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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Question of the Day, Wed 5/7

While in school, did you suspect a teacher and student of having an inappropriate relationship?

Seems like Dana Goodman, the principal of Sussex Central High School, is in major trouble. Headlines today express that school administration was totally shocked and angered by the allegations regarding Mr. Goodman.

Going back to my Question of the Day a few days ago: How did the parents NOT know what was going on? She had Mr. Goodman texting her, even while she was being questioned by police!!!

Unfortunately, similiar headlines are seen almost everyday across the nation.

Did you have a teacher that gave you an inappropriate vibe? Did you know/suspect an inappropriate relationship between a teacher and student?


  1. Absolutely Not !! Back in the sixties and early seventies this type of conduct was unheard of, There were a few female teachers in High School I found very attractive, but the term RESPECT ruled out any inappropriate behavior.

  2. Year 1986 1987 Local School. Two teachers were dating seniors. One got maried they now have a few kids. Her parents knew about it and they were ok with it. He still is a teacher. If the Principal was not her teacher or principal then it would not be illegal. Just makes you go hmmmm

  3. There were rumors for years about one particular teacher. He even made comments to my sister about her body and my mom's figure. My sister was best friends with his daughter. It really creeped her out. He has since served jail time for a relationship with a student. He denied it, but there is no doubt in my mind that it was true. The rumors went on for more than a decade. That doesn't happen if you're acting appropriately around students.

  4. Anonymous 7:53 the same thing happened in my school only it was the mid 70s. Two teachers even fought over the student they both were dateing. Eveyone knew and nothing was done about it.

  5. If I was in high school and doing a hottie teacher, I would have been smart enough to keep my mouth shut about it until I graduated!

  6. All my teachers came from the nunnery. Convent for you non catholics.

  7. Careful about that one! I don't believe she said it had to be a relationship between a man and a woman.

  8. In the mid 1970s--student and teacher dated, eventually got married and are still together.

  9. Be carefull what you post here. This type of question seems to be something that would spread rumor and gossip. I would suggest not posting here and if you do have a complaint against a teacher, contact the authorities instead. Teachers are people who we trust with our kids durring a delicate time of their lives.

    This type of thing is a way to ruin a person's career. Last I checked, you are inocent until proven guilty in this country. And this type of question is a very serious one.

  10. hey, an anonymous place to bash on a teacher if I dont like them? Thanks for giving me this opportunity to post gossip and potentially ruin someone's life.

  11. There's a former teacher in the county who I watched with a room full of others free basing cocaine in '82 and several of them were current and former male & female students. Not a rumor I could name people no rumors here!

  12. It's no secret to students or administration when I was in high school that a teacher was dating a student. The parents even approved.

    Even if the patents approved the board of ED should have stepped in and told the teacher it was inappropriate, if he wanted to continue the relationship he would have had to find another job.

  13. (Not around here)In the late 60's when I was in middle school, we all suspected that something was going on with a girl our age and the shop teacher. He later left his wife and after high school he and the girl got married. What the adults knew, I don't know...I went to another high school but do know they married.

  14. ANON 8:48,
    This is a blog. There are no names here. People have things to say and share. These people are not stupid to drop hints as to the school or even county.

    This information actually helps parents without naming any names. If you feel you have read something that has offended you, please take Joe's advice and go to a "real" news site like delmarvanow.com. If you get offended by something like this, I sure hope you don't read others posts on this blog.

  15. I went to school in Hollywood CA, and was a member of the ski club. We took a trip to Lake Tahoe with two teacher chaperones on a private bus. We had a keg of beer in the kitchen of the bus & everyone was smoking pot including the teachers. Somehow our reservations were lost at the hotel we were going to stay at and we ended up at another. Girls and Guys stayed in rooms together, and we stayed two extra days.
    I remember coming home and my mother was furious she had waited at the school with other parents waiting to pick up their kids. This was way before cell phones. No body knew where we were, and the teachers never got in trouble, as the school was closed and there wasn't anyone to call. The powder was fresh and we wanted to ski.
    Can you imagine if that happened today? There would be a manhunt, and the teachers would be crucified! When my kid wanted to go on a trip with her school all I could think about was that ski trip back in 1979, and I said yes.

  16. It goes on everywhere and always has-at my high school a teacher married a senior after the year was over-Another homosexual teacher had their "pet"
    what aggravates me is that while Dana should have thought with his big head and not the little one,no one is saying dick about the girl involved and her fault in this.Im sorry but he didnt "rape" her that many times.Have you seen the skanky clothes these girls wear now and how they act?Hes a big dummy and he is losing his home,family and career over a piece of ...well you know.What happens to the girl?

  17. THANK YOU 10:27
    That's what I was trying to get at too! This girl had a cell phone. Why was the parents not asking questions? Where was this sex happening? In school?

  18. Joe, you are to funny but your comment is quite true.

    Back in the dark ages when I went to school the only thing the nuns took an interest in was educating you and busting you in the head with an eraser for not paying attention. I swear some of those nuns missed their calling, they could have been professional ball players with the accuracy they could whip an eraser across the room. It didn't happen often but when it did, you knew if you were the target. I've never seen one miss. Of course this was as I said, back in the dark ages when discipline was doled out at home and in school.

    Now were the nuns playing around with the parish priests? Only them and God knows that answer. There was no such thing as sex education in schools or at home before a certain age. Dark ages, when life was good, pure and simple.

  19. This type of thing did happen in the sixties. I was one that kept getting hit on my male teachers. I was smart enough and not interested in some old man. We called them dirty old men back then. Everybody knew what was going on with these teachers and students but nobody did anything. There were even rumors about the principal himself. It was a differant time back then. Women that were raped were made to be horrible people back then. A lot of girls didnt come forward bacause of the consequences. Today there is No tolerance for it but back then nobody did anything so it was all brushed under the rug. There was one teacher that graded you according to his being able to feel you up. Needless to say i didnt do well in his class. This type of thing has gone on for years but the differance is is that today we are award and dont accept it.

  20. Under no circumstances should it be okay for a teacher or administrator to have a physical relationship with a student while they're a student. After graduation and their 18th birthday they're adults and can do as they please, no matter how stupid. An adult that has a thing for children is a creep. And, if they go after one they'll go after another, or have gone after another. I'm anxious to hear how many others come forward that this Dana guy messed around with before. And, they WILL come forward.

  21. Highschool softball coach married one of his players--she had to drop out of school because she got pregnant. Total scandal, but nothing happened to the guy, except he wasn't allowed to coach anymore!

  22. I agree with the folks that ask "what happens to the girl?" It said that she consented in the relationship with her principal she is 17 years old so unless she has lived under a rock for those 17 years she knew better than what she was doing and so did he. But the truth is girls are dressing to get this kind of attention, I graduated high school in 2002 and saw what some girls wore and if I had been a guy (teacher or student) I would have been looking and thinking bad thoughts, they are looking for the attention but yet where are the parents and did they know their kids were going to school dressed like street walkers? Girls nowadays don't look anywhere near their age I am not taking up for anyone but when it is flaunted in front of them.

  23. It is a fact that Mr. Underwood spent time in prison for raping several girls at WI HI back in the late 70's. Only problem is...it happened to others and they never came forward.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Be carefull what you post here. This type of question seems to be something that would spread rumor and gossip. I would suggest not posting here and if you do have a complaint against a teacher, contact the authorities instead. Teachers are people who we trust with our kids durring a delicate time of their lives.

    This type of thing is a way to ruin a person's career. Last I checked, you are inocent until proven guilty in this country. And this type of question is a very serious one.

    8:48 AM

    Hey teacher, what have you got to hide??

  25. Anonymous said...
    It goes on everywhere and always has-at my high school a teacher married a senior after the year was over-Another homosexual teacher had their "pet"
    what aggravates me is that while Dana should have thought with his big head and not the little one,no one is saying dick about the girl involved and her fault in this.Im sorry but he didnt "rape" her that many times.Have you seen the skanky clothes these girls wear now and how they act?Hes a big dummy and he is losing his home,family and career over a piece of ...well you know.What happens to the girl?

    10:27 AM

    She was nothing but white trash anyway.


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