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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Breaking News: Riley Charles Clark & Zachery Nathan Krissoff Bond Out

Riley Charles Clark & Zachery Nathan Krissoff have been bonded out for $20,000.00 each!


  1. Hell it's a wonder they didn't get out on the own recognizance like Ray, where's their hair? Did somebody shave their asses and teach them to walk backwards?

  2. Well, so much for feeling better that these vandals (I have a stronger name for them) are off the street.

    I can't even begin to figure out how I'd feel if a huge board smashed through my window.

  3. Still zero, zip, nada in the dt? on the news? 4:00 pm saturday...

  4. Joe: PLEASE get their parents' home address so we can drive across the bridge and give them the same treatment that their kids just gave us -- it's called don't get mad, get even.

    And find out where they were living here so we know who their slumlords were.


    Vox Populi

  5. I'd like to say I would have been firing off rounds but the reality is at that hour of the morning I'd have dialed 911 having just been awakened by this terroristic threat to my home and family.

  6. A very bad situation. I feel bad for all involved, especially those subjected to lose of property.

    The rest of you are all out of control. You want to drive to their houses? Personal attacks on haircuts?

    Enjoy hiding your comments behind "anonymous"

  7. Steve Richards, You're kidding me, right? I mean, here are two guys that just terrorized an entire neighborhood and you expect them to come on here and put their names up? If there's ever a time to go anonymous and vent your frustration, this would be the time.

    As the owner of this Blog I'd love to see everyone posting comments with their name but I wouldn't blame them for wanting to hide. After all, these two assholes are now out on bail and roaming the streets somewhere. Obviously their parents did a piss poor job raising these two little piss ants on how to behave in SOCIETY.

    Both parents fronted $2,000.00 to get their little bald headed babies out of jail and you know what, I'd be one of the first to show up in their neighborhood and let their neighbors know who these two piss ants are.

    So come back and bash me all you want. I'm one of the few, (like you) not afraid to show my name but I don't blame the elderly for not wanting to be victimized any further.

  8. Steve Richards Hahahaa sure that's your real name? Just call me John Doe

  9. I haven't quite ingested all of this yet. On one hand the University was going to help purchase a fire truck?

    I'd rather see the city decline the gift and just start busting these parties and using the new law that the chief asked for, jail time for people like this and fine them big time and use the money for the new equipment. Or were they going to help with one of the three water towers I thought the MDE mandated?

    Man I'm really pissed. Start towing and impounding all illegally parked vehicles, pay the tow bill and storage, more money in the kitty and we won't need anything from the University except 100% compliance on everything.

    It was a good thought (stricter penalties), then you turn around and see commissioners and judges just let them off scott free. We just passed a law that would give the police bigger teeth, and the noise violations go Nolle Pros? Priorities are? Obviously not the citizens of this area.

  10. The police should start waiting near the parking lots of big hang outs and bust people for DWI one by one

    Was just a week ago the students were so irate with Salisbury police they needed to be gassed? Too bad it's not a real zoo so we could lock them up ourselves.

    Get slapped, turn to the other cheek. If you get slapped again then it's time to tighten the rope, let's face it on Thursday nights at least 1,500 students a night are driving under the influence. You want to play tough, put up sobriety check points all over town a few nights a week. If they aren't here for education, that will get rid of them quick, not everyone, however those that come here for a party school won't want no parts of this area if we had the sobriety check points on random dates and locations.

    As a matter of fact it's something we should have already been doing. What are we waiting for? Fatalities?

  11. One vandal, Riley Charles Clark lives at 101 Rickover Ct it is owned by HUB Enterprises. The other vandal, Zachary Nathan Krissoff lives at 430 Pennsylvania Ave, landlord none other than Bill Jones.

    When they are not here one lives in Bethesda and the other lives in Annapolis.

  12. Joe:
    I am glad that you can speak for these parents. You do not know them. I hope your little ball of joy never puts you in the news that way. These boys made a very bad decision last night while their parents were home sleeping. I am sure those parents are very dissappointed in their kids. I think you you stick to the ones who did this horrible vandalism.

  13. Now if something happens to their property, Who is going to be responsible when Joe approved putting the address on this blog. Two wrongs will not make it right.

  14. Better put that on the Sheriff's Department, they released it first, not me.

  15. It is all a matter of public record now babbbbbyyyyyyyyy

  16. Anonymous 7:31, you are out on control. What right do you have to post these boys addresses? It's pretty clear they aren't at school. What is the point in destroying their property and bringing their roommates into this when they are clearly not involved. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. Attacking their haircuts? At least they didn't show up looking like trash. They are already dealing with enough and so are their families. I pray to god your children never screws up so you don't have to deal with what their parent are dealing with. Don't get mad or get even, get over it. They'll deal with the consequences with time.

  17. hey since we're giving out address's let me get them digits. those boys are hotttt.

  18. Anonymous 7:31, you are out on control. What right do you have to post these boys addresses?

    What right did these geniuses have to maliciously destroy other peoples property? What right did they have to terrorize neighborhoods? Oh thats right, they are SU students and LAX superstars, as well. WRONG!!!

    It's pretty clear they aren't at school.

    They shouldn't be at school, not this one anyway and they should not be allowed to return. Let them go to some other school with a LAX team and terrorize the residents in their town.

    What is the point in destroying their property and bringing their roommates into this when they are clearly not involved.

    Not everyone has a search and destroy mentality, unlike some of the students at SU.

    Two wrongs do NOT make a right.

    I agree.

    Attacking their haircuts?

    Never in my post did I mention their hair, it has nothing to do with the crimes committed.

    They are already dealing with enough and so are their families.

    Are we supposed to feel compassion for them? THEY created this entire situation. THEY now have to be held accountable and suffer the consequences. THEY made an egregious error in judgement. It's time to pay the piper. Their parents will hopefully let them suffer the consequences and learn a life lesson, albeit the hard way. It's called TOUGH LOVE.

    I pray to god your children never screws up so you don't have to deal with what their parent are dealing with.

    If my children even considered doing anything like these superstars did they would be begging the police to detain them until their trial. My children know we would hold them accountable for their actions. It's called TOUGH LOVE. We love our children enough to let them take responsibility for their actions. Do yours?

    Don't get mad or get even, get over it. They'll deal with the consequences with time.

    Typical SU speak. Mike Dunn once told the Camden neighborhood the same thing, to get over it. Now it is time for SU to get over it. These superstars repeatedly violated the law. These superstars terrorized a neighborhood. These terrorist superstars will now suffer the consequences.

    Should they receive Probation before Judgement the citizens of this county should pack up and move out, sell all of your holdings to the university. If these superstars get off easily the fall semester will bring a new breed of violence against the neighborhoods.

  19. Everyone is so quick to judge. So all of you anonymous pussies have never made a foolish mistake or had a momentary lapse of judgment when you were young????!!!!! Yes, what they did was wrong. They turned themselves in and are taking responsibility for their actions. Stop being such judgmental cowards. If you having something to say, at least your name.

  20. OK Chris, I'll use my name, (as I always do) and I'll straighten you out FAST!

    First of all, a Sheriff's Deputy did some incredible investigating as well as interrogation work getting these two criminals to confess.

    YOU make it sound as if they walked into the Sheriff's Department and turned themselves in. That's just not how things happened. The Sheriff's Department nailed their asses to the crime and TOLD them that they either come to the Sheriff's Department and turn themselves in on Friday or they would come find them through whatever source necessary to do so.

    As for what ANY of us did as stupid things when we were younger, GIVE ME A BREAK! IF we had done things to this level the Jails would be so over packed they would have to lock down States to keep us all in! No one I have ever known has ever been so stupid or distractive. You are obviously VERY young and VERY naive. I also don't believe your comments is going to be received as a welcomed one but time will tell.

  21. destructive. Sorry, spell check screwed that word up.

  22. Everyone is so quick to judge. So all of you anonymous pussies have never made a foolish mistake or had a momentary lapse of judgment when you were young????!!!!!

    Is that what these acts of terrorism were? Momentary lapses of judgement. Very interesting, to say the least. How many moments exactly was their memory lapsed? How long did it take them to launch 2 4x4x8 beams through living room windows? How long of a memory lapse was there when they were slashing tires of all those vehicles? How much time was spent in memory lapse destroying mailboxes? Now the big question. How long was their loss of memory traveling from Rolling Road, Pine Bluff Rd, Frederick Ave, College Ave, Camden Ave? Quite a long memory lapse if you ask me.

    While we're on the subject of being young and making bad decisions. This is something right out of Gary Comegys play book.

    Yes, what they did was wrong.

    At least you will admit they were wrong.

    They turned themselves in and are taking responsibility for their actions.

    WRONG!!!! There were warrants issued for their arrests. They were given the opportunity to turn themselves in or be hunted down like the animals they mimicked.

    Stop being such judgmental cowards. If you having something to say, at least your name.

    Oh yeah, sure. Sign our names. Next thing you know we'll hear of a bundle of landscape timbers missing from Walmart or Lowes and find them sitting in our living rooms.

  23. "Oh yeah, sure. Sign our names. Next thing you know we'll hear of a bundle of landscape timbers missing from Walmart or Lowes and find them sitting in our living rooms."

    Not before they'd be blown away if someone ever attempted this on my property and yes, my name is on this comment.

    If my dogs didn't get to them first, I can assure you, I WOULD PROTECT MY FAMILY! Oh, I will add, there are No Tresspassing Signs posted everywhere on my property.

  24. What a JERK that Chris RimORON guy is. I cant believe his post - he must be a cry baby and MAMA's boy.
    Always gets what he wants and does no wrong.
    If you are not from here Chris Moran go back across the bridge. You sound like friends of the two thugs!

  25. Riley Clark is my childhood best friend, I have known him my whole life and I am the first to say what he did was wrong... but you people should also be ashamed of yourselves for putting up his address... I can not vouch for the other kid but riley has never done anything like this in his life. He has been going through a hard time recently and got drunk and did something incredibly stupid. But he's a kid, and he made a mistake... so please give him a break... and don't insult his parents, they are the ones who are suffering the most in this situation.

    -Jessie Lane

  26. Jessie,

    With all due respect, welcome to the adult world. When you commit a crime and you're arrested, your address becomes public.

    This is all a part of accountability. If it makes you feel any better, my address is 38024 N. Spring Hill Road Delmar, DE. 19940. I'm in the phone book, just like most American's that don't have anything to hide and the fact is, I have had my own issues in the past that have exposed my own address to the public.

    How an old friend can come on here acting upset simply because an address has been published is beyond me but young people say and do some dumb things.

    "But he's a kid, and he made a mistake... so please give him a break." NO! Absolutely NOT! First of all, he's NOT a kid, he's an adult. Secondly, tell the Judge to give him a break, not the victims of his crimes! Are you just stupid, or what?

    "and don't insult his parents, they are the ones who are suffering the most in this situation."

    O M G! You just answered my question when it comes to stupidity! His parents are suffering more than anyone else? Try the property owners, (16 OF THEM) who are suffering! Try the young couple with young children explaining to their little ones why there's an 8 foot long 4x4 lying on the floor and yelling at your children to stay OFF the broken glass! Try explaining to your BOSS that you can't be at work today because some asshole slashed all the tires on your car!

    You need to STFU and not post anything more on this Blog.


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