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Monday, March 03, 2008


March 4, 2008

10:00 a.m. - Call to Order
Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Certificate of Recognition:
Child Safety Day

10:05 a.m. Approval of Minutes of February 19, 2008

10:07 a.m. Matthew E. Creamer, Council Administrator

1. Resolution 24-2008-Exclusive Pouring Rights-Pepsi Cola and the Board of Education
2. Resolution 14-2008-Board of Education Transfers
3. Resolution 15-2008-Appointment to Local Management Board-Jennifer Wimbrow-Jenkins
4. Resolution 16-2008-Appointment to Local Management Board-Lt. Mike Elliott
5. Resolution 17-2008-Appointment to Local Management Board-Lori Brewster
6. Resolution 18-2008-Appointment to Local Management Board-David Mitchell
7. Resolution 19-2008-Appointment to Local Management Board-Michael Shamburek
8. Resolution 20-2008-Appointment to Local Management Board-Vanessa L. Jones-Warner
9. Resolution 21-2008-Appointment to Local Management Board-Diana Kiessling
10. Resolution 22-2008- Re-Appointment to Local Management Board-George Wooley
11. Resolution 23-2008-Appointment to Social Services Advisory Board-Narcinda Church
12. Park Property Regulations-Violation Fines
13. Village DownRiver-Shared Facility Agreement
14. Results of Legislation for Liquor Bills: A. Kaye Kenney

10:45 a.m. Edgar A. Baker, Jr.-County Attorney

10:50 a.m. Comments from Attending Citizens

10:55 a.m. Council Members’ Comments

11:00 a.m. Council President’s Comments

11:05 a.m. Adjournment

11:10 a.m. Open Work Session: Rural Area Committee Recommendation/TDR’s

11:45 a.m. Lunch

12:30 p.m. Closed Work Session: Upcoming Litigation


  1. What the heck is the "Local Management Board"?

  2. Any why aren't appointments being made by the County Executive, with confirmation by the council, the same way that State appointments are made?

    Or is this what is happening?


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