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Monday, March 03, 2008

One Year Ago Today!

It was a year ago today I received a letter from Mayor Barrie Tilghman and her Attorneys threatening to sue me. Obviously I have been shaking in my boots and immediately pulled anything and everything referencing the Mayor from my Blog, NOT!

That woman can run around threatening everyone else but my God, does she actually believe I'm scared of her? Although we were supposed to be in Court in January of this year, there still is NO trial date and I couldn't care less either way.

Hey Barrie, how do you like my hits now? Pretty scary when we're bigger than The Daily Time now, eh? Recall this woman and get it over with. By the way, Anti Albero Bloggers, what's this woman costing the taxpayers trying to sue me? It should also be noted that Mr. Disharoon asked why the SPD had a bill to be paid for $9,999.00, (coincidentally the same amount they're suing me for) for outside legal services and he has YET to receive an answer. It's a shame you can't recall the Chief too.

1 comment:

  1. When ones removed the other will follow. Their joined at the hip, and the bottle. When there is a new mayor, that person can then get a forensic audit and follow thru with criminal charges as needed.


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