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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Assistant Fire Chief Arrested For Viewing Child Porn At Fire Station

ODESSA, Del. - Police say an assistant fire chief was arrested on Monday after viewing child pornography at a fire house in Odessa, DE.

GO HERE to see the full WBOC Story.


  1. will you look at this big chug-a-ma-lug, do all the firemen have infeeriority complexes or what? it reminds me of lesbians with penis envy, spend all their time trying to make themselves bigger and better men, just be yourselves, get some self esteem for heavens sake. the majority of you act like a bunch of little girls.

  2. Question:

    Was he viewing sick pedophile stuff or sick 16 to 17 year old girls stuff?

    Either way it ain't right but if it was little, little kid stuff its a lot more severe.

  3. Cruggly, I'm very disappointed that you would bring comments like that into a post about an alleged pedophile. Gayness has no relationship to pedophilia. Please do not harm gay people by making that horrid association.

    I know some lesbians and gay men, and none of them fit the nasty comments that get put here.

    Folks, there are unlikable individuals in every group == homosexual, heterosexual, men, women, black, white, brown, yellow, red, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and on and on and on.

    Please do not make sweeping statements about people based on groups they fall into.

    Thank you.

  4. you mean like my youngest daughter boss, its not that its not right,(its illegal).

  5. This certainly is not news. It was on the TV on Monday.

    Thanks for keeping us informed Joe!

  6. Wow Bosshogg! I cannot not even believe that comment. Way to show your true colors. Sick!

  7. Either way. He is a sick person and this kind of man is what gives the fire service a bad name. There are many good people in the fire service and i hope that this man gets the harshest punishment allowed.

  8. if you read it closely youll see i didnt do what you say, the comparrison was about people wanting to be what they arent, because they are un-happy or un-fullfilled with who they are.

  9. Cruggly, I understand that, but there are a thousand examples you could have used to do that. Gay people often get lumped into discussions of pedophilia, which paints them with a bad brush. I just hate to see that. They get enough grief as it is. That's all I was trying to say.

  10. Now Joe.. Bill Gordy deosn't look so bad now does he?

  11. i see your point, you handled your comments like a true mature adult, for that i will say if my comparrison affended you im sorry. (personaly what people do in the privacy of their own lives and bedrooms is entirly up to them, if no one else is affected by these actions more power to them.) i myself have takin the hetro normal stance on sexuality, thats what fits me. to each his own.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Now Joe.. Bill Gordy deosn't look so bad now does he?

    4:20 PM

    Gordo is just as sick.... he just hasn't been caught yet!!!

  13. Man, what a perve. He is old enough why dont he get his own.

  14. Lt. Jeremy Gordy was violating an underaged girl in Ocean City during the firemans convention in the Salisbury Fire Departments hotel room and there were witnesses. He got her drunk and I believe there may have been some police action taken. Can someone else elaborate on that?

  15. I believe there is a paid fire captain from Salisbury with the number 18B that was involved in some questionable activity with an underaged student recently at the old station 16.

  16. I unfortunately was not shocked this happened but remember certain things: It's America and your not guilty til proven so and I salute the people who saw something and did something about it. It wasn't rumor or gossip they saw something and reported it, my deepest respects to the people who questioned what they saw on the company computer and did something. If guilty make them go far away and never have social contact again, my opinion but they are sick and no proven means of treatment is 100%.

  17. 7;19 and 7;38 , from this point forward follow mirror please, your deeper than you know, what ever lead you to truth stick with it, it will guide you the rest of your life, you are indeed showing your patriot colors, im proud for you.

  18. What a maroon ! He's not just a perv he is stupid too-why would he do something so gross on a public PC ? Nevertheless as a parent, I am glad they caught him at it.I have no sympathy for these kind of guys

  19. Cruggly, thank you. I, too, am "straight," but have come to know many gay people in my travels. Like you, what people do in their private lives in this regard is none of my business or anyone else's.

    Thank you for understanding the intent of my concern. I have no beef with you. I was simply worried about collateral damage to innocent people. Some people equate gayness with pedophilia, and nothing could be further from the truth.



  21. This report / thread had nothing to do with sexual orientation.

    It's about violating the law while on duty as a protector of public health and safety.

    If someone wants to look at Internet porn from their private computer, its really your choice. Internet porn is a multi-billion dollar business, with most of it legal.

    Looking at kiddie porn or pedophilia porn is illegal in all 50-States, immoral and wrong.

    Two Cents said...
    Wow Bosshogg! I cannot not even believe that comment. Way to show your true colors. Sick!

    The reason I asked about the age or type or porn is; does anyone remember Tracy Lords?

    She used a fake ID to star in a number of porn movies in the 80's such as New Wave Hookers, etc.

    When she turned 18 she made one last porn flick that she owned 100% of the rights to, then turned in her former employers for making "kiddie porn" using an underage actress.

    Tracy Lords is now a "big star" legitamite actress who made a couple million dollars from "her" porno after having all the old stuff taken off the shelves as kiddie porn.

    If the guy had been looking at stuff like that where the "actors" at least looked adult, the crime would really be more of abusing the computer at work. (meaning reprimand type punishment)

    If the guy was looking at stuff depicting little kids, 6, 7, 8 years old, then it's a *LOT* more serious. (meaning serious judicial punishment or worse)

    I think Cruggly's statement came out because he was so pissed off at this guy because we all think it was the uber sick little kid pedophilia type of porn.

    Most Gay people I have known; men & women alike think pedophilia is sick, wrong, degrading and there is really nothing "sexual" about it.

    Personally I don't care who someone sleeps or has sex with as long as its consensual and between adults.

    Why should it matter to me who *YOU* wake up with? (as long as its not my wife or underage child)

    As for me; I like being married to Wymzie for close to 25-years, having three children and the experience of being a parent is great and my personal choice.

    It's not my place, Cruggly's or anyone elses to be a 'lifestyle judge & jury' for other people. Especially people we don't know.

    I totally understand by having gay & lesbian friends AND family being in relationship sometimes we will make comments about things like penis envy or whatever...

    But I don't think his (Cruggly's) comment was directed at our loved ones, friends or 'normal' gay people... He was probably like most of us trying to grasp, HOW, WHY, WHAT PLEASURE COULD YOU POSSIBLY GET...

    ....from a sick sonnufabitch who gets off on looking at images of little children the age of our young one, grand children, nieces, nephews who are totally innocent enjoying their childhood.

  22. Since we are talking about sex offenders.....did anyone know that David Guy, who owns Accurate Auto Repair in Fruitland, who is a child sex offender listed on the registry in Wicomico County, and he sponsors a Little League Team in Fruitland. Does anyone have a problem with this, besides me??

  23. there are more fire and police doing this than anyone i thought they were to be trusted get rid of then no better than others

  24. Would this have been a story of interest had he been cashier at Wal-Mart? Nope! Didn't think so!

  25. anon 1:20 AM

    Are you speaking of when Salisbury's chief's specialty was young boys? lmao!

    Yeah, ole Pinky was something wasn't he - tee hee'd his ass right to the top.

    Bosshogg 8:56 AM

    ["It's about violating the law while on duty as a protector of public health and safety."]

    Would hanging out with underage boys in the city owned chief's car qualify? How bout treating them to porn movies, among other things, at his trailer in Rehobeth.

  26. Anonymous said...
    anon 1:20 AM

    Are you speaking of when Salisbury's chief's specialty was young boys? lmao!

    Yeah, ole Pinky was something wasn't he - tee hee'd his ass right to the top.

    Bosshogg 8:56 AM

    ["It's about violating the law while on duty as a protector of public health and safety."]

    Would hanging out with underage boys in the city owned chief's car qualify? How bout treating them to porn movies, among other things, at his trailer in Rehobeth.

    6:29 PM

    Can you actually prove this happened? If not you need to keep your damned mouth shut and quit slandering this guy. You assholes caused this man to be investigated and it ruined his career.

  27. anon 11:28 PM said:
    "Can you actually prove this happened? If not you need to keep your damned mouth shut and quit slandering this guy. You assholes caused this man to be investigated and it ruined his career."

    lmao! you're an IDIOT! You answered you own question.

    Was it, being investigated that ruined his career or was it the results of the investigation that ruined his career?


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