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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Question of the Day, Sat 5/17

Have you written your own obituary?

My husband's aunt/Mother is very close to my family. She has been my husband's "mother" for at least the past 12 years. She is approaching 71 years old. She's a vibrant, active, fun, outgoing wonderful woman. We hardly ever catch her at home because she's always out. In the past few years, since she's became a widow with no living children, she has been much closer to our family. Last week, she also told me that she's about done with her obituary and will give it to me when it's done. I was speechless! I had never heard of someone writing their own obituary. She explained that she did this because we don't know the whole extended family, so we wouldn't know what to write. I feel really weirded out by this. Is this a practice that older people do?


  1. I have no problem with the lady doing that.Makes good sense.

  2. I am glad that my parents have chosen to write thier own obits. this way I won't leave anything out when the time comes. An obituary is basically a resume of life accomplishments, and who better to write it than the one who has lived that life?

  3. I think this is great. What better way for people to know who you were, who loved you, what you accomplished? Don't get creeped out, death is just the next step along the way.

  4. I plan to write my own obituary and give a copy to each of my adult children. I am a widower, so who else is going to supply the correct information? I want to be sure that my employment information and memberships are accurate.

  5. I'm sure she knows more about her
    family than others. I think everyone she write a will
    also .

  6. Most people read an obituary and they may say , Oh my! , and then
    they forget. That's life!!

  7. My mother has not written hers per se but has spelled out what she wants in it and certain accomplishments she has made. She has also written down all her investments/cds/stocks/etc so that when the time comes all that info is in 1 place. I need to do that it sure makes sense.

  8. My father wrote his own obit but did not give it to anyone. His death was sudden and unexpected. I think he probably was going to give it to one of his children were he to become ill. We found it days after his obit that we wrote was published. Thankfully, what we came up with, with the help of the morturary, was close to what he had written. I think that planning what you want published after your death is a good idea. Death is just an inevidible part of life and should be planned for as you plan any other portion of your life.

  9. Not only is this a great idea, but something that I do is if I have a memory come to mind about something that one of my kids did, I write it down. I write how old they are, the circumstances surrounding the event and how much I loved them at that moment in time.
    I have lots of little memories written for them, as after I'm gone they need to know how much all the little things meant.

  10. This is a common practice at most funeral homes. When you pre-arrange your funeral you can either write your own obit or you can use a general template that the funeral home has. Who better to give a description of your life than YOU!

  11. I have not written one as of yet, but maybe I should.If I should die before I get around to it, my next of kin is aware of one stipulation.Absolutely,positively and under no circumstances will there be any mention of a pet(deceased or living)in my obituary.


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