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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

We're At 80% Capacity, Right Ms. Truitt?

How many times over the years did we hear Dot Truitt get up in front of the Council on PAC 14 and ask about our water and sewer capacity and John Jacobs would get all ticked off and state we were always at a 80% capacity, even with all the new growth. Dot would say, how is that possible with so many new condos and buildings and homes going up? No matter what would happen, Mayor Tilghman and John Jacobs would assure us we're at 80%.

Well Dot, I'm sorry you missed last night's meeting because you would have got up out of your chair and smacked some people in the face for flat out LYING to you and the rest of us. That's right, I'm calling Mayor Tilghman and John Jacobs LIARS!

Last night it was announced that they're not only AT capacity, they're beyond capacity and they're not giving out the EDU's they assured and promised Developers BEFORE they dumped millions upon millions of dollars to the North end of Salisbury. I don't care if there's 50 EDU's or a thousand, there's not enough, period and this Mayor and former Public Works Director lied to ALL of you and guess what, it's going to now cost the taxpayer BIG BUCKS to immediately get back to where the City should have been before they started LYING to everyone years ago.

It's no wonder John Jacobs is gone. This Mayor systematically has terminated and or let's say, lost several key employees at the most convenient time. Accountants, Police Chief's, Public Works Director, Zoo Director, it just goes on and on. She screws up and then goes, whoops, it's not my fault. BS!

Mr. Comegys stated that they needed to be on the "fast track" with this one and suggested another "design build" just like the Fire Station. The Public Works Director Jim Caldwell flat out told the Council that a design build wasn't necessary because they're going to do this as fast as humanly possible anyway. At first it was 2 years, now they're talking about having the upgrade done by the end of this year, if possible. However, the City is willing to spend whatever it takes to get it done faster. Not that anything will be built that fast, they're just too stupid to realize that.

It will cost $1,280,000.00 to build the new Lift Station they need but get this Ladies & Gentlemen. The Lift Station that is being used right now has two pumps in it. The second pump is what they call a secondary pump, only to be used if the first one fails. That's NOT the case here and hasn't been for years. You see, that second pump has been pumping away to help the first pump because any time there's any sort of heavy rain, that secondary pump goes into action and that's called being OVER CAPACITY! So Ms. Truitt, the City is at about 20% over capacity, they're just LYING to you and the rest of us.

Although Developers are ticked off that they only received notice of this late last week, it's not as bad as one would be lead to believe for them. What's bad is anyone upgrading their current facilities on the North end. Upgrades could mean more EDU's and that could quickly and easily take up what's left.

That brings me to this next statement. How is it they're over capacity and they still have EDU's available? More smoke and mirrors? This Mayor need to be thrown out of Office on her rear end and it's a shame the Recall never came through. I sent a letter to the Mayor years ago that she went public with. What say you now Mayor Tilghman? I believe I was 100% accurate.


  1. Not to worry, with an economy like this there will be plenty of empty buildings on the north side soon enough.


  3. Is the City going to be fined for their over capacity? As for EDUs, the City is supposed to have a certain number of EDUs reserved for infill at any given time. That means, any existing properties within the City limits that are hooked to the system, but are not using it (houses sitting empty, old city lots with services not being used), they still have to count it as being used, so if the owner decides to start using it, they can. So the City could be over capacity but because of a number of properties, empty houses and factories not in use, they still have enough EDUs actually in use.

  4. Start flooding MDE (Virginia Kearney, David Pushkar, Shari Miller, etc., etc.) with emails on this immediately.

    This capacity mess is yet another example of Barrie's method of keeping bad news hidden and then laying it out there for crisis management. I'm so tired of her ineptness.

  5. They just approved a 5 year CIP -- was this even in it???



  7. better get in line for law suits against the city

  8. I bet you Caldwell don't last long I'm not knocking the man he took a job that was already under water. Good luck Mr. Caldwell I feel for you

  9. Yesterday's work session was revealing -- how about giving us the story on the auditor contract fiasco.

  10. Good reporting, Joe. Sharp and To the point without the extraneous stuff. I will be damn glad when the mayor gets her due-as well as the other 3 on the council today as well as the previous council members in cahoots with her who have helped flush this city right down the toilet and into the river.
    Issues like this and so many others that have not come to the light hopefully will get the status quo outta here. I guess it will be the cumulative effect. But trust me-keep nipping at the heels-it will all come out in the end. I can't wait.

  11. Look at Mrs. Cathcart just sitting there like nothing ever happened. You were part to blame Mrs. Cathcart. At least we can say we're glad to see you gone.

  12. Sure does sound worse than I thought things were here, but tell me please, What's an EDU? It is certainly time that all of this has surfaced now, so people know what needs to be done come next April!

    A. Goetz

  13. More corruption.
    What a surprise.

  14. EDU = effluent discharge unit, it's a unit of measurement used for water and sewer capacity.

  15. 10:26 a.m., you were reading my mind about Cathcart...

    And the irony is, there she sits, the developer/landlord puppet (first the pic with the landlords, now one with the developers), and her votes to support the developers over the citizens may now screw both.

    Good going, your Puppetship.

  16. Want to bet that Barrie and her cronies figure that the 6 foot diameter "storm water" pipes are the answer to the sewage problems? Wake up people, now that Ray Lewis can't get rid of the sewage they will be piping it into the river through the storm water runoff.


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