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Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Cloud Over PAC-14? – Part I

One item on Monday’s Salisbury City Council agenda is Resolution No. 1673 - “authorizing mayor to sign a joint letter with Wicomico County requesting that Comcast provide support to PAC14 for the acquisition of capital facilities and equipment”. Sounds pretty innocuous, doesn’t it? It probably would be EXCEPT:

  • the proposal is riddled with excessive spending,
  • there would be a de facto tax on the cable subscribers of Salisbury and Wicomico County,
  • there is a disturbing veil of secrecy, AND …
  • the Salisbury city government (and possibly the Wicomico County government) are trying to sweep this proposal through before all of the facts are known,
Do you want a higher cable bill? Are you concerned with who will be controlling PAC-14 - your only source of unfiltered coverage of Salisbury and Wicomico government? If so, read on....

Read Part II here ...


  1. GA:


  2. I betcha that Barrie wants to control PAC 14--right????????

  3. Here’s what bothers me, Wicomico County receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from Comcast. I am a resident in Wicomico County and the cable does not come near my house so that I could have high speed internet. Can’t get DSL either. I pay the same taxes to Wicomico County as those who have access to the cable system.

    Shouldn’t my taxes be lower since I don’t benefit from the Comcast / Wicomico deal?

  4. That dark cloud over PAC 14 is their choice of partners...Barrie Tilghman, Louise Smith and John Pick. They've already raped and destroyed a city. Keep their hands out of this.

  5. Anon at 9:08 - BINGO

    They are also revising the Board to include Barrie Tilghman and othe political types, Rumor is that she will get a job there when her tenure as mayor ends next year.

  6. She should get a jail cell at MCI-W for the willful destruction of the city. Get a job, yeah that's a good one. That woman wouldn't know a hard days work if it jumped up and slapped her in her flabby ass.


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