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Monday, June 23, 2008

Major Breaking News! FOP Wins Local Case Against Town Of Delmar

The Wicomico County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #111 is pleased to announce that a decision has been reached by the Honorable Wicomico County Judge Donald C. Davis in reference to the case; Delmar Police Department (Wade Alexander and Rich Lueders) Wicomico County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #111 vs. Delmar Mayor and Commissioners, Case# C07.1624.

On September 21, 2007 a referendum petition containing twenty percent of registered voters signatures was submitted to the Town of Delmar Mayor and Commissioners proposing a charter amendment authorizing the Delmar Police Department employees to have collective bargaining with binding arbitration. On October 29, 2007 the Mayor and Commissioners rejected the proposed charter amendment and decided not to submit the matter to the voters of the Town. As a result a Writ of Mandamus was filed on November 27, 2007 asking the Court to review the matter. A trial was held on June 5, 2008 and an Opinion and Order was issued by Judge Davis on June 17, 2008.

In the opinion and Order the court ordered that the Town of Delmar, at the Town's next legislative session, to pass a resolution requiring that a referendum be placed on the ballot at the next general election. The referendum being placed on the ballot puts for the issue of collective bargaining with binding arbitration for Delmar Police Officers, to the voters of Delmar, Maryland.


  1. I don't have anything against the DPD having FOP representing them. But along with that, I would also expect the level of policing to be held to the same scrutiny as the major police departments for which they want to be compared. This means they are always on duty regardless of shift, when someone is out, the others cover his investigation, etc. No more "Officer such-n-such is on vacation, call back in a week!"

  2. when is the FOP gonna help SPD??? Lots of money being paid in by these officers, yet they are not standing behind them!

  3. Are they allowed to carry guns now?

  4. RICHARD !! What planet are you from; DELMAR? There is no PD that does that. I'd like to see you on vacation with your family, leave, and go to your work and answer a question. So cops don't get vacation or days off? You should have used your nick name for your first name with that post. Thanks however, people need to see just what the police have to deal with in residents and politics. You sound like a Delmar council person.


    I guess it’s good they won the court battle. I don’t think the town should change anything though. Delmar has always been “a stepping stone” for police officers. I don’t think there is any thing wrong with spending DELMAR tax dollars training and equipping these guys, they work under contract for two years, then leave to go to better paying police agencies. It has always been done that way. I don’t know what the benefit would be retaining the officer. Why would you want a cop that knows the people in the community? I understand they go through over a year of training, have to pass a back ground investigation, and psychological exam to be cop. I know the average person wouldn’t qualify; but why worry about that. It seems the City of Salisbury has done a fine job with the same policy and out look with their police. They have had the same amount of cops for 10 years. Yeah, so they have several murders through out every year. That’s just city life. Delmar could use the same publicity as it grows to put it on the national map. Why should the residents want to adopt an attractive salary and benefits to keep cops on the beat? They would end up giving me a ticket when I complained about everyone else speeding. I wouldn’t want it to be too peaceful in town. After all, who wants to live in a “Police State”?
    Delmar should sit back and watch Fruitland before doing anything. I hear Fruitland has twice the amount cops as Delmar and nearly the same population. They are giving raises to town employees to retain them. I’d wait and see if that works for Fruitland before doing anything. We have plenty of time; “our growth is being done steps.”

  6. Richard sounds like he had his change stolen from his or something minor. These officers need and do go on vacation, they east breakfast, lunch and dinner just like the rest of the population. But apparently you think they are like robots held in a locker until they are needed. If you think you can do a better job RICHARD than sign up, put the uniform on and live the expierience not just monday morning quarter backing. Oh yea, since when has DELMAR had a major crime? They do a great job with the problems they have and when something big happens the state or county step in and help. So stop you crying and go to your m-f 9-5 job.

  7. Since you asked, my wife and I had threats against our lives. The calls were recorded, the calls came while in both states. The Delmar police and the Delaware SP were called. One threat came while standing in the Delmar Police Station. Since the largest crime was commited in Delmar, MD, the two forces made the decision to have the Delaware SP arrest the man on the spot and lock him up in Delaware. This would give the Delmar PD time to get their warrant and arrest the person as soon as Delaware released him a week later. Well, the officer didnt' put everything on the application, the commissioner issued a summons, when we called the commissioner, he said have the officer reapply and the warrant would be issued. We called the Delmar Police Station and were told the officer was on vacation and we would have to wait a week. Now, you guys might think this is small change, but I'd love to see your reaction to the same circumstances. This person had non-extraditable warrants in two other states including assalting a police officer. AND to add to the insult, as we learned more about the system, there was a outstanding warrant for this person in Sommerset County that the DPD didn't find doing their background check.

    As for being on duty all the time, I have had several family members employed as both State Police officers and Secret Service. They always carried their weapons as they were always on duty and were told they were expected to act on any crime they witnessed.

    And 9:23, I'm from a place where we expect someone to do the job they signed on to do.

    As for 9:40, you're right, I shouldn't expect them to do the job 100%. Buses should drop us off 2 blocks short of our destination, doctors should operate but not close up afterwards. You're right, why on earth should I expect someone to do the job they signed on to do?

    I've never said I can do a better job, I just expect people to DO their job. AND you think that's asking too much!

  8. When has Delmar had a major crime? Well we won't know as residence because the police department will not publish them like Salisbury. But, since you asked. Our retired minister was beaten to death his own home, on the same street the Akron boy beat his wife with a hammer and left her for dead. Shall I go on? Delmar PD needs to start showing us the crime they are taking care of.


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