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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Should Citizens Boycot The Salisbury Festival?


  1. I don't think that they should boycott it. But I highly recommend using the "smell test" when deciding whether to attend and for how long.

  2. I thinnnk so, that way they will not be a part of Robin Hoods Scheme or get shot from the gangland on Church Street

  3. If I were a vendor I'd cancel and take the loss of vending fees. As a taxpaying citizen of both the city and county I will NOT be contributing one red cent to this festival. The man admitted his guilt in his part of a major theft in this county, he can go straight to hell. I don't want nor do I need anything from him.

    Find something else to do that weekend. Stay home, have a barbecue but let the city know that you will not accept the support of Ray Lewis. What kind of message does this send to our youth? Steal millions, sponsor a festival, all is well in Salisbury?

  4. I suppose that ASAP signed up for sponsorship of the festival before the "stuff" hit the fan?

    One could fathom that they wanted the publicity of sponsoring the festival to build their customer base?

    But since we now know the source of much of their income, is attending the festival one way of getting some of that money back to the community?

    I'm not saying it's right, but merely making some observations ....

  5. Why?

    Did Dr. Daffy move to Salisbury and take over the Chamber of Commerce?

  6. ASAP is not a sponsor, yet their name still appear on list. Anytime the chamber want to update their list would be appreciated, especailly by the other legitimate sponsors.

  7. Ray deserves just as Davis Ruark to be treated innocent till proven quilty.....let him have his day in court...he has not been convicted of anyhting......he should and has the same rights as anyone else......practice what you preach......stop throwing stones...for you are not without sin...........


  8. Hey bystander, UP YOURS! Davis is guilty and so is Ray. Both have admitted to their wrong doing and both will be judged.

    The difference here is, all the giving Ray did was stolen and all the giving from Davis came from his own pocket and heart. Apples and Oranges.

  9. Yep, what Ray did and what Davis did is apples to oranges.
    Ray stole other peoples property, what Davis did could have easily killed an innocent person.
    How many people a year are killed by drunk drivers?
    What Davis did is much much worse.

  10. Davis didn't kill anyone, Ray did steal from everyone. Apples and Oranges.

  11. Ray is a thieving punk! Hey Ray! Your going to be #1 in your #2's business! You better prepare yourself to go inside for a long,long time! How is that sleep coming along? Getting a good night's rest aren't we? The worthless terd.

  12. Ray took communion at his church last month and had his sins forgiven. If the Lord can forgive, certainly we as christians can do likewise.I heard he has a psychological disease and is not responsible for his past actions. He is in treatment now. I'm sure the judge and Davis Ruark will take this into consideration and be leniant in his punishment.

  13. anon;9:50pm thats all well and good however Ray has been charged with a crime and I agree he needs to have his day in court . Most people would be willing to forgive his sin after he has paid his debt to society . Although at the present time Ray and his friends want to carry on as nothing has happened . I for one am sick and tired of you folks trying to down grade what he has done . This whole case goes a lot deeper than any of us have seen thus far . As a business man and a tax payer in this county it would make more sense for him to lay low and not make the waves that you all are making out of it . The more you all try to say he is innocent just brings out more anger in everyone who knows anything about this case . Ray has been getting away with a lot more than taxpayer money with some of the dirty business practices he has . It will all come back to haunt him when its all said and done .

  14. It ain't over till the fat lady sings !! I think a lot of people will be dissapointed with the final outcome of these two trials!!

  15. We Love you Ray Lewis keep on trucking ASAP. As joe would say the shit just keeps going. LOL HAHA

    By the way where is the comments we posted on the sites about Ray oh forgot you only post what you want and they may no benefit you so you don't post them.

  16. You hit the nail on the head. Joe posts only things that support his agenda. He can't deal with competition or difference of opinion.


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