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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Swift Answers

In the case of the WCSO Deputy, there are a few things to consider. One, the man was arrested. Two, the man was suspended WITHOUT pay. Now, if you're a Police Officer, you know when someone is suspended and they take away his pay, you're in deep shit! Three, I have interviewed numerous people in this particular case and yes, in America you are innocent until proven guilty. However, this SOB isn't going to get out of Jail Ladies & Gentlemen!

Like I said from the beginning, sometimes we know right from wrong and or who's innocent or guilty. This guy, (IMO) is in deep shit and that's all there is to it, end of story. So some of you can go on and on about why aren't people attacking the victims in this case. First of all, Idiot, they are CHILDREN! Secondly, Mike Lewis isn't going to make an Officer come in, take your badge and gun, remove all powers from you as a Police Officer, take away 100% of your pay and throw handcuffs on one of his own men IF they hadn't done something VERY serious and concrete. I'll add, he also wouldn't arrest him/her unless he firmly believed this person was guilty as sin with a ton of evidence to boot.

I want to make something VERY clear here. I have not personally seen the evidence in this case. However, I do 100% trust my sources and Charles McMichael is NOT coming out of Jail for many, many years! So I'm asking ALL of you to please stop pointing fingers at the victims here. You'll simply need to trust me when I tell you the guy is in very deep shit and unless he gets off on a technicality, he's going away for a long time.


  1. Joe:

    Isn't the real story how he came to be -- and remain -- a deputy with the public record that's been presented (thanks for that, too)?

  2. Lets hope that Mike Lewis will spend today doing background checks on the other deputies rather than grandstanding in the Xmas parade!

    PS -- any charges against your Thanksgiving visitor yet?

  3. Good point, anon 10:21, but unfortunately, on a criminal background, McMicheal's CIVIL record wouldn't have shown up. His ex-wife tried to protect his career by not pressing criminal charges.

  4. Once a person has been hired, if the person has not broken any laws or violated policy it isn't that easy to terminate people without just cause or you could be looking for a law suit.

    In the private sector many dismissals are made at the drop of a hat, I have always had a three strikes your out method, even for being late too often and I didn't hesitate, as I always had a stack of applications.

    When you work and have a Union behind you or a large corporation that always fears law suits, it's just not that easy to terminate people unless it's clear that a cause for dismissal has taken place.

    Seeing that this guy didn't get administrative leave, I would say is a good indication that his ass is grass and most likely a pin cushion in prison.

    Also don't forget that even if he never interacted with his own kids that way, his kids are victims as well. Do you think kids in school aren't going to heckle them about their father?

  5. Pointing fingers at the victims is not right. If it was your daughter and someone did this to them and when asked why they say "She was flirting with me, or She was acting provactative, or it's her fault" You would strangle the SOB. Children being abused by someone in any field are never the cause. It is not their fault. Just think about the emotional and mental consequenses these children are going to have to endure. It doesn't matter if they were 6 months old or 16 years old, to experience that kind of abuse, is devastating. I hope that their parents can afford counseling and if not, maybe the community should join in to make sure they get it.

  6. Anon @ 11:15-Mike Lewis doesn't actually do the background checks...You see...he's the Sheriff...he's got people to do the checks for him. And as for grandstanding in the Christmas (not Xmas-idiot) parade, isn't he a political figure that's supposed to be in the public eye...then again...maybe Santa is "grandstanding"...
    We don't live in your little "perfect" world. We live in a world and society that sometimes doesn't know what might happen in the future, i.e. Charles McMichael...Just because he had some domestic issues gives no indication that he would commit such a horrific act. Apparently maybe the WCSO needs a person who can see into the future and knows everything about everybody, i.e. YOU! Why don't you apply? Then again...you probably work for the SPD and have been turned down by WCSO.

  7. Yes......his civil record would have shown up. Just as it has on Maryland Judiciary Case Search when it was researched for this blog.

  8. Granddad, let me clarify. When I got fingerprinted to be a teacher, they ran a criminal background. Now, I had something that occured in civil court on MD Case Search, but that didn't show up. (BTW, it was something innocuous and normal, nothing like this.) Additonally, I do ask this--since he was already an OCPO, did he have to go through the application process or could he just "transfer"? I don't know about this, so any answers would be appriciated.

  9. well all i got to say i feel sorry for the children. But no matter from one day old to your death bed. no matter race creed or color or age RAPE IS RAPE. Dont matter how old you are your going to remember that for the rest of your life. The mental aspect of the victims is going to be tremendous. So yes it is said that it has happened to minors. But dont forget RAPE IS RAPE no matter of age.

  10. Has anyone talked to Nelms or Shronbrenner on this case? What did they know about this guy when they hired him? Who did his background check? A pedophile is one pretty much for life, to my understanding, so how did he get on the force in the first place, if they did the checking they should have?

    A. Goetz

  11. Teacher Lady,

    He would have to go through the entire process again, other than the Police Academy. Interview, Polygraph, Criminal History check...etc...etc...just not a psychological.

  12. All lateral transfers to wcso are required to go through a polygraph and psych test.

  13. His history would have shown up...to get hired you go through an extensive background check. regardless if you are a transfer or not. This would have shown up if there was a thorough job done. And no it may not be easy to come in and terminate employees but it would have been in Lewis' best interest to go through everyones file and see who he actually has working for him. Wonder if he will do it now.
    PS- What does working for SPD have anything to do with this? Or being turned down by WCSO. I would much rather have a guy who protects his family in my agency that a guy who abuses his!!

  14. The SPD Officer, Sparpaglione (or however you spell it) was terminated because he was a probationary employee (i.e. less then 1 year on the road) therefore he could be terminated without cause.

    McMichael was suspended without pay because he was over his probationary period of 1 year and therefore can not be fired without cause (i.e. a guilty verdict) unless there is a breach of policy while on duty or etc.

    The Sheriff's Office is not investigating the incident at the barber shop because they don't want people like you to yell that there is a cover up, which there is not. Therefore, it was handled by an outside agency. But the barber shop is well, well known for being a point of drug distribution on booth street. And, the store owners know that crying to the press will create a fear in the police to enforce laws around the barber shop and gives the people at the barber shop the flexibility to continue criminal conduct. Oh yes, the police are treading on everyone's freedom and blah blah blah. Bullcrap. Don't commit crimes and the police won't be knocking on your door.

    The same thing applies in the McMichael case.

    McMichael is a totally different story since he is charged with committing serious felony crimes. The only reason why the suspect "got off" was because he had mental problems. Mentally unstable persons can be very violent. My wife works at PRMC and sees all the crazy people being brought in by the police for evaluation. This does not mean he (the person at the store) was handicapped or otherwise stupid. As far as the background check on McMichael i can't comment because i have no idea. However, just because a background check is done is no reason to think that people can not "go bad". Most cops, and there are over 300,000 in the US, uphold the law and do their jobs well. Some, very few cops, are arrested for crimes, like McMichael. But, doing a background or psych test does not eliminate the possibility that someone goes bad OR goes nuts. It happens unfortunately.

    What you fail to realize is that ALL police departments, including SPD, have CONSTANT internal investigations. Constant on multiple police officers. Some for use of force, some for violations of policy like not wearing their hats, etc. Cops have to use force to effect arrests because, PEOPLE DON'T LIKE GETTING ARRESTED and will FIGHT THE POLICE! Seems pretty simple to me. If you fight the police, the police will fight you until you are arrested. Easy. Don't do illegal crap and the police will not show up.

    Further, SPD is one of the most defunct and mismanaged agencies on the shore. That’s what everyone leaves it like rats on a sinking ship. The spot light is on WCSO for the moment for "excessive force" however uses as much if not more force on a consistent basis. Frankly I'm glad WCSO is using appropriate force to combat crime because criminals will have no problem using force against you and your family to rob them. The "hands off" approach to police work is plain stupid. Criminals need to be dealt with like criminals in order to protect society. By definition criminals don't care about society's laws.

    Police work is not an easy job. If you think you can do a better job, then become a police officer next time agencies are hiring. If not or you can't get hired, then shut up and sit down.

  15. Thanks, Anon 4:15 and 4:55. I wonder if someone can "fake" a psychological?

  16. Unfortunately,a psychopath can fool experts and ace these "psych tests"

  17. Goetz. Blaming a previous administration is thin. Everyone knows of, or should know who the problems are. And it is up to the brass to act on that before this crap happens. Anyone can see that there is a pattern evolving here with all sex crimes. Eliminate the small problems will help avoid the bigger. This POS had a background and they knew it. If they didn't, it just proves how inept some can be.

  18. anon at 1201. I'm not even in law enforcement. I hope you're not a detective!

  19. you stupid fuck
    i will fucking stop you and your fucking sheriffs connection because i know they are on the fucking take from you
    so here comes a fucking exclusive in the fucked up late daily fucking times and here goes mikes fucking career

  20. Anon at 1201: I saw him at the gym at the time that was written. Dumbass. Is that all you have on him? Give up. There are obviously bigger fish out there actually doing damage not trying to fix it.

  21. Is Anon 8:01 threatening Mike Lewis and his career? Bwahahahahahahahaha that's the funniest thing I've read all day. I'm sure Mike is sitting home shaking over that comment.

    Be careful accusing cops of being on the take, statements like that will come back and bite you in the ass. Anonymous is not really anonymous at all, not on the internet. It's not like when you were a kid making crank phone calls.

  22. "Anonymous said...
    you stupid fuck
    i will fucking stop you and your fucking sheriffs connection because i know they are on the fucking take from you
    so here comes a fucking exclusive in the fucked up late daily fucking times and here goes mikes fucking career

    @ 8:01 PM

    Wow...you must be a graduate, what a wonderful war of words buddy...My mamma always said "stupid is as stupid does..." and lets me tells youse sumptin...YOUSE STUPIDO!

  23. Anon @ 8:26...

    Santa was working out? Cool.

  24. anon 1014. Very true. Joe even tracks these comments! 8:01 is obviously some piece of trash for writing that way.

  25. 8:01 is either jr or sfd. Neither has a command of the english language nor can they speak without the f word

  26. Anon 8:01 said: i know they are on the f****** take from you

    I guess you really don't know Joe Albero. Joe wouldn't pay off anyone, he's so tight with a buck he squeeks when he walks. ROFL



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