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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who's Cleaning Up?

This is yet ANOTHER Exclusive Story by Salisbury News. While Wicomico County is under the microscope for so many unbelievable acts of criminal activity, you might want to look VERY close to the above photos.

You see, you have to catch the Water Tower in the background to truly understand. While it is not abnormal to have a Street Sweeper in a parking lot, OK, I can deal with that. However, let's add that the driver got out of this vehicle and walked into L.L. Bean to purchase items and go shopping. OK, let's even deal with that and say we can deal with that.

However, do YOU know where Queenstown is? What if I were to tell you it's 10 miles, (or so) from the Bay Bridge? That's right, THE BAY BRIDGE! Now just what in the heck is a Wicomico County Street Sweeper doing all the way out there? This is the Outlet Center near the Rt. 50 & Rt. 301 split.

When I called Jim Fineran yesterday about this story he replied, we have a Street Sweeper? You can click on the first image and clearly see it says Wicomico County on it. We chuckled a little bit about it because we both realize it's just been unbelievable and this is just too much.

I said, well maybe you HAD a Street Sweeper and someone took it home for a very long weekend? Nevertheless, it is what it is and they'll be looking into just what in the heck is going on here.


  1. i was wondering why the haven't been around lately?

    Never realized street sweepers might be "take home" vehicles

  2. Did you ever stop to think that maybe they were bringing it back to the county after having some repairs or something done to it? I do not know if there are many places around here that do street sweeper maintenance, but I am willing to bet that there are a couple in the Baltimore area. I see no crime in the driver stopping by the outlets on his way home, if that is the case. Just my point of view;
    Mark- Laurel, DE

  3. I'm sure if he pulled into Bars all the way home and offered to clean their parking lots for free drinks, that would be acceptable too, right?

    There are local companies that do repairs on vehicles like this. You don't have to go all the way to Baltimore.

  4. joe, i called the city about a month ago about getting a street sweeper in front of my house because there is a HUGE buildup of leaves on the street. I live on Poplar Hill Ave in Newtown. The lady was rude and sounded like she was eating something and upset that I interrupted her. Anyway, she said they would check into it. That was a month ago and I still haven't seen that thing. The area on the street in front of my house looks horrible. Has anyone checked up on me? Called me? NOPE. Thanks City of Salisbury for your hard work. Glad to see my money is being spent well. I hope your workers get some nice stuff at L.L. Bean, I stopped there recently and they have some great sales going on....

  5. Was it Shanie on the phone?

  6. anon 10:51,

    Why don't you clean up your own leaves in front of your house? Are you one of the people that blowes/rakes their leaves from their lawn into the road?

  7. why? I don't pay taxes so I can rake leaves off a city street. That's their job. I rake leaves into a bag. But if I lived next to you I would rake them into your yard!

  8. Why do some readers need to get personal instead of responding to or addressing THE ISSUE? I'd like to think that by the time you're old enough to read and CARE ABOUT things like how your tax money is being spent you're MATURE enough to refrain from name calling and making personal attacks (anonymously!).

  9. You can sure tell who works for the gov. from those who pay them when reading these comments.

  10. Looks like somebody is in some deep poo poo! Good job Joe!

  11. I don't think anyone is in trouble, this is wicomico county. there are no consequences for anything.

  12. Anonymous 1051 am-

    No offense but if you actually looked at the pics and read the post, you will see that it says 'Wicomico County' not 'City of Salisbury'. Joe even said it was Wicomico County more than once in the post.

    I personally know employees that work for the Service Center and speak with them on a regular basis. There are two women who work in that department and they are NEVER rude to anyone, even when citizens are rude to them. The sweepers are out everyday, with the exception of rainy days, sweeping up debris and leaves that citizens rake/blow out into the street, which you are not supposed to do. Did you leave your name and number with the person you spoke with? Have you called back to ask the person you spoke with on why the leaves haven't been picked up? It's not that hard...if you could pick up the phone to ask them to get a sweeper out there, then you can pick up the phone to ask why the leaves are still there.

    Oh and I also know for a FACT that the sweepers come out to Poplar Hill once or twice a week to sweep and I also know for a fact that there have been some citizens around that area that have complained that the sweepers are in that area more than they should be....maybe you need to talk to some of your neighbors.

    I already know that I will get backlash about this and I already know that there will be someone who will say something like 'I bet you work for the City'....maybe I do, maybe I don't, but the fact of the matter is this...carefully read what Joe writes and/or look at the pics. Don't put the people who pick up your trash everyday, sweep your streets, and keep your park looking decent in the same category as the County (no offense county employees).

  13. That truck gets about 11mpg. The driver owes the tax payers about $50 for the diesel they used for this trip.

  14. Are you all really that stupid to believe someone drove a street sweeper all the way to Queenstown to go shopping? Logically and the fact of the matter is that this sweeper was picked up by a company that performs repairs to sweepers that is on the other side of the bay, and evidentally their person decided to stop on the way back to buy something. It would be hard for the operator of this sweeper to do that considering they have Navtrak on them.

  15. I think the real story here is that Jim Fineran didn't know that Wicomico County operates street sweepers? ARE YOU KIDDING?????

  16. so what the differance in this truck and the Wicomico co deputy car i saw in anne Arundlc co back in january. It was heading north on 97 just up past Glen Burnie at 7:15 on a friday night. family in the car. So add this to your list Joe. I wrote a comment on DT and i also wrote into the DT about this before. A county vehicle is a county vehicle its NOT ok for my tax dollares to pay for people to drive these tax paid vehicles out of the county. So my question is why did this deputy drive 4 counties away with tax payer property? Wico, Dorchester, kent,QueenAnne, Anne Arundle. They blanently take advangage of the situations.

  17. Hey are you sure it was his family. Did you stop and ask him if it was his family. Do you know where the State Police HQ is located in the State of Maryland? Do you know where they do training on MILES/NCIC (that's the computer system used to run criminal backgrounds, lic checks, etc.) You already know all the answers to all of these questions I bet because you know everything about Police Work, Firefighting, and Street Sweepers. Alot of Police training is done in that area including all of the things I just mentioned. Take time to find out what your talking about before you assume things. You know the old saying about ASSUMING right?


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