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Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Logic of E. J. Pipken

Congressional candidate, Maryland Sen. E. J. Pipkin (R-36) appears to be getting desperate in his attempt to unseat incumbent Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-1). Pipkin is not a stupid man, yet his response to recent charges, by candidate (Maryland) Sen. Andy Harris (R-7), that Pipkin supported the budget of Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley screams poor judgment and desperation.

Pipkins response:

Since other GOP Maryland senators also voted to support the budget his vote could not be a liberal vote.

Think about that one for a moment. Using Pipken's logic, a Republican Congressman voting to support Ted Stevens' (R-AK) "Bridge to Nowhere" makes the vote a conservative vote? If a majority of Republican Congressman voted to support amnesty for illegal immigrants, does this somehow not make the vote a liberal vote?

I realize that Pipken must be feeling the frustration of this campaign. This is one more in a string of (apparently losing) attempts for higher office. Pipken lost in an attempt for the U. S. Senate and unsuccessfully challenged Maryland Sen. J. Lowell Stoltzfus (R-38), a true conservative stalwart, for the Senate Minority Leader post. Now Pipken has entered a largely self funded race that will be almost impossible for him to win. If I suspected Gilchrest of being a less than honorable man I would believe that he persuaded Pipkin to enter the race.

He, and his campaign staff, have resorted to calling Harris a liar and contending that he is "hateful". The type of rhetoric seldom seen so close to a responsible campaign. Pipkin's surrogates have even resorted to the Democrat tactic of filing lawsuits to gain media coverage.

While it is no secret that I am a strong supporter of Andy Harris, I would far prefer the return of Gilchrest to office than the election of Pipkin. A Reagan conservative could hold his nose and vote for Gilchrest, but to elect someone who shows such malevolence and poor judgement as Pipkin (coupled with a seeming lack of ideology) is simply too much.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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