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Friday, May 16, 2008

I Just Couldn't Resist, Can You Blame Me For Posting This?

"im 20, ive lost my licance once due to demerits on my rechord, allmost lost it a second time all befor the age of 18. now im 20 in a profession and cant get a job because in my profession many companies require you to drive a work vehical. i guess its time to start looking for a new profession......
Thank you society"


  1. You might consider taking this time to return to school to further your education. Don't blame society for your woes. Society didn't do it, you did.

  2. And spell check

  3. yes go back and complete 6th grade spelling, thats our future....

  4. Thank you, society?

    You're a screw up, a danger on the road and it's society's fault?

    Here, have a clue. I have two. I'll share.

  5. What do you say to that?

    The world needs ditch diggers too.

  6. You can get back on track, but you shouldn't expect a free pass. Pay back for your mistakes and move forward. Choose a career that will allow you to leave the world a better place. You will feel good about the direction you're now taking and you'll look back on this in a few years and see that it changed your life in a good way.

  7. The spelling is so bad on that one, I can hardly believe it's for real.

  8. Thats scary!How do they graduate high school with that?

  9. Yes probably a high school graduate. This is what our public school system is putting out now. A bunch of illiterate adults that do not know how to be responsible
    for their actions. And you wonder why there is an increase in christian schools and private schools. Yeah and all the politicians want to do is throw money at it. Well guess what "it ain't working". I am just a high school graduate myself. But I learned reading, writing and arithmetic. My math skills are better than most college graduates.
    Also I can spell better than most.
    I see it everyday in society. These
    kids can't even figure out how much change you get on a purchase unless the cash register tells them. Several times a day I get the wrong amount of change and have to tell them. Hey you gave me
    to much money back. Oh well what is our world coming to, this is our future leaders. Scary isn't it.

  10. It's very disturbing but this seems to be an emerging majority in our society. They can't spell or write but they are "entitled" anyway. The "Government" (our tax dollars) should provide them a good living even if they don't want to do for themselves or pitch in to help society.

  11. That's why my child attends private school.

  12. This is all a joke in someone's mind. Read it again. There's no way this was written in illiteracy. It was carefully worded to seem so. Someone has a lot of spare time to waste.

  13. Someone who has a profession and doesn't know to capitalize the word "i" is not to be believed. Grand dad is right to doubt this post is authentic.

  14. Weak, very weak attempt. I do know some high school graduates who posses this type of command of the english language but they don't know how to turn on a computer just a game boy.

  15. watch out it may have been yo nex mare. i agree with grand dad a bored and demented person

  16. I see some of the typical self-righteous responses that I’ve come to expect, albeit this is most likely a fake post. To the poster complaining about “the politicians that want to throw money at it” actually has it incorrect (which by the way, apparently your private education did not teach you the proper use of “too” & “to”), because there are not enough funds to support the public education system. The current administration has steadily been taking opportunities to move us toward a privatized system of education, and at the same time continues to divert funds toward other departments, such as Homeland Security (which by the way is entirely privatized). The point is, there are many people who cannot afford basic living expenses, let alone sending their kids to a private school. Yes, I’m hoping to provide my children with something better than the public system can offer, but one shouldn’t simply generalize the problem with some of the ignorant, uninformed posts that I’m reading here.

  17. Whatr did ya gra y ate from that there sixes gread. And these people have a degree.
    I wonder why our countr is so F--- Up!

  18. For you're information, I do have a very good educatian. In fact i am a teacher in the local school system. I was a little careless with my spelling in that note So WHAT. I did'nt know it was a test!

    If you're presious societie wants me to continue teaching you're brats they should realise that i was young when i was'nt a good driver and give me back my liscanse
    and insurance I can afford.

  19. "Thank you society" No, thank yourself. You are the one that created this mess you are in. Go back to school, learn to spell or at least use spell check on the computer as well as punctuation and grammar. Take responsibility for your actions and make something of yourself. No one assigned points to your license because they didn't like the way you looked and companies that require a good driving record or a license to drive a company vehicle want people without a history of being irresponsible. I can't blame them, they have the financial and moral liablility when allowing someone to drive a company vehicle. Your track record does not hold promise for the future. You are still young, (read immature) else you would not be complaining and blaming society. Grow up, make something of your self, get an education or a trade, learn to write proper English. You may just be surprised where you can take yourself in life.

  20. i can't believe you all. This is'nt formal writing! It's very much instyle with younger people not to capitalize i in informal writing. you can here see that i spell fine when i know its a requirment of old fashioned minds. Hopefully i can teach you're kids to be smart like me and not be critical of those who don't write every note as if was trying to win a Noble Prize!

  21. To Anonymous 8:25, I quote: "Someone who has a profession and doesn't know to capitalize the word "i" is not to be believed. Grand dad is right to doubt this post is authentic.

    8:25 AM"

    I am of the "senior" generation and currently in college via the Internet. Most of my fellow students are under the age of 40. You would be surprised (maybe not, but I was) at the number of junior level college students who do not capitalize the "I" when referring to themselves and the many other mistakes in grammar and spelling even with a spell check capability on computers. I am not talking typo errors; I am speaking of actual mistakes. The majority spell the way they speak with dropped final consonants and just plain poor grammar. Even though I graduated high school nearly half a century ago my technical skills are as good as many of my fellow students and my composition skills are beyond their comprehension. This is where a lack of discipline, a lack of accepting responsibility, the fear of bruising a child's ego, Dr. Spock, and the laws that make physical punishment by parents or others in authority a crime, and the "no child left behind" has brought our younger generations. I, personally think this is a sad state of affairs!!! It is no wonder that America is losing the "technological advantage" in the world we live in.
    This post may not be authentic, but it is not necessarily unbelievable.

  22. Is it not a little self-righteous to call someone self-righteous when in fact the lack of brevity in your post seems to define the term itself. It does seem to be somewhat narrow minded and moralistic as well, but what do I know...I only received a G.E.D.

  23. Relax please. I think it's just a case of overzealous and pragmatic buffoonery.

  24. Anonymous 12:24
    You wrote: "Anonymous said...
    For you're information, I do have a very good educatian. In fact i am a teacher in the local school system. I was a little careless with my spelling in that note So WHAT. I did'nt know it was a test!

    If you're presious societie wants me to continue teaching you're brats they should realise that i was young when i was'nt a good driver and give me back my liscanse
    and insurance I can afford.

    12:24 PM"

    It is no wonder our kids can't spell or write good English or Grammar with teachers like you!! And this post is in response to one where someone called you out regarding your use of grammar??? I believe this post to be fraudulent.

  25. Just a matterr of note:
    The original letter states "in my profession" it does not say he is a professional. Being in a profession could mean being a nurses aid or a transporter in the medical profession or any manner of positions in a multitude of professions. Being "in a profession" does not mean he is a professional.

  26. There is a lot of posting and opinions here about nothing. The original poster is accomplishing exactly what he/she intended. And they are laughing that they have fooled so many people into believing the post was legitimate, which it was not.

  27. To ALL the Idiots who think I made this up, start eating your words!

    Subj: [Salisbury News] New comment on The Perfect Driving Record.
    Date: 5/16/2008 8:39:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time
    From: noreply
    To: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com

    anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Perfect Driving Record":

    im 20, ive lost my licance once due to demerits on my rechord, allmost lost it a second time all befor the age of 18. now im 20 in a profession and cant get a job because in my profession many companies require you to drive a work vehical. i guess its time to start looking for a new profession......
    Thank you society

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    Now shut up.

  28. Joe, I don't think anyone believes you made it up. Many believe the person who posted it to you made it up.


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