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Friday, March 14, 2008

Will The SFD Ever Understand It's About A Ladder Truck?

As I produced a Post last night about a fire on the West Side, a Ladder Truck was one of the first responders and because they didn't get my point the first go around, I'll try it one last time.

The Ladder Truck was NOT needed, they now admit that. It was there, just in case. Well, when you're spending $1,200,000.00 of my money for a TOY, I want that TOY to stay where it is UNTIL it's NECESSARY to go out.

IMO, it would be simple to set up an address perimeter for areas in which might REQUIRE a Ladder Truck? Oh, that's right, that would take WORK and some SMARTS. Oh, and guess what, if you're wrong you can always CALL back for the Ladder Truck!

You see Folks, accountability questions like this is what really ticks these guys/gals off. It doesn't have to have a high level of "what if's" to it if they just started managing things better. Nothing is perfect but when you run a system to send if ALL of the troops at once, what happens when another fire starts at the same time elsewhere?

So let's say yesterday a fire broke out at SU on the 3rd floor of an apartment building? The Ladder Truck is now EXTENDED, but NOT needed. They would have to retract it, then figure out how to clear the cluster of 500 Fire Trucks now in the way because every Fire Department from the local Eastern Shore is there toasting marshmallow's.

I know this is a bit much but come on, it's a reality though. I believe they could easily manage these Fire Departments better and all I'm saying is, why not try? By the way BOYS, did you SAVE that garage? Or is it a total loss? As for the home owner, WAY TO GO! As for the Insurance Company, YOU SUCK! I'm sure we'll be looking at a new Fire Station out in that area now to, because we must save everything.

The Ladder Truck, (especially the new one on order) needs to stay behind until necessary. That's my opinion.


  1. If Truck 2 was busy, they'd send Truck 16.

  2. How many Fire Trucks were there? The key word to your reply was, "IF." BUT IT WASN'T or you would have said it was out on another call.

  3. One Truck was there, Truck 2. The others were Engines.

  4. Having a ladder truck is not always about using the ladder. A truck company is about their primary mission of vent, search and rescue. The ladder is just an additional tool that is there if needed. Yes the ladder is rarely used on a lot of fires. But because Salisbury has potential it is a necessary tool. Having decent equipment also helps to lower ISO ratings that lower insurance costs. Yes it is an expensive tool but in the long run it will save money on maintenance and enhance safety.
    Chris Brown

  5. And besides why would you let 1.2 million dollars just sit around. Thats why they have a certain set of response rules instead of just waiting until the last minute. If it is responding and it is not needed then you can turn them around. If you were trapped in a car you wouldn't want us to wait until we could confirm it on the scene before calling the helicopter would you? Why not utilize those precious minutes and if it's not needed then turn them around? It's our job to prepare for the worst.
    Chris Brown

  6. Oh sure, SCARE the crap out of everyone with your what ifs.

    I don't but it Chris, sorry. This is how we got into this BULLSHIT War, because of people like you. Scare everyone, just to make things right for Idiots who cannot and will not manage their business.

    I'm not wrong and as far as I'm concerned, I'd be ashamed of making such statements with the what i's. Man up to it and quit hiding behind what could be.

  7. Truck 2 and Truck 16 were on the scene. The home was a 2 1/2 story wood frame dwelling appx 2400 sq.ft. Radiant heat threatened the home and Truck 2 checked for extension. Truck 16 assisted with tools to open up the barn and expose hot spots. Once the fire was under control, Truck 16 was returned to service.

    If the home had caught fire there would be much for these crews to do. Vent the roof, 40 feet high. Open the interior & exterior walls and overhaul. Finally if the home was well involved they would set up a ladder pipe.

    The ladder companies are the workhorse of the fire scene and make these nozzlemans job easier. Without ladder crews the fire would run wild. Its more than shooting water at the fire. You have to exposed it, chase it and overwhelm it with brute strength and tools.

    A ladder truck is a necessary tool to do business in this game.

  8. "make these nozzlemans job easier.
    A ladder truck is a necessary tool to do business in this game."

    Like I said, TOYS! Your words, not mine.

  9. Bryan, remember Joe would rather the home burn down... since that's what insurance is for. He said in the past he can replace everything in his home, and his valuables are in a safe.

  10. Joe why don't you buy your own fire truck and respond to the fires yourself. You could arrive first and have total command of the fire scene. You could then turn away trucks or engines you don't need.

  11. That's a GREAT point, anonymous 11:17.

    You see, rather than retiring full time, I saw a need for exposure in local news and I chose to create a Blog to expose it.

    Now since I'm only ONE person and the Daily Times has more than 200, (so they claim) I'd say I'm doing a kick ass job.

    That being said, imagine how good I'd be at replacing YOU. You see, when a person puts their mind to something, they can accomplish anything.

    One thing at a time. Right now I choose to be in the information business. Maybe in time I'll sit back and invent something to completely eliminate your jobs, LIKE INDOOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS.

  12. Joe...Joe...Joe,
    I know a large amount of these posts are against you and vicious at that. But when a voice of reason comes out. You completely ignore it.

    As a regular reader of your blog, I am becoming a believer that you don’t want to bring out the truth. You just wish to pick fights with the people that dislike you.

    You would make a terrible judge. You don’t ignore the chafe and you always ignore the substance. Some of these posters on here are knowledgable and are not debating you as much as trying to educate you and your readers. But your not listening. I, and I'm sure some of your readers, would wish you would take the time with an open mind, and maybe you would understand.

    Don't be so close minded.

  13. Just because I disagree on certain matters doesn't make me right all the time. It's just how "I" feel. You have every right to express your opinion, yet I would suggest perhaps you're too close to the issue at hand to offer true judgment.

    I am very open minded and I respecy what Bryan had to say. I'll just assume that's where you're going?

    However, See & Gordy have publicly stated that these are their TOYS and I believe that to be true.

    Look, the fact remains, there's a Ladder Truck extended at this fire. Certainly, (even without a Ladder Truck) if this fire were to have spread, I'm confident these professionals could handle putting out the fire, period.

    I also believe they put others at risk by having the Ladder Truck elsewhere and it is not being properly put to the right use.

    If a new one comes along, (or should I say when) I want them more accountable, that's all.

  14. Joe,

    In the fire service we handle the emergencies as they come. We all can throw the 'What if's' out there whenever and whereever we want to.

    We can't say well leave that here if we need it we will call for it. By then it is too late!

    For example, if you go outside to make some repairs to your horse stable wouldn't you take the tools you thought you might need to complete the job (i.e. hammer, nails, screwdriver, etc.)? Now, would you use all of them? Maybe or maybe not? You don't know. But if you got started and realized you needed a drill. Would you probably let out a 'Dammit' and get mad at yourself for not bringing the drill too? I know I would, cause I would hate to walk or drive back to my toolshop to go get it.

    You see this applies to the fire service as well, although if we forget to bring a tool with us the first time; people may die, get more sick, lose more property, etc. The public, our customers, do not deserve this. They deserve to have the proper staffed equipped that THEY (you included) pay for.

    As a sidenote, later that night we rsponded to a shooting on Fairground Dr. While we were there, I counted atleast 8 police cruisers there. Some city, some county, some state. Is that overkill? I think not, they were there to secure the scene and protect me as well as enforce laws, and apprehend criminals. Now who was left to protect the rest of the city and county that these officers were patrolling? They handled the incident and would have relied on outside jurisdictions should they have needed too.

    Also FYI, there was a Ladder Truck at Station 16 to protect the college and Camden Ave. neighborhood during the Barn fire. A piece of crap that is extremely dangerous, allbeit, it was there in the station ready to respond.

    Rob Frampton

  15. "...yet I would suggest perhaps you're too close to the issue at hand to offer true judgment."

    And youcan offer true judgement from a distance? And you are distant you simple ass. Why don't you do what been offered and educate yourself before passing "opinions" on what you know nothing about.

  16. how is it extremely dangerous?

  17. Joe raised a good point in the beginning: do we need a ladder truck, the cost of which is 1.2 million dollars? yes or no? Many people have responded. Brian seems to speak very intelligently about the matter. There is nothing wrong with raising questions about the AMOUNT of money spent on equipment. However, the topic is diminished when questions are asked about specific incidents where the ladder truck was or was not used. How would any of us know if it is appropriate unless we are firemen? Let's just take the firemen's word for it - it was necessary. That way, we can still inquire as to the AMOUNT OF MONEY being spent on equipment.

  18. Joe posted-Maybe in time I'll sit back and invent something to completely eliminate your jobs, LIKE INDOOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS

    Yea right dumbass.Hey the nut house called looking for you.

  19. Anonymous said...
    And besides why would you let 1.2 million dollars just sit around. Chris Brown

    10:01 AM

    And besides what person in their right mind would spend 1.2 million dollars on a ladder truck when there are very few actual fires int the county let alone Smallsbury. If Bill Gordy wants a million dollar fire truck so bad then he should donate one threw his tigermart stores. After all the Salisbury Fire Department responds to his stores numerous times for false calls and fuel spills.

  20. Chris Brown what happens in Barrieville is none of ur business. You have your own problems in Ocean City.

  21. Everyone his giving joe a hard time on this topic. It is not about needing a ladder truck, it is about spending $1.2 million dollars on a ladder truck.

    If I was you paid guys I would be fighting for better pay instead of defending some idiots for wanting to spend over $10 million dollars on a fire station in a blighted, crime ridden area and $1.2 million dollars on that ladder truck.

    The next time you guys whine to the council about being underpaid just think about how much money they spent on that mansion and the ladder truck. Oh yeah, don't forget about that found money, $10 million dollars. Don't forget about that $8 million dollars that was found last year that was lying around from the water and sewer funds. Don't forget about that 14% tax increase and that 60% water and sewer increase. I bet the city tells you again they have no money.

  22. Joe,
    Your opinions like assholes, everybody has one. Your level of inelegance in the fire service truly amazes me; perhaps you should come on board and show us how to do things. Better yet no thanks you’re an asshole. When you know what I know then come talk to me, until then shut your pothole. You’ll never get it.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Your opinions like assholes, everybody has one. Your level of inelegance....

    8:24 PM

    The pot calling the kettle....

    Another product of the county school system. By the way what do you know? Obviously not grammar.

  24. You wouldn’t know grammar if it hit your upside your head.
    John W.

  25. Truck 2 is a rag. Only if truck 2 seen half the fire truck 16 has.

  26. Joe,
    This is just a suggestion that may help you understand certain aspects of what we do in the fire service. I understand that you do not wish to take the classes to become certified as a firefighter. Why not take a day with a knowledgable, non bias, expeirenced firefighter and either ride along or do some kind of training excerise? I think that this would give you a better idea about the "what and whys" of the fire sevice. Many journalist have taken this "hands on" approach to bring a little more creditability to their reporting. Bryan would be my recommendation, and i am sure that he would not mind. Seriously, just think about it. Thanks.


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