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Friday, March 14, 2008

Salisbury Kennel Club Breaks Ground

The Salisbury Kennel Club broke ground this afternoon and expressed some very exciting news. They plan on swinging their doors, (believe it or not) in June 08! Quite a bit of people were on hand for the event and it was a perfect day for it.

It was announced that the Poodle Club and Salisbury Kennel Club Shows are the two biggest events held in Wicomico County, raising more than $2,500,000.00 in revenue. I didn't know that and I'm confident many of you did not as well.

It should be very interesting to watch this structure go up and I look forward to their Grand Opening Party in June. I still can't believe that but we'll see how things go. Peggy Bradford is behind the whole project, so when they say it's going to happen, I have to believe them.

If you're wondering where this is located, you'll see the back of the building from west bound Rt. 50. If you turn at the Shorebirds Stadium, make your first right heading into Winter Place Park and it's about 1/2 mile down on your right.


  1. Thanks for coming Joe and giving SMKC such great coverage. It really was a beautiful day for the event. Sorry Rick had to miss it, but he was well represented by Jim. As well as Sandy Fulton, from Tourism. Hope everybody will be there for the ribbon cutting on the finished building!! Cathy-Jo

  2. That is great that the kennel club will have their own building. They have helped a lot of owners in the area with their pets for many years. I have taken a couple of my dogs there over the years. I think they visit schools and put on programs as well. With things being slow in Smallsbury right now, at least there is some things being built. Good luck folks.


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