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Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Have To Wonder, What Was Salisbury Officers Doing Arresting A Man In Pittsville?

Are we seeing even further division of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department and the City of Salisbury Police Department?

On March 7, 2008 at approximately 8:50 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department responded to a residence in Pittsville, MD, and arrested the below listed subject pursuant to an investigation by a Salisbury Detective assigned to the Child Advocacy Center. The investigation alleges that the suspect had sexual contact with an underage victim on more than one (1) occasion since January of 2008.

ARRESTED #1: Ronald Brandon Jones, 23 years of age Pittsville, Maryland

Third degree sex offense (2 counts)
Fourth degree sex offense (2 counts)
Second degree assault (2 counts)

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking


  1. If the crime was committed in Salisbury, the SPD can go into another area of the county to make the arrest. The WCSO will accompany them into the county/towns so they can do their jobs. It is an SPD arrest/case not a county. Quitcherbitchen, at least they are doing something besides stalking you.

  2. http://www.wicomicostatesattorney.com/child.html

    The Wicomico Child Advocacy Center (WCAC) is a collaboration of seven agencies that facilitates multidisciplinary team investigations of child maltreatment and offers direct services to the child and family during and after the investigation. These organizations include the Office of the State's Attorney for Wicomico County, Wicomico County Department of Social Services, Wicomico County Sheriff's Department, Salisbury Police Department, Maryland State Police - Barrack "E", Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children (local management board), and the Life Crisis Center, Inc.

  3. Is this the same Brandon Jones that is a member of the Powellville VFD?

  4. I believe it is the same

  5. I don't see this as division at all. I see it as working together.

    Stewart Wallace

  6. Stewart, Go ride your bike!

  7. I will go ride my bike when you add your name to the post. At least you know who I am because I add my name when I post something. LOL


  8. My hat is tipped to you Stewart, thank you. I would certainly like to see more people man up to their name on here but sadly I can see where it can have a negative impact.

  9. Thanks Joe, That's just the way I am and you know all about that. I may not agree with you all the time, but we all know where you stand.


  10. Don't ever one crazy until they know the truth

  11. "Don't ever one crazy until they know the truth"

    I don't know what the hell you just said. Must be from Pittsville :)lol

  12. He has always been with younger girls...And he was warned that he was gonna get caught and he said that he never would be...Hope they get him good...

  13. I think he said...dont ever "let one", gets crazy untill they know the truth{who done it}


  14. yea it is the one in Powellville VFD. I think he works for Easternshore Forest Products. From the word on the street i understand that he has always like his girls a little young. It is about time the law gets ahold of him

  15. Hipboots -- that doesn't make sense either.

  16. I guess you will never ride your bike again! 'Cause you will never see my name on here! LOL.

  17. Joe, I think somebody bette get over to Pittsville and check out the water or something overthere. They got the cop who likes young girls, a firefighter and the guy that killed the old man is from pittsville. WTF>

  18. They need to check out alot over there in little old Pittsville!!
    I tried to go to the last town mtg no one there. I went to inquire about something last week and no one was there....HELL OF AN OPERATION IF YOU ASK ME!!! LOL!!!

  19. Hearsay not a fact I'm told the girl is 17 and a senior in high school. If that be the case I will
    comment when all the facts come out. I just saw a new clip that school officials are not allowing a 22 year old to attend his
    longtime girlfriend's prom. My grandmother was 15 when she got married and recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

  20. don't everyone get crazy until you know the truth... is what was supposed to be said.

    about 1:58 anony. posy

  21. 8:20

    Tell her and her brother we said congratulations

  22. I grew up in Pittsville and Willards and I have to say that lately it looks like we're growing pedophiles in our fields instead of corn! I always liked that our "crime" was low and petty. I don't know what the hell has happened but it's quite disturbing. Used to be that everyone knew everyone else's business there (very annoying to a teenager.) I would like to think that if anyone had even a hint that this guy, or the cop that was arrested, were hurting kids, they would've strung them up behind the "woodshed" before it got to this point! I'm only 30 but it looks like too much has changed for the worse since I left my little towns.

  23. Brandon Jones is no longer a member of the Powellville Vol. Fire Dept.- He was kicked out a couple years ago for arson. And your're right about him liking younger girls...he has dated some as young as 14 yrs old. Its about time he got caught.

  24. people need to understand that there are always two sides to every story. Did you ever think that maybe this "child" needs to learn to keep her little legs closed to those men twice her age? Who says she didn't pursue him? Unfortunately her poor decisions now are going to affect this guy for the rest of his life!! Where are her parents when all of this is going on anyway!!!????!!!!

  25. incorrect about the arson thing-he was never kicked out! get your facts straight!! actually i think he was a top responder for that fire department.

  26. Supposedly he went to this girls house and sat in the living room to meet the parents and told the parents that he was 16 and that he went to Parkside High School. And she was 14. He is still a member of Powellville and is on suspension until the court date is over with. He has always been with younger girls...He will never learn. Maybe this will be a reality check. The fire department doesn't have anything to do with this. They didn't turn him to like little girls...Dont blame it on them They need to be kept out of this...

  27. come on people... i dont care if she was 14, 17 or whatever she was, she has a mind of her own. and its apparently not the first time she's been interested in older guys! dont automatically act like this brandon guy forced this girl into anything. you weren't there, you don't know! get off his back for a minute and go find out where YOUR 14 year old daughter is. and dont let it shock your socks off if you ever find out she is in pursuit of an older guy OR if she has had sexual contact with him.

  28. If she worked for Ray Lewis and Ben Merritt was her supervisor they better look into this! These two guys are whoremongers! Another investigation,maybe? Sex with minors?

  29. As for a few of the comments mentioned on here. The girl didnt work for Ray and or had any type of relationship with Ben or Ray. Her father is an employee of Ray. Maybe people shold hear both sides of the story before putting names into it that dont belong there. Ray has enough going on, then to have his name in the middle of this to. As for Brandon, maybe someone shold ask the girl, what age she told him she was. From what i hear she wasnt very honest about the age.

  30. AS for Brandond getting kicked out of the fire department, that just happened a few days ago. The man hasnt even went to court yet or even founf guily of any charges yet, but the fire department felt the need to kick him out now. Guilty without a trail, doesnt seem right to me.

  31. These defensive comments make me sick!

  32. Apparently Brandon did have sex with this girl who was willing at the time, but afterwards he decided he wanted more that she wanted to give and it resulted in her going to the hospital which is how they caught on to him. For whoever brought Willards into all this I haven't seen any pervs or killers getting locked up there, but really he lives in Powellville but they are incorporated so they have pittsville addresses. Don't go bashing other quiet towns, yes we here in Willards have our problems too but don't throw our name into this one. No one in Willards likes that little F**k anyway.

  33. Don't forget about that a$$hole from Parsonsburg, (I believe) that raped and killed the Llama at the Salisbury Zoo not that long ago!

  34. It is ashame you people don't have a life. How would you feel if these people talk about all your family and friends.Whoever the girl is,is it fair to name names.

  35. why would someone bring brandons mom into this? im sure the woman doesnt need that crap! news flash people, you cant control your chidren! if so i highly doubt the parents of the girl would have allowed her to have sex with him, even though she WANTED TO!! and to whoever made up the crap about him telling this girls parents he was only 16, why would they believe that?? im not 100% but im pretty sure he doesnt look 16!!! wake up and smell the coffee-14 year olds feel they are old enough to make decisions and thats probably just what she did.

  36. Brandons mother has nothing to do with this. She not the one who went to jail, brandon was. Hes a grown as man. As for the young girl going to the hosptial. Maybe someone should talk to her brother about that. She told her brother which then told her dad resulting in what happening now. 24 to 14, thats a big age difference. Messed up when a girl that young is willing to mess with a guy that young. Maybe we should wait til his trail and hear both sides of the story.

  37. Brandon jones is indeed a f**k up! he needs 2 stop screwin under age girls! He's lucky he hasnt gotten all the underage whores in pittsville/powelville pregnant! So parents if your daughters are whores they need a wake up call! And yeah its not all brandon jones fault, its the tramps 2!

  38. Why don't all of you guys shut the fuck up!!! If you guys don't know anything about it, then don't say anything at all, half of you guys don't even know anything, you just like to say shit. So keep your mouths out of it. Get a life

  39. b**ch i do know what the f**k im talkin about u need to stop takin up for that damn child molester!

  40. Taking up for the child molester??? Who said anything about the child molester, im talking about Sarah.. You apparently don't know anything about what happened about anything.. Like I said you all of you need to grow up and move on. you are not perfect and neither am I. I don't know who you think you are, you're probably in high school still, but i am older than you.. GROW UP


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