people are disrespectful to him. just like the one time jeremy witnessed a fellow firefighter doing something (not going to list details) that would not make us feel confident that this firefighter would save our family or friends because he had better things to do while on duty... jeremy was called a liar when he spoke up about how wrong he thought this firefighters actions were. And those guys in teh firehouse are worse than high school girls as far as holding grudges. Things like that would anger me and cause me to be disrespectful. Im not saying jeremy has excuses for doing everything he does (because he has messed up way too many times and should have learned years ago) but I do know he is taking life and his duties in life more seriously. It may have taken him longer than others to learn from his mistakes and make something of himself but Im proud he can finally say I will not do anything to get in the way of this promotion. I am certain he will keep his word and wont let anyone down now that he has been given this hundredth chance. We all know his past so lets wait and see what happens.

  59. You all just cant get enough of bashing Jeremy... So what he got a position in the fire company, and you all want to bash him for what reason because his father had a say in the decision? Get real... and why sit here and bring up so called actions that have taken place in the past some of which might be true others are not... why does any of this matter...? Thats right it doesnt. Yes Jeremy might not be the prime candidate for the position but so what HE GOT IT... do you think that bashing him is going to change the decision that was made? No its not... Give him a chance he can either prove your pathetic theory right or he can prove you wrong... Now you will just have to wait and see... cause by the looks of it whether or not volunteers leave isnt going to change the fact that he got this position... so my suggestion is to put your big boy panties on and DEAL WITH IT!

  60. Gregory H. Smith Captain (Retired) said...
    The big picture here is that Operating Procedures are not followed, if it is written as a standard then it should be followed no matter who it is , big gordy didn't have to follow any standards so why should little gordy. It is sad that they can't follow their own rules and reg. This will only matter when something bad happens and higher authorities will check to see if they were followed to the letter and then if people put into positions not qualified for will be the fall guy. It is all fun and games until someone dies.

    1:35 PM

    Great post Greg Smith. Greg has the balls and he is right on the money with this one.

    Greg Smith for Chief!!

  61. Anybody that knows Greg Smith knows he didn't write that. My guess is that it's someone using his name.

  62. Jeremy deserves his promotion. He is from a rich family, and usually those people have a genetic advantage over the goyim. The rest of you are just jealous.

    Go Jeremy!


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