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Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., is recommending that

Lori Brewster, M.S., APRN/BC, LCADC, be confirmed as the next Wicomico County Health Officer. Ms. Brewster has been the Acting Health Officer since July 1, 2007.

Ms. Brewster, a 17-year Health Department employee, is a Salisbury University graduate and holds a Masters Degree in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing from the University of Maryland. She served as the County’s Deputy Health Officer from 2002 to 2007.

Ms. Brewster was named “Nurse of the Year 1997 for District 4” by the Maryland Nurses Association. She also received the “Outstanding Woman Award” from the Wicomico County Women’s Commission in 2001. Ms. Brewster also served as a Town Commissioner of Secretary, MD in 1994-1995.

The Wicomico County Council is expected to consider the recommendation at its next regular meeting. The final approval on Ms. Brewster’s nomination lies with the Maryland Department of Health and mental Hygiene.


  1. Can't afford a doctor? Just hire a paper pushing nurse.

  2. this is awesome-she is super and dynamic

  3. She sounds good. Is she living in Wicomico now, I hope?

  4. Did I miss something ? An over weight health officer!

  5. Rick has lost his sense of direction. Where is our certified medical doctor? We've always had one until you come along and hire people not as certified as in the older days. Are we short of money? Do you and all the department heads need another raise? I hope we don't have a real disease crisis. Messing with my head won't cure the bird flu or whatever!

  6. Lori Brewster is an excellent choice for this position. She is properly trained, experienced and has taken some very significant stands with regard to how the dept. is run. She' s great choice.

    You don't need to have an overpriced MD to run a health dept. Particularly when they are so difficult to find. Its a wise use of tax dollars not to. Congratulations to Lori Brewster.

  7. Excellent choice. A very respected and accountable person. Many counties, in our state, including Somerset and Worcester have nurses as the local health officers with a medical director on staff.

    There is a huge shortage of doctors especially administratively competent ones interested in the state pay scale for doctors which is much lower compared to the doctors pay in the private sector.

  8. Rick -I guess your philosophy is that a physician's assistant is as good as a certified MD.Bullshit. The way you all waste money, I don't want to hear about saving money regarding health issues.

  9. I remember Mrs. Brewster well when she was Mrs. Lori Tindall. She worked for the Eastern Shore Hospital Center as a nurse. She was also a loose moraled tramp. She slept with any number of male employees and was widely disliked by the majority of the nursing personnel that she worked with. I know because I worked with Mrs.Tindall for approximately 4 years total. Wonder if a leopard can truly change it's spots. She was a master manipulator then and I can't believe that she has changed that much since 1991 when she left. She is also a nurse who is educated as a "Psych Nurse" and not much more. I feel for the people of Wicomico County, glad I'm no longer one of them.


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