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Saturday, March 15, 2008

One Year Ago Today

It was one year ago today I was getting phone call after phone call telling me that A.S.A.P. owned by Mr. Ray Lewis was out in this field allegedly pumping sewage into this tank and allegedly spreading it into this field.

To this day I have friends that swear on their children's eyes that's what they saw. Now look at where Mr. Lewis sits one year later? Things that make you go, hmmmmm?


  1. That aint the only field he's dumped on. Powellville has a mess of poo in the fields as does Willards.

  2. Wow this guy really has Sh#t on the whole county.

  3. All farm fields have nutrient management plans and most likely ASAP was hauling sludge from a wastewater facility. With the cost of commercial fertilizer tripling this year, more and more farms will utilize these services.

  4. If you think about it, they use
    human waste as fertilizer in most
    asian countries.They live for 110

    We use chicken crap here.
    Maybe it's not such a bad idea.

    I know Perdue uses a lot of land
    to inject chicken remains.

  5. What he was dumping in Powellville and Willards most certainly was not treated sludge. Check his receipts for tipping fees paid to Salisbury and Somerset county. His fleet of trucks should have more receipts than any other septic pumping company around here. Go back 8 years ago and check the records. You'll see he has not got the records to back up the amount of money he made.

  6. The tires on that A.S.A.P. truck look like NEW....and expensive!

  7. 1:36pm, your correct, this practice has been used for several years in this area. The fields it's plowed into are not to produce anything that will be consumed for/by animal or human consumption for a few years after it's been applied.This so called fertilizer contains toxins, heavy metals and recenty discovered many types of unused medicines excreted by the human body.

  8. Yea some people in California use human feces on spinach, remember?
    It's called ecoli. Ray not only stole from us, he tried to kill us.
    Is there another charge in there somewhere.


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