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Friday, December 21, 2007

The Salisbury Fire Department Needs Competition

In the past 48 hours Salisbury News has had more than 400 comments and some pretty touchy articles. The SFD continues to look and prove the majority of them are immature Idiots and Hotheads, but what can you expect from a group of rejects nobody else wants anyway?

Oh, that's right, I'm sorry, they're hero's risking life and limb for YOU. Nah, that's BS anyway. They'd rather see my home burn to the ground while grabbing a lawn chair and bring marsh mellows to the fire. As a matter of fact, they were claiming if you didn't make donations you just might expect delays in their coming to your homes too. Of course as soon as people started reading that statement the Citizens just started tearing up their donation envelopes.

Oh, and God Forbid I'm in need of an ambulance! I'll call Life Star first. At least I know I'll get there quick! Isn't that too funny though Folks. Perhaps there should be an outside Fire Service????????

I'll bet I could purchase land, build a building exactly like the one in Salisbury and spend less than $3,000,000.00 for it. Then I could buy Fire Trucks, HIRE a full Staff and COMPETE with the SFD and knock them on their asses in delivery time. That's what these guys need, competition! Oh, they'd be welcome to use the In House Computers to play on the Internet all they wanted, as long as the work got done first.

They could be paid on First Response Results and I could start out with a building location in the HOTTEST SPOTS around the City. Then we would see just how good a location the West Side was after all! Think about it like this. We'd simply ignore any calls to the West side of the City and leave them with the gravy there because we all know there's a TON of fires on the West side, right? NOT! I'd build a Station near Camden and another one on the North end of Town. Yeah, the Montgomery Wards Service Department would have been pretty darned good but I'd settle for something closer to the State Police.

I'm sorry Ladies & Gentlemen but IF there was some competition, I'd win hands down, no questions asked. Then all you'd see in the SFD is a bunch of guys hanging off the back and sides of Fire Trucks half dressed, lips and buck teeth flapping in the wind and many with masks already on because they'd be sucking up the exhaust fumes from the Albero Fire Station Trucks way ahead of them.

Has anyone ever heard if this has ever been done before? They're doing it with ambulances, why not Fire Departments? Now that's "Keepin It Real!"


  1. Lips & buck teeth flapping in the wind. Now that's funny!

  2. That is an incredible idea. Just imagine how many quality people would leave the SFD and be completely satisfied with the surroundings. It's not about being the biggest or the best. It's about saving lives, (whenever possible) and being on location as quickly as possible.

    You're right, the west side location was stupid, I don't care how they try to sell it. Someone lined their pockets with that whole deal and I'd terminate See and Gordy for screwing the taxpayers. Heck, I'd bet they have a part in the LLC you mentioned. They got small kick backs on the land deal and the Mayor got major kick backs on the building end.

    Competition would certainly lead to better quality personnel and I'd add, remember people, these men and women are in our homes when a fire breaks out. Things disappear during these times and never show up again. You're supposed to throw it away in your mind because it was lost in a fire. Was it? How detailed are the background checks on these people? Should we all start using the Maryland Case Search Files to see just how trustworthy these people really are?

    If you have a major fire, they rope the area off and it sits for days unattended while the Fire Marshall does their investigation. Things don't get lost, they disappear.

    Yeah, the Salisbury Fire Department needs some competition.

  3. On eproblem with that plan Joe, you would no tby law be allowed to do it and See would make sure you could not. No matter HOW much money you have, you are not taking over the fire service.... Nice dream though.... Wake up now and forget about this stuff, See will retire and some other person will take over some day, you can take credit for it all.

  4. Welcome to the Blog, Chief See. I believe that last comment was in fact See himself.

    Nevertheless, I ask at the end if it has ever been done before. I did not say I would do it. Unless it has been done, believe me, I'd consider it in a heartbeat because I know I could kick your ass location wise and time wise.

    Remember, I'd have $10,000,000.00 to compare to and the Banks would LOVE that I came in $6 million shorter than you. Heck, for $10,000,000.00 I could fully equip the entire Station with ALL the Trucks I'd need, turn out gear and guess what, I'd even buy the old training center because there's nothing wrong with it.

    I'm going to ask the Governor if it's possible and explain to him why. I believe that would raise his eyebrows when you shed that new light on it, accountability.

    Anyhow, Mr. See, now you have to think to yourself, WOW, Albero makes a GREAT point here that NO ONE has ever thought of before. It also clearly shows that an outsider would have made beter decisions than you Idiots and an outsider could run a much better ship than you.

  5. I don't want this comment to be a slam but. I have to ask Joe, how would you finance this "fire department"?

    Would this be with your money? When you run out of money, would you just close the doors and sell everything off? Leaving the public high and dry.

    Or, would you ask for donations? Which is what the volunteers do.

    Or better yet ask for tax dollars? Maybe make your own special tax district wherever your station serves. Just what the public wants. More taxes.

    Or how about this. Just charge the insurance companies for your services. I think that has been done before. It doesn’t work in this day and age. Do you realize how many citizens do not insure their property? For a struggling family that has to pay their own way they prioritize what insurance they have to buy. Auto, health, then home. You can't get blood out of rock.

    It is hard enough for the volunteer fire companies in this region to make money to function let alone for an organization to make a profit like a business. That is why they ask for donations.

    I live and work on the western shore. I volunteer at a fire station in a county over there too. We have two mail out fundraisers a year, a carnival, bull roasts, bingos, a portrait fundraiser, along with people just sending in donations, because, we saved their life, or saved their property. Do you know what this money goes to? It keeps the firehouse running. It pays the utilities, which is seven to ten thousand dollars month all together. Building maintenance. Vehicle purchases.

    Heck we are lucky the county gives us a budget. It is meager, but it is one. They also pay for our fuel, vehicle maintenance, uniforms and turn-out gear, and medical supplies to say the least.

    The only vehicle the county owns is our ambulance. Our ambulance runs 300+ calls a month. We cannot afford to replace the ambulance every 2-3 years running that many calls.

    Thank god we do not have to pay for training. All of our training is either taught by MFRI, MIEMSS, or our county. This training is free to Volunteer or Government entities. Your private "fire department” would have to pay for this training.

    Let's talk equipment. Engines run at least $200,000.00 for a low-end semi-dependable piece. Trucks run $700,000.00. Ambulances $125,000.00. Notice I said low-end dependable. Another words, you need to spend money to get a piece that will last. Our truck we just bought cost, $800,000.00. And that was with a no interest, 15 year loan. We, the Board of Directors for the fire company signed our names to that loan, promising to pay it back.

    What I am trying to say Joe. You will not make a profit running a fire department. Insurance companies tried to do it during the turn of the century. It didn’t work. You CANNOT turn anyone away and not provide them service because they did not donate to your fire company. You will not get a special tax district unless you build Joetown. And the capital expenses will bankrupt you in a, New York second.

    Please if you want to stir the public up about the fire department. Tell them to join their local volunteer fire department and participate. We need the help, in both operations and administration. We do not turn anyone away. And you do get a good feeling when someone you help says thank you.

    Mike W.

  6. if you think 10 mil would come close to buying the equipment for salisbury, youre high on crack. oh, thats right, youre only going to send one depts worth of equipment to a working house fire. it doesnt take much equipment to save foundations!

  7. Anonymous said...
    On eproblem with that plan Joe, you would no tby law be allowed to do it and See would make sure you could not. No matter HOW much money you have, you are not taking over the fire service.... Nice dream though.... Wake up now and forget about this stuff, See will retire and some other person will take over some day, you can take credit for it all.

    8:29 AM

    Ok I will bite. Where is this "law" you so affectionately refer to that would prevent anyone from starting their own private fire company?? Isn't it true that every volunteer fire company in Wicomico County is a private corporation that answers to no one but themselves? Why didn't this law stop them from from starting their own fire company??

    And by the way See doesn't have the authority to stop anyone from doing anything.

    That is the problem with the bucktooth redneck fireman who think they know everything because they are firehouse lawyers. Quit flapping your jaws and do something productive for once.

  8. Thank You Mike,

    The actual point to the article is the "what if." It created a layout for the regular Joe out there to understand, what if there was an indipendent company competing. WOULD the competition have chosen the West Side location for a $10 million dollar Fire Station?

    It simply opens the mind to create beter accountability, one in which has never been challenged before. Is it something I would do, nah. But if I did, would I ask for donations? NOPE! I'd be accountabile. I guarantee you I'd get support from the County though!

    Open your minds and decide for yourself now, was the West Side the right place to locate a $10 million dollar Fire Department?

  9. Would the west side be a good place? I don't know. I don't think you know either.

    I would hope the SFD had a plan as to why it was it was a good reason to put the new station where it is. And I would bet you a dollar they do. I'm sure there was a study done weighing the pros and cons of building that station and shutting down the old one.

    No matter how "corrupt" you think the city is. A massive amount of work goes into planning a city's infrastructure, and you build what is needed the most.

    The city, I'm sure, is building this station not only for now. But for what is envisioned for the future of that area.

    Also another thing to look at. Maybe it is not the only firestation that planned. Maybe they are looking at locating other stations to better serve the city as a whole.

    Salisbury is growing, and the movement of Government services is part of that growth. Sometimes these moves may seem ridiculious to the layman, but I'm sure there is an overall master plan. They dont want to tear the city down, but maybe, just maybe, make it better in the future.

    Just a thought.

    I still challenge you, and your readers, to get involved in your local volunteer fire companies. Joe, you say you are semi-retired. You would be a perfect canidate to volunteer in you local fire department and make a difference. We need people like you that have time on there hands to make a difference.

    You would be surprised at the way these organizations run with such little income.

    Mike W.

  10. "No matter how "corrupt" you think the city is. A massive amount of work goes into planning a city's infrastructure, and you build what is needed the most."

    By whome? Chiefy See & Deputy Chiefy Gordy? Come on now, that's a fact and that's who did the leg work on it. There was no outside company that did that research.

    "Also another thing to look at. Maybe it is not the only firestation that planned. Maybe they are looking at locating other stations to better serve the city as a whole."

    Then why put Station 16 up as surplus?

    "Joe, you say you are semi-retired. You would be a perfect canidate to volunteer in you local fire department and make a difference. We need people like you that have time on there hands to make a difference."

    I am doing the community an unbelievable service with this Blog. Of course people like you would LOVE to see me get away from Blogging. You don't want things like this to be exposed and I've MASTERED it.

  11. What I read as an outsider to the Salisbury area is nothing but a bunch of conspiracy theories from someone that has an axe to grind with certain administrations.

    I never said politicians are saints. But a local Government is also made up of civil servants that do work hard and do know what they are doing.

    My god man, take a look at what has happened, and is happening, in other municipalities. Even some local to you. Compare them to Salisbury and then ask why. Dig up truth. The whole truth.

    What you write is one sided, with very little investigative work. Just enough to put your spin on the articles. The National Enquirer puts more work into their articles then you do. On top of that. Why do you have to insert "colorful" words that would never be seen in the real media? It does not help your "cause" when you use vulgar language in your articles.

    This blog is entertainment. And I would have to believe 90% of the people that read this use it for entertainment too. It is not a community service as you might think.

    I only wrote to you to maybe look for the rest of the story. Make this article credible. To help you become a real journalist. Do some legwork. Don't just sit back and Monday morning quarterback. Everyone does that. You don't need SBYnews to do that.

    I will say this. If you do some real digging. State some real facts. Real statistical data about why that station was needed, or not. And publish that information in a journalistic manner. Not one sided. Then write a rational editorial about it afterward. I will most likely agree with you then. And maybe, other people on here will also stop bashing you and side with you also.

    Mike W.

  12. Mike,

    Why do you believe I should write articles that "everyone" would agree with? This is a Blog, not a Newspaper. It is my opinion of how I see things and I believe, (based on the number of hits and comments) that people think very similar to the way I see things and they can "relate."

    I would challenge you right back and say, where's your proof? You are asking me to do leg work you know this administration would make it almost impossible for me to obtain. I don't have the time and I won't make that kind of effort.

    However, I will say that I did speak to internal people about who came up with the Master Plan, (so to speak) for this location and the expense and it was See & Gordy. Mainly Gordy, I'm told.

    The only half truth here is the fact that you will not respond with facts.

  13. I can't...And I won't. I live 100 miles away. And I couldn't tell you where this station is. I know nothing about Salisbury. You are the one that is crying the sky is falling. You are being ripped off. I'm not. Now if you wish to contract me to do the investigative work. I would be happy to oblige. But I don't think you could afford me.

    By the way you're right it is just a blog and not a newspaper. Another words, not real media.

    We are going to have to agree to disagree with this matter.

    By the way, Merry Christmas to you and your family Joe.

    Mike W.

  14. Again, thank you Mike, for a fair and honest debate.

    May you enjoy a wonderful Christmas as well and so you know, I'm too tight to hire you for this matter. LOL

  15. http://www.rmfire.com/about/history.asp


    Rural Metro Fire History

    Rural/Metro Fire Department's history goes back more than 50 years, when founder Lou Witzeman became concerned that his neighborhood lacked fire protection. He pulled together some money, bought a fire truck, and asked his neighbors to support this fledgling company.

    With the company was also born a new way of thinking about fire protection and safety services. As a private sector company that partners with communities, Rural/Metro is dedicated to finding the most cost-effective ways to deliver the highest quality ambulance transportation and fire protection services.

    Below is a short timeline of highlights from the past 50 years of growth.
    · 1948 Rural/Metro Fire Department is founded in Maricopa County

    · 1951 First city fire protection contract (Scottsdale, Arizona)

    · 1962 Pima County operations begin

    · 1969 Yuma County operations begin

    · 1972 Pinal County operations begin

    · 1986 Rural/Metro in partnership with local leaders and national organizations help to pass a mandatory sprinkler ordinance for all new buildings in Scottsdale, Arizona

    · 2005 Rural/ Metro Corporation serves approximately 365 communities in the United States with ambulance and/or fire services. The majority of communities Rural/Metro serves with fire services are in Arizona under Rural/Metro Fire Department


    Rural/Metro Corporation is a leading provider of emergency and non-emergency medical transportation services, fire protection and other safety-related services to municipal, residential, commercial and industrial customers in approximately 400 communities throughout the United States.

    We believe in establishing integrated partnerships, as well as efficient customer services, with the understanding that community health and safety are at the core of what we do. Long-term stability, innovation, and flexibility are at the heart of Rural/Metro’s mission. Our position is one of trust, and we take that responsibility seriously in every community we serve.

    Today, Rural/Metro’s employees draw from more than 50 years of experience bringing the highest levels of patient care and public safety to our customers. We look ahead with the knowledge that is gained from this experience as we continue to build long-term value for all of our stakeholders.

  16. http://www.ruralmetro.com/

    Scags! That could not get a real job

  17. Mike, respectfully, Joe is a news outlet. As a matter of fact, I heard on WBOC a peice of news I read on sbynews.com about two weeks ago. It was about Art Webster. I would rather read his blog than the Tilghman Times.

  18. The Tilghman Times just put it in their paper today. ROTFLMAO!

  19. It simply opens the mind to create better accountability, one in which has never been challenged before. Is it something I would do, nah. But if I did, would I ask for donations? NOPE! I'd be accountable. I guarantee you I'd get support from the County though!

    Joe I am curious about this statement. I am a Vollie for wicomico county, and can assure you, as a working fire dept, you can not survive on just county funding. County funding wont even cover your operating budget for the year. What you get from the county wont even pay payment on 1 fire truck. So if no donations are going to be asked from the citizens where are you going to get your money to operate from.
    Not giving you crap and no disrespect intended. Just being curious that's all

  20. The County shouldn't have anything to worry about. It's the City that has issues and I have only asked the City Residents to refrain from making any donations until they do something about the bigotry within, starting at the top.

    I took none of what you said as any form of disrespect whatsoever.

  21. I'm sorry Ladies & Gentlemen but IF there was some competition, I'd win hands down, no questions asked. Then all you'd see in the SFD is a bunch of guys hanging off the back and sides of Fire Trucks half dressed, lips and buck teeth flapping in the wind and many with masks already on because they'd be sucking up the exhaust fumes from the Albero Fire Station Trucks way ahead of them.

    Now thats funny you sorry ass hole.. you dont know the first thing about helping sumbody all u would do is take fucking pictures the hole time and furture more u wont ever have a chance in hell to build in city limtis nobody likes you and one day sumbody will find u layed out sum where bitch and how about u back up off wayne barrell to ur about a pussy joe u cant fight fire or any thing we will be going in while u still thinking about it u scared whore keep your srry ass comments to ya self and make sure u post this ok dont delete it can wait to see u in person man see if that mouth will over come that ass liek it dose on here

  22. ROTFLMAO! I read this to a friend and he was laughing his ass off too. Then he said, I hope this guy can fight better than he can write. LMAO!

  23. If your dream were to get off the ground you would first have to come one little problem Joe and that’s call “Authority Having Jurisdiction” which happens to be Chief See. Well, since that’ll never happen there’s not much need of writing anymore. Sorry Joe, shitty idea. I expected this of you though since you always have to get your way. You would probably want your own police department too I would guess but there’s a little problem there too. Chief Webster is the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” on law enforcement.

  24. Dude, that really left a mark! Oooch!

  25. When are “YOU” going to take over SFD rather than hire others to due the job? You have been asked repeatedly to step up and take over the leadership role. So come on little boy show us how big a boy are ya! You think you know it all and have all the answers, come on lets see it. We’re waiting!

  26. Since the discussion of fire dept finances came up,I wanted to mention that fire & ambulance services in Somerset County have received approximately 800,000 in federal DHS money to equip them with breathing apparatus and other necessities.They must have great grant writers because I havent heard of any other shore counties getting assistance of this magnitude,

  27. Joe,

    With all do respect sir, that wasn't what I asked. You said you could run a Fire House in Wicomico County solely on your funding from the county and no Donations. My question was... How can you run a Fire House on that funding alone. You can't even pay a payment on a Fire Truck with the amount the county gives you. No disrespect to the County. Some is better then none. Again no disrespect here but lets face it if all these stations couldn't survive on just County funding alone they wouldn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to cook chicken, stay late at night away from their family doing casino nights, gun bashes, bingo, and crab feast. I am again just curious here Joe. How would you survive as a Fire House. The operating budget for a Fire House with just 1 engine. A used one at that added in with the cost of fuel, insurance, training, gear, service and mait on the engine and fire house, equipment to use on the fire truck(tools, SCBA, lights and so on...)Electric, Phone, Trash pick up, cascade system to fill your bottles, service and parts for your SCBA, Rescue tools, EMS supplies for your 1 engine, Liability insurance for you fire department, computer for your run reports that are do to emergency mgt at the end of the year, spill kits to clean up fuel spills and so on... The operating budget even for a Fire House like Powville or Allen or West side that doesn't run very many calls far exceeds what the County gives them.

    Like I said no disrespect Joe I just want to know How this can be done.

  28. Blutojthetotmom,
    Maryland’s Eastern shore including Wicomico County has obtained thousands of dollars in grand funding this year. Several departments have been fortunate enough to be rewarded with more than one grant. Most recently in round 19 Willards VFC received a grant for new turn out gear and a station air compressor.

  29. if that were possible i dont think joe would be able to stop worrying about what the mayor and fire dept along with everybody else was doing long enough to serve the public!! get a grip get a life worry about what joe is doing not everybody else.

  30. I'm sorry Ladies & Gentlemen but IF there was some competition, I'd win hands down, no questions asked. Then all you'd see in the SFD is a bunch of guys hanging off the back and sides of Fire Trucks half dressed, lips and buck teeth flapping in the wind and many with masks already on because they'd be sucking up the exhaust fumes from the Albero Fire Station Trucks way ahead of them.

    You are one disturb little man joe-

  31. Competition would certainly lead to better quality personnel and I'd add, remember people, these men and women are in our homes when a fire breaks out. Things disappear during these times and never show up again. You're supposed to throw it away in your mind because it was lost in a fire. Was it? How detailed are the background checks on these people? Should we all start using the Maryland Case Search Files to see just how trustworthy these people really are?

    We are not thieves.If there are people saying they are missing things or you are missing things because of a fire at your home,contact the assistant chief on duty and it will be delt with.But I am positive that you are lying, tring to spread bad rumors,hell you probulaly don't even live in the city.Are back round checks go through the FBI for your info and homeland security.

    You say there is stealing during a fire WHEN WHERE AND WHAT????????????????????

  32. Joe where in the hell do you come up with this crap?You need to come back down to earth and get with the program man!

  33. If you have a major fire, they rope the area off and it sits for days unattended while the Fire Marshall does their investigation. Things don't get lost, they disappear.

    After a fire the home owner is allowed to collect there things in the presents of a firefighter or police officer depends on how badly damage the home is you moron.

  34. I'm going to ask the Governor if it's possible and explain to him why. I believe that would raise his eyebrows when you shed that new light on it, accountability.

    The gov will laugh in your face like we are now!

  35. Joe that last article was a cheap shot at some of us in the SFD who give our time free. by the way this morning we were here at the station wrapping presents for a family who was evicted from their home this week and has only enough money for another smaller place to rent. They have 6 kids and thanks to us they will see santa this year. But we are rednecks with our lips flapping in the wind. Thats a low thing for even you to say. So thanks for that definition, i am proud to be one of them. By the way Merry Christmas to you and your family. From the lip flapping rednecks.
    Respectfuly Wagonmaster

  36. By the way joe the gentleman who owns lifestar amb. is a lip flapping redneck also.

  37. Great work Wagonmaster and all those who were there helping.

    I would have been happy to have been there taking pictures and promoting this event, just as you have done so with your comment.

    Next time, drop me a note and I'll come out there and take a few shots to show everyone the "other side" of the SFD.

    Then again, I'm confident there were plenty of your own people there taking shots like the other night. So if you'd like to forward me some pictures I'll go ahead and post them for you.

    Thanks again and great work.

  38. I agree with you Joe on the location and size and amount of money spent on the mew firehouse. But i am a volunteer and we had no say whatsoever in that issue. it was the city solely

  39. Mabye next time we will give you a call when we do something like that again Joe. Never thought to call it was a last minute thing we just learned about this situation tho other day.

  40. I agree and I understand. There are a TON of Volunteers that feel that way and even refuse to go there when they swing the doors.

    Honest to God, I don't know how the Mayor got her hands on all your money but I for one think it SUCKS! As for the Station, it's a story being discussed all across the USA! Even when Jim Rapp from the Zoo screwed up and things ended up on the Internet about him, every Zoo in America was talking about it. Call ANY Fire Station in America and believe me, they think Salisbury is more screwed up than any other Station in America.

    Like the Zoo, the SFD has become the laughing stock os all Fire Stations for their stupidity in expense.

  41. Again, very nice Wagonmaster!

    If there's ever a time you need help, presents, food, whatever the proper need I'd be happy to pitch in. I can't take it with me.

  42. The city charter i believe states the chief has all powers over the dept. as far as budget and logistics. The monies taken in are distributed as the chief sees fit, We volunteers are asked for input into this however the chief makes the decisions as to whare the money is spent. This charter change wes made several years ago when the last chie came to town from Baltimore and decided what was best for us stupid eastern shoremen.

  43. I am Still waiting Joe! Put Your money where Your mouth is respectively. I want to know how you thing this is all possible.


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