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Friday, March 14, 2008

What Do YOU Think About The New Daily Times?

Fair is fair. I'll share my thoughts on what I think of the new Paper and hope you'll do the same.

First of all, I'll start with, I have never received so many telephone calls and e-mails on one issue than the new Daily Times Newspaper. People quite frankly are ticked off. Their print sucks, (so I'm told by many as well as my person experience).

Change is something most people don't like. With the Newspaper Industry failing everywhere around us, I personally cannot understand why they would take such a risk and change so dramatically? It's not my Paper and or decision but I would have kept the format the same, to say the least.

The Daily Times is in a major jam period. You see, I learned yesterday there's no turning back! The size of the paper will remain the same, no matter what! Their new press only allows this size paper and they also had to eliminate one column per page, admittedly stating their stories must now be shorter, every story.

Now is that such a bad thing? I don't know yet. I will say my experience so far has been horrible and I have to add, I'm getting TWO papers per day now. Have they finally learned that we have a ton of young/small dogs that rely on their paper? It makes no sense but we're not calling them to fight off the second paper.

The print quality has improved day by day, then we fall back to bad days where you can't read a thing in some places. Your input is important because for all I know they're making sure I get a very special TOP SHELF edition to make sure I don't bash them each and every day?

I'd also like to touch on what they're reporting. Much of what you see daily can be read right here on Salisbury News, seriously. Granted, their articles are more journalistic but they don't have the UMPH! There's no real humor either. I enjoy knowing I've made people laugh when they're reading my articles, even at the risk of parting away from any journalistic qualities. See what I mean? LOL

Anyhow, what are your thoughts? Where do you think the news is going? Would you rather get the paper, or would you rather go on line? Would you rather have news with a twist like mine, or would you rather have news like the paper offers?

As we grow at Salisbury News, I'd like to know. You know me, it doesn't mean I'm going to listen but I'm sure you're enjoying it because the hits keep going through the roof! My personal goal is to continue delivering FREE information and that's what's killing The Daily Times. They rely on that $4.50 a week per person. If "I" was getting that, OMG! Instead, we'll rely on selling some advertising down the road and help these poor writers make a buck at what they do.

In the mean time, let us know your thoughts?


  1. S-U-C-K-S

    Old foramt...SUCKED.
    New format...SUCKS.

    Next question.

  2. Just like the comcast people and the delmarva power people and the choptank people, the DT has had no competition, therefore can be as lame and as bad as it was/is without fear of losing our business, because there isn't any competition....WAIT. JOE AND SBYNEWS IS HERE! AN ALTERNATIVE TO AN INEFFECTIVE DAILY NEWSPAPER.
    PLEASE HELP US WITH THE OTHERS, NOW. I hate that comcast is raising their rates without even pretending to give us something for it.

  3. Not happy...Cancelled paper subscription...still getting delivery....want paper...cant get delivery

  4. I cancelled a week ago. Still getting it! But, earlier on, overlooked my payment...BAM NO PAPER!
    So, to quote the infamous....ROTFLMfAO!

  5. They've reduced circulation to outlying areas. Tried to get a paper delivered to Easton and was told that the nearest place (commercial or residential) to get a paper was Federalsburg. They stated that they would be glad to drop it in the mail for an additional fee... Poorly written, sloppily edited and badly formatted with lousy print quality. I prefer to go online.

  6. Joe, just keep on keepin on. They suck at what they do and we all know it - they'll collapse pretty soon.

  7. IF the DT would be fair in their reporting I would probably keep it coming for a few reasons. The forclosures, the obits and the business section are the only thing I read. The forclosures are a good place to find real estate at below the inflated market value. While I hate to be the vulture, somebody has to.
    I agree the format is horrible at best and the font is too small for my eyes even with glasses. But the obvious slant towards the yellow color is the most appalling. They could at least employ writers who could mask it a little better.I almost had hope a few weeks ago when the audit fiasco broke that they were coming around but that was short lived. SBY News and WMDT are the only sources on somewhat unbiased fresh local news.

  8. Mr. Albero,
    I would respectfully like to add my “2 cents worth” to your blog since you asked for comments. You stated: “Their new press only allows this size paper and they also had to eliminate one column per page, admittedly stating their stories must now be shorter, every story.” Regarding the smaller sized paper. It does make it easier for someone to hold, and I don’t mind the smaller size. They stated that the font size is the same, but unless my aging eyes took an overnight, unexpected leap downward in acuity, they are using a smaller font or a font that is more difficult to read. Like I said, the smaller size of the overall paper doesn’t bother me but the scrunched up comics, photos and Sudoku does. I enjoyed doing the Sudoku. Now it is very difficult to do because the little boxes to write in are so narrow and the puzzle is no longer square. At least the cross word isn’t smooshed into a high-rise rectangle. I have failed to see the “improved graphics” and color that the Daily Times promised as well. Many times the photos and graphics are off register, which is a problem they had with the old press as well. If the Times had to eliminate one column per page, why not make the paper a page or so longer to enable full stores to be printed? I didn’t know that there was a limit to the number of pages they could print per run. Even if they wanted to keep the same number of stories on the front page of each section they could continue them inside to insure completeness.

    “The print quality has improved day by day, then we fall back to bad days where you can't read a thing in some places.” Some pages are so light they can’t be read and others are so smeared they can’t be read, and then comes the streaks of ink and the areas of no ink…. Frustrating!!

    “Granted, their articles are more journalistic but they don't have the UMPH! There's no real humor either. I enjoy knowing I've made people laugh when they're reading my articles, even at the risk of parting away from any journalistic qualities.” The articles in the Times are admittedly slanted and biased at times and not always balanced as far as local reporting, but most newspapers are biased to some extent. The Times does print national and world news on a semi timely basis. The reporters (or maybe typesetters) don’t seem to know how to use spell check or a grammar checker either for that matter, a trait the Salisbury News shares with the Times. The overall journalistic qualities are far superior in the Times. They neither slander nor threaten an individual who disagrees with them and the Times does not use foul and abusive language. As slanted and biases as the Times may be, neither do they harass individuals or make accusations with out basis. Another think the Times does not do is to publish photographs that would be hurtful to the families of accident victim or knowingly publish victims names before family is notified.

    “Would you rather have news with a twist like mine, or would you rather have news like the paper offers?” News with a twist? That is not the name I would put on it. I occasionally read Salisbury News for two reasons, 1) To kill time and 2)Just to see what rant or which individual is the object of contempt at the moment and to get a laugh from the responses when I can decipher the poor grammar, spelling and wade through the vulgarity. I often shake my head and wonder at the education level of these individuals and am glad that they are anonymous because they would be embarrassed to be called out about their obvious lack of education and intelligence.

  9. The format is the same as the Washington Post, USA Today, and the Wall Street Journal. The Daily Times isn't trying to reinvent the wheel here. They are just following the trend in newspapers across the country. I am sure that the smaller size lowers their publishing costs.

  10. What happened to the Horoscopes? I guess that was the column they eliminated.

    What's a girl to do, but cancel her subscription.

  11. They have the ability. But will they use the ability to gather news. The recent excellent reporting of how the corrupt cop at the card game was busted is an example.

    Will they report or dole the usual garbage from the AP?

    bob p.

  12. If you think that your blog is a replacement for the Daily Times, you are mistaken. Where are the classified ads? Where are the hundreds of events that the DT publicizes each month? It would take a lot more than your handful of writers to replace any daily newspaper.

  13. I quit subscribing to the "DD" a long time ago, but I still pick up a copy each day. I believe this is mainly to revel in the "DD" rapid decline.
    What I have done that coincides with the new format is to buy the USA Today as well. Now there is a really good newspaper, full of all that matters to some one who can read. Plus they have a lot of Nascar news, which the "DD' apparently has not yet heard of.

  14. sbynews s-u-c-k-s

  15. I'm thinking about canceling my subscription, I love your blog!!

  16. Ya know, I actually like the smaller format. However, I don't like the blurry copy and late deliveries. There's never been much news in it so I don't think that's really changed much. I'm still getting it. It's sorta like a bad relationship. I wanna get out of it but can't seem to get up enough nerve to break it off. LOL!

  17. The times is thr only news paper in
    the area , for the the area.
    I think that most of the paper is
    facts. I don't believe they have
    all the kinks worked out of their new system.
    I like your blog, but remember that
    it is based on opion only.

  18. I agree with JPH (3:04 PM) regarding SBY News Vs. The Daily Times. My main complaints with the Times new format are that the comics are now a pain to read and I wish that they had made the paper shorter rather than narrower.


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