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Friday, August 22, 2008

Flavors Of Italy?

Behind their Restaurant you'll find a fine selection of bottles for their annual Wino's Taste Testing Contest.


  1. Isn't that at another building that David Moore has?

  2. No need to start busting on Flavors. Everyone comes on here to bitch about the fact downtown is dead. Flavors is one of the few bright spots with live music 5 nights a week it has actually started bringing people back down there. At least thats the impression I got from being there.

  3. Looks like Mr. Moore has FOB status for both of his buildings on Main Street -- "Manhattan Square" and the derelict theater.

  4. anon 8:31 Does one need an escort after dark??

  5. looks like empty bottles. drinking establishments are supposed to break all alcohol bottles so they can't be reused. i know it sounds stupid but that's part of that good ole boy systems regulations. it's just another left over from prohibition. That's why moonshiners used mason jars

  6. Anonymous said...
    "anon 8:31 Does one need an escort after dark??"

    I have a car so I dont know. I guess it depends on how far you have to walk home but I didnt see another soul up or down the street that wasn't going to or coming from Flavors. There is plently of parking all around at that hour.

    That is interesting about the bottle breaking. The SHOULD be required to recycle them.

  7. makes me want a breakfast cocktail.

  8. I've been going to Flavors for a about a year now. Great food, staff, music, and crowd. Flavors is the only reason I go to the downtown area at night. No parking problems at night. Wednesday is pizza night, check it out.

    Bottles left out may have been an oops? Owners seem to be on top of things, don't think they're FOB's

  9. Flavors is good if you like cockroaches as a dessert! That is one nasty place according to contractors that have done work in there!

  10. I agree with two cents. For all that's wrong with downtown, there's one bright spot, and that's Flavors. They've already hosted a collector car show, and a festival style concert in an effort to draw more people to the plaza area, not to mention the fact that they're doing tremendous business due to the fantastic food.

    Lay off 'em, Joe. They're the good guys. Plenty of things actually wrong with downtown. Stick to reporting the problems.

  11. Agreed!! Flavors/Velvet Pearl/Sushi Kan Pai are the only real positive things going on downtown right now. Leave them alone, and give them business. This will help the downtown grow to where it should be!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    Isn't that at another building that David Moore has?

    7:40 AM

    Yes and he is a Slum Lord from the word go.

  13. That food is nasty and the health department should close them down. I used to work there and the kitchen is very unsanitary.

  14. anon 953 it is because some restaurants will travel to delaware to buy their liquor and funnel it into the empty bottles because there is no tax in delaware. I worked in the restaurant business for years..it is done ALOT

  15. I've been in the restaurant business for 25 years, the license board has a formula they go with, by how much product you buy verses food sales, that determines what kind of licence you hold, restaurant, bar and nightclub all have different criteria and different costs, nightclub being the most expensive license, so buying cheap booze in a large volume will show up for the right audit.

    GL Ralph got busted for that when his restaurant in Dover folded he tried to use it his restaurant here in Salisbury, many many moons ago J. Jones a bar owner (little jimmy's) got caught doing the same thing.

    Since you can't get away with funneling a large quantity, do you really think it's worth losing your liquor licence? That doesn't happen as much as you think. 90% of the bottles in that picture are wine bottles anyway.

  16. 12:54 Please post your NAME when
    making such a statement. I have a
    friend in the refrigeration business and he frequently works on many restaurant units. There are only 2 restaurants in the area
    that he will eat at, one is Flavors
    and the other, who he says has the
    cleanest kitchen by far is Chef Fred's.

  17. Just as an FYI those bottles are indeed placed outside at the end of the evening to be recycled the following day. Its surprising to see them targeted.

    anon 8:31...I have yet to hear of any problems after dark or of an escort being required.

  18. It is STUPID to try and save money by pouring booze into old bottles because the comptroller and the licensing boards DO check and they WILL ask for liquor invoices,which will show the amount of booze bought as well as the date it was bought.If liquor is purchased legally through the right channels they should have documentation that includes their license number and other important details.Some people like to buy half-gallons to save money but they are hard to pour so they think they can funnel it into a liter or fifth bottle but thats also a big NO-NO.Bottles should be broken up and the pieces safely dumped into the proper container for recycling.

  19. WOW! It's pretty sad when someone disagrees publicly with you about the LCB issue and this is how you go after them. Too bad the public already knows they're a decent business.

    This site really is just as one-sided as the paper you claim to be so much better than.


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