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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Motorcycle Accident On Rt. 13

I was told earlier today that there was a motorcycle accident on Rt. 13 near WBOC in which the motorcycle allegedly struck a van. Sadly, the gentleman from Deale Island was being followed by his girlfriend in the vehicle behind him. I'm told he was wearing one of those skimpy helmets that doesn't do much good in accidents and he was thrown some 20 to 30 feet off the road. The most recent news as that a Priest was brought into the Hospital to give him his last rights. It's a sad situation. I always wore a full face helmet.


  1. I still believe in the right to wear a helmet or not after the age of 18. I have scene full face helmets save and at the same time I have scene them explode with the head.

  2. Maryland law requires a D.O.T. approved helmet. The police have not been enforcing this law for
    a long time.Until some tickets are issued these guys will wear those
    ten cent helmets.The head protection must state D.O.T.

  3. anonymous 7:12 - get your head out of your ass - you're clueless!Why don't you comment on something you are informed about because it's obviously not Motorcycles and Helmets.

    Here's an idea - how about requiring everyone in a boat to wear a life jacket - better yet, how about requiring everyone within one hundred ft of a body of water to wear one. Include swimming pools. Sound funny - well we'll see how funny you think it is when it happens. Let them continue to take your individual rights away - you're most likely a Draft Dodger like the Bastards passing these laws and can't relate.

    Idiot - it isn't the safety associated with wearing a helmet that people are opposed to - it's the law requiring you to that sucks!

  4. OK, it's time for me to chime in.

    Some IDIOTS who ride motorcycles without the proper equipment such as a helmet deserve to live in Delaware where there's no helmet law. Then when you fall and become an instant Dee, Dee, Deeee, it's your problem.

    In the mean time when you live in a State that requires it, remember the expense YOU cost the Taxpayers because your stupid ass refused to wear the proper equipment and the Hospital bills go to the State because your ass couldn't afford the proper insurance.

    Then everyone is stuck keeping your stupid ass alive because YOU chose to be stupid.

    They make seatbelts in cars to save lives. The least you could do is wear a helmet, (I always did when I rode) so if you can't feed yourself because you can't use your arms and legs, at least you'll be able to speak and be worth something.

    Again, this is my opinion and there's only ONE a$$hole named PJ that I know who's so stupid he's still fighting a losing battle to make Maryland a helmet free state. He's not too smart to start with and loves to walk around in Harley outfits like he's some kind of tough guy but the first time I confronted that pussy he ran like a little girl. You all may remember the Idiot who was giving me the finger last year, AT A DISTANCE?

    Anyhow, wear the helmets and shut up, it's the law in Maryland. If you don't like the law, MOVE!

    By the way, his wife is a sweetheart.

  5. the "priest" was not giving last rights. It is standard practice at PRMC for a clergy staff member visit with the family. The pt was stabilized and later flown to Shock Trauma in Baltimore. Please pray for him and his family. His injuries are, to say the least, serious.

  6. FYI..

    Back on the topic at hand. the person that was in this accident was wearing a DOT approved helmet, not some super thin thing like has been suggested. however, while it wasnt a full face helmet, it was a fairly thick one. there are pictures on the fire in the hole website that clearly show the helmet.

  7. I'm glad to hear he was wearing a thick, (hopefully DOT) helmet. I feel so bad for the girlfriend following behind in the car! That has to be the absolute worst position I could ever think of.

  8. yea joe ,i have seen that p.j. loser around many bike functions for years. he used to ride a ole triumph chopper and rented a roach coach apt in parsonsburg.now he walks around talkin all that abate bullshit and dressing like he is sonny barger and if i had a head like his i would wear a full face helmet 24/7

  9. anonymous 9:38 pm.
    The Maryland law requires a D.O.T. helmet. What about that statement don't you understand ?
    Maybe your a want-to-be hells angel
    or a pagan , you idiot.

  10. Two things. I agree with the helmet law, but technically it is not enforceable. The maryland law says the helmet must be dot approved, however there is not list of DOT approved helmets or any reference in the Maryland Transportation Article. Second the law simply states that it must be worn. It does not say that it has to be worn on the head. This was proved in a District Court case several years ago when a biker was wearing his helmet on his arm. He was written a citation and he was found not guilty in the Worcester Cty District Court in OC. I do agree with the law, but it needs to be re-written.

  11. Look, if you're that stupid to wear it on your arm and have all that spare time to go to court, go for it. Sounds like a wives tail story to me anyway, but if it makes you feel better expressing it, so be it.

    Would you let a frirend drive drunk? If not, make sure the ones you care about are properly protected. If not, who actually gives a sh!t about the law at that point? You sound like the type that is willing to break the law anyway. So break it.

  12. This article has gotten somewhat off topic. One thing that is overlooked in this situation is the fact that the motorcycle rider was wearing the helmet and did nothing wrong. What is overlooked here and should be discussed entirely is the fact that this stupid woman was in a hurry and not looking out for the motorcyclist. These people are just as dangerous as drunk drivers and idiots talking on cell phones while driving. With the cost of fuel skyrocketing you will see more people riding motorcycles, scooters and bicycles. When these aggressive drivers are in a hurry they cut motorcycles off all the time and many times they are seriously injured or killed. A low speed crash for cars is just a fender bender and a low speed crash for a motorcycle is a fatality. For goodness sakes please be cognizant of others on the road especially motorcyclists.

  13. Joe,

    As much as I enjoy reading your comments, not all comments made by readers are "wives tales." The story about the person going to court and challenging the "helmet law" of this fine state of Maryland is true. The defendant did present a case of symantics which detailed the law requiring motorcycle operators to wear a helmet while operating a motorcycle in the State of Maryland. It does not specify "where" to wear the helmet.

    As far as DOT standards go, I agree many helmets do not meet the standards set forth by such government entity. Many of these helmets are bare minimum to cover the top part of your head. As much as I believe you should have the freedom to make a decision what helmet to wear, many of the so called non-DOT standard helmets don't meet the required protection for safety.

    Law Enforcement is at the disadvantage when it comes to enforcing the NON-DOT helmets. There are hundreds of reasons why police can not enforce this law, but primarily it is because there is no real way to enforce it. Stopping a motorcycle for a helmet violation based on not knowing if the helmet is indeed DOT inspected would be to taxing and frankly not worth making the stop for. There are many reasons why this enforcement wouldn't make a difference. The law requiring a DOT helmet holds no points on your driving record, so it doesn't affect your insurance. Get stopped, get inspected, sign the citation, pay the fine, keep on riding. If it doesn't hit you in the wallet, it won't make a difference on the street.

    So here is what I feel it comes down to; Choices....We make a choice to buy a sub-par helmet, we make the choice to risk having an accident and injuring your head. We make a choice to speed down the road, we make the choice to sign the ticket for the speeding. We make a choice to not make our house payment, we make the choice to loose our house to foreclosure. We make the choice to read this website, we make the choice to leave a comment....

    You make the choice.....

    PS I hope the family whose loved one was indeed involved in the Rte. 13 MVA receives the prayers needed for him. Shock Trama is a great and resourceful place who will take great care in him. May God Bless you and your loved ones.

  14. Helmets, by law, are supposed to have the DOT sticker on it. If it does not, that gives the Officer the right to inspect the helmet. If it does not have the sticker, the ticket can be written.

    My main point here is, if you're that dumb to go so far as to wear a helmet and it not be DOT rated, so be it. Just remember all the people that will have to take care of you for the rest of your life for being that stupid.

    My friends used to look at me in that unusual look because I ride a Harley Road King with a full face helmet. Many of them rode with those stupid Nazzi Helmets. One thing I felt confident in was that if I had an accident my Family and I had a better chance that we would at least be able to speak.

    As for the rider in the accident yesterday and some of the comments discussing this going off topic, I can't see a better time than now to bring it up. Yes, it is sad that it's being done after this accident yesterday but it must be brought out and it must be discussed.

    I happen to know that many Law Enforcement Officers ride bikes. Perhaps they should start pulling more bikers over and check for the DOT sticker more often?

  15. I probably wouldn't be here today without a full coverage helmet, I wouldn't get on one now without one for sure.

  16. My sister had on a helmet when she was hit riding on the back of a motorcycle, by a teenage driver with no insurance. She was diabled for life with a crushed pelvis. The motorcycle people helped her more than any other organization I seen. Her accident was a case of reculess driving, but so many are not. Because of their small size they just seem to appear. My prayers are with the young man that was struck, and also the driver that hit him. I'm sure she didn't intend to strick him. But all drivers need to take a look at this accident and calm down on the road, and do keep an extra eye out for bikes, especially with spring here and summer right around the corner.

  17. Anonymous @ 8:33 am:
    Thank you for seeing the important part of the story. Everyone, please look out for motorcycles!

  18. Helmet laws were enacted to prevent the very thing Joe speaks of.If you choose to ride sans helemt and crack your skull like an egg,guess who ends up paying for your helicopter ride to Shock Trauma,along with your medical costs?Taxpayers.

  19. I just got word that the motorcycle driver has passed at Shock Trauma. Lets see how the police and the prosecutor handle this one.

  20. Let us pray for the motorcyclist, the driver of the van and their families.

    This was a tragic ACCIDENT. It tragic for all involved, especially Mr. Collick and his family.

    I know the driver of the van she is a good God-fearing woman who would give a stranger her last. If it were possible to avoid hitting Mr. Collick, I KNOW for SURE she would not have - that is why it is called an accident.

    If all that comes from this accident is negativity and blame then all the tragedy is in vain. Maybe a better use for all those with such strong negative input would be to channel that energy into action to do things that would help bring about changes that contribute to increased motorist safety.

    This is a tragedy and time for compassion not hatred.

  21. Not just Motorcycles

    Yes Joe I use to have a bike I am a lady just to let everyone know . I wore all the right clothes and helmet . Down to the cloves and right shoes . Look at some of the riders today . Not just wearing the right helmet they are wearing shorts flip flops . Good God see what they would look like if they where in a accident .
    Now all about that lets also talk about speed . Wake up people the way gas is going to the moon . Slow down ...... The more you go fast ...the more you eat up the gas you just put in your car , truck..what ever . The police need to get hard on the speeding its getting so bad . Good god I work all night till 6:00 am . Going home from Ocean City I all but get push off the road they are right on top of me . I am doing 60 . Thats all I have to say slow down everyone and we will all be safe . and guess what are gas will last a little bit longer .
    I am so sorry to hear about the motorcycle accident . My prayers are with the family and friends ( His Girlfriend .

    God bless

  22. Anonymous said...
    Not just Motorcycles

    Good god I work all night till 6:00am . Going home from Ocean City I all but get push off the road they are right on top of me . I am doing 60 .

    7:43 AM

    Well stay the hell out of the passing lane!! Slower moving traffic is required to move to the slow lane. Pay attention, look in your rear view mirror and then get out of their way, plain and simple. You people are just as dangerous as the aggressive drivers by planting your lazy butt in the passing lane like a permanent fixture. If you are indicating that you are "tired" at 6:00 am then you need to stay off the road. By the way this article is about motorcycles not your gripe about drivers trying to get around you.

  23. Anonymous 12:32 who said she was in the passing lane? Boy you sound like a total jerk, jumping on someones case who is suggesting slowing down. When someone is tired at 6am AFTER GETTING OFF WORK that doesn't warrant staying of the road, just be careful (hmmm not speeding is a good example). Ane the responses here are talking about safety as well as the accident which is why Speed was brought up.

  24. This is John Collick ,, i was in the motorcycle crash on may 6 2008 . I am ok now . Ive been reading your comments ,but ifhese people rode motorcycle then they would know how it is out on the roads . I will NEVER FORGIVE the person that hit me . I am a rider .

  25. I will be ok . I had my whole bottom half og my body broken . Now im good . Can't stop me ,, I am here to stay .


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