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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is Mayor Barrie Tilghman A Terrorist?

While comments come flying in here about every 10 seconds, one of them stated that because Mayor Tilghman runs around the Council Room with pad and paper writing down the names of individuals attending the meeting, perhaps she's a Terrorist?

Certainly she attempts to intimidate people by doing so and some have claimed they have been retaliated against them from the City after they have made comments, the next thing they knew they were written up for certain violations on their home.

However, a Terrorist? That might be taking it a bit too far. I guess you'd have to look at the law to be sure but I'd say it's more out of line than anything else. Look, name calling can be damaging. You probably won't get good results for making such suggestions. However, IF you want to get results and you want to come off responsible, talk to your neighbors and see if they're a registered voter!

Offer to drive them to the Polls on election day. If YOU want to make a difference in Salisbury, screw the recall petitions. Start encouraging everyone you know, including renters to register NOW and get out there and vote. It's YOUR City, do something about it. Quit waiting for Salisbury News to expose everything and then wait till after the elections once again to hope it will change.

Duvall has called me a Terrorist as well as the other Anti Albero Blogs. It doesn't bother me one bit. If it doesn't bother me, it's not going to bother Barrie Tilghman. Get out and register and then get out to vote. I'm warning you now Folks. If YOU don't do this, Salisbury News WILL close its doors for good after the election.


  1. O thank heaven. There is a God!

  2. The mayor taking names.
    State police spying on people.
    police taking blood samples in texas for alcohol.
    No official held accountable for anything.
    As we know i could go on for a long time.
    But in the end, sounds like a police state to me.

  3. How about my calling you a Gay Terrorist? Getting mad now? See you at bike week. PUNK.

  4. i absolutly think the mayor has been terrible for everything in salisbury, how-ever terrorism in my opinion involves acts of violence to instill fear. i do not believe she has used violence to achieve her mis-guided goals. she has used just about every other form of intimidation one can think of. is this terrorism? seems to me to resemble mafia tactics more then terror tatics. regaurdless it is in my opinion not the way an elected public official should be doing buisness. move on sister, and let the soon to be mayor change offices,(get em mike).

  5. Mike Lewis cannot run for mayor. He lives in the county.

    The mayor has to be a city resident.

  6. well we gonna have to find a way to deal with that. im gonna have to do some research and find out the details of that. where theres a will theres a way...

  7. Please do not compare Barrie Tilghman to the mafia. The mafia is an organization to be respected by comparison, Barrie earns nor does she deserve respect. You know what to expect from the mafia, you know Barrie Tilghman will lie. If the mafia says something is going to be done, you can take it to the bank. If Barrie says it, don't hold your breath.

  8. is that the italian coming out of you, i think so!!!

  9. gonna see you bike week roflmao chump probably don't even have a bike, another biker wannabe. don't get your colon stretched

  10. Awe, is wittle PJ, (penis jelly) a wittle upset his wife was in the news. What a tough guy, (pussy) hiding behind anonymous. I guess I'll never see the punch coming, right PJ? Need a whole Gang of Bikers to get me too, eh you pussy?

  11. Oh, by the way. I don't just have one Bike, I have two.


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