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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why Does Our Federal Government Frown Upon Poligymists?

Let's talk about reality here Ladies & Gentlemen. If you're married, we all have an additional partner in our marriages and for those of you who are single, you have a partner that gives you a better screwing, costs you more money than a Wife/Husband and in the end leaves you broke each and every week.

That partner is the Federal Government. It cracks me up how people talk about being in a 33 1/3 tax bracket. BS! The Federal Government wants you to BELIEVE that's your tax bracket, but it's completely untrue. Allow me to explain why.

You may pay out 33 1/3 in taxes but you conveniently forget about the other taxes you pay. I'll start with property tax. If you own a home and you pay property tax, that comes directly out of your yearly income, yet its not a part of that 33 1/3%. If you live in the City of Salisbury and you bought your home in the pats 5 years, you know what I'm talking about. Look at your income and then tack on and additional $3,000.00+ per year you're paying out for that tax.

Then there's the new 6% Sales Tax! Almost everything else you buy is now taxed at a higher rate, yet incomes are not rising enough to cover these expenses and I'll explain further. A gallon of gas 5 years ago was $1.00 a gallon. Today you're ALL looking at $3.25 per gallon. Home fuel oil and gas is also through the roof. Many of you have a car payment on top of the rise in gas prices and quite frankly, will our very own Government drive us right out of being able to afford to even go to work every day? Part time people are already at a point where there's simply no way they can afford to go to work, especially those with children. By the time you pay a sitter, pay for gas, pay for insurance, you'd be better off staying at home. Oh, there's even an additional Room Tax in many municipalities. Cigarette taxes, the list goes on and on.

A Gallon of milk, (MILK) is almost $5.00 a gallon! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Food prices have risen 26%. Postage is again on the rise. Layoffs are everywhere around us, especially in the construction industry and you mark my words, crime will soon skyrocket!

By the time all is said and done, believe me, the Federal Government is sucking the life and income out of everyone to a point we should be able to add them on as a dependent/spouse and write them off 100%. In the end, you're not in a 33 1/3% tax bracket. You're in a 90% tax bracket! Do YOU comfortable save 10% of your yearly income when all is said and done?

Then there's this alleged RELIEF when you do your taxes at the end of the year and get a refund. What other business do you know out there that can legally OVERCHARGE you and then give you back some of your money at the end of the year, even without interest?

Look, I'm sure some accountants are going to come on here and slam me but you know what, open your eyes for once Ladies & Gentlemen, you have a partner you're TRULY married to for LIFE and her/his name is Federal Government.

The City of Salisbury gives you a 14% tax increase last year and it wasn't even necessary, yet no one stands in front of the GOB to picket this Mayor's scam because you're all too busy working your a$$es off to make your mortgage payment. You know what happens if you can't make that payment, right? Your PARTNER, (Federal Government) comes in and takes it away, even if you're in your 25th year of a 30 year mortgage!

Medicare and Social Security also suck the life out of your paycheck and let's not forget health insurance. I'm sure I'm forgetting many additions to this partnership but don't you think for a second your partner Federal Government isn't the most secure part of your marriage as we're ALL Polygamists in one way, shape or form.

This is America. It's the only Country we have. Most of us were born here and many would do just about anything to get here. Yes, it used to be WORTH being an American. Our Government loves people like Oprah and Bill Gates. They also love some of the sports figures that are paid huge amounts of money in the hopes that maybe one day we can be just like them. However, the reality to REAL life is, the odds of that happening to you are probably one in a billion now, which ain't good odds!

With ALL the taxes we pay, this should be a better America, that's all I'm saying. We deserve better. Every American DESERVES health insurance. Every American should be SECURE in their own home and not worry that once the Government screws up the economy so bad, we don't lost everything we worked our entire lives for.

I see an American Depression coming, not a Recession.


  1. Well said. I'm sure those defensive Republican readers of yours will flip out. I know my family is struggling much more now than we were 8 years ago. AND, both of us who are the wage-earners have had raises of around 25% from what we were earning then.
    Same house, same mortgage payment, double utility bills (cable TV has doubled in these last 8 years alone!) food is way more expensive.
    AND THE TAXES! When I read about the manner of waste in our various levels and layers of government, it makes me sick. I don't mind paying our fair share, but want those responsible to spend it sensibly have absolute accountability to anyone who asks where my taxes go. I'm a dreamer.
    Especially in Wicomico county, and REALLY in SBY.

  2. Now let's get real about this conversation: The Federal Reserve Act was unconstitutional and the IRS is a criminal enterprise. Only Congress has the power to coin money and regulate its value. Congress does not (nor did it ever have) the authority to relinquish its power over money. The Federal Reserve is: NOT FEDERAL, AND THERE ARE NO RESERVES! The Constitution is clear about taxes. There are two kinds of taxes: Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes. Direct Taxes must be apportioned . . . (the same amount for every person). Indirect Taxes are those which can be avoided (tolls, licenses, fees, etc). So the only taxes which our government can levy against us directly - must be apportioned. In addition, the Constitution never allowed for taxation of WAGES. It allows for taxation of profits from commerce - taxes on corporations. This government is lying to us, and the IRS is its strong arm. What we are talking about here is extortion. Moreover, the Federal Reserve is a group of PRIVATE international bankers who operate for profit. Yes, that's right, they control our money and its value. Check out Aaron Russo's Documentary: America Freedom to Facism. It is available through the website: Infowars.com

  3. We file a 1040 each year and provide the government a copy of our W2. We sign the document and promise it is the truth. Then we mail them our money. If we lied, or do not mail them the proper amount of money, they will prosecute us. When they do, they will use the 1040 against us as evidence of a "crime". At that point in time we have done what? We have testified against ourselves! That's right, we willingly give them the evidence to use against us. Are you aware that the Federal Income Tax is 'voluntary'? Of course you aren't, because if you were, you wouldn't pay it. The joke is on us.

  4. I WANT A DIVORCE!!!! But I'd settle for a another TEA PARTY!


  5. prove to me where n how its voluntary, be damned if I wont quit pay'n it....I'm sick to death of strugglin while they spend wastefully hard as they can go


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