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Friday, December 21, 2007

Ron Paul Flies Over Salisbury

Well, Kinda! This Blimp was spotted over Salisbury this afternoon and I was able to get a shot of it from a distance.


  1. Pardon me for being a "maroon" but who is Ron Paul?

  2. OK, here's something I thought I'd NEVER say. You're a moron. LOL!

  3. He's a Republican Presidential Candidate. Sneaking up there on some of the others in Iowa. Conservative-Libertarian

  4. I TOTALLY opened myself up to that one LOL.So,I Googled him and now I know-shows you how much attention I pay to politics.

  5. Once a moron, always a moron. LOL, just kidding, you know that. By the way, If you were a moroon, (like you stated) you'd have to change the colors on your profile photo. LOL

  6. i saw it at the mall today, and had NO IDEA who it was about...

  7. Totmom--

    Don't feel too bad, I'd never heard of him either until I saw the blimp today. Joe only got a picture of one side of the blimp, but, interestingly enough,the other side says: "Who is Ron Paul? Google Ron Paul." So they're expecting a lot of people not to know!

    I saw the blimp first from the north end and then again about a half hour later nearer the south end of Salisbury. My 3 y/o was thrilled to be able to see it!


  8. Nothing short of Brilliance is what Ron Paul has done. Go to his sight and read his writings on is opinions of the issues at hand.

    Running on the Republican ticket has finally gotten a Libertarian REALLY in the running.

    Libertarians have never (unfortunately) stood a chance because most people don't even pay enough attention to realize that there is actually an option of having more than two parties.

    He has struck a chord with Americans from both party's because people are so sick of the BS that we have been spoon fed for sooooo long. He has made use of the internet very wisely, and has raised more money in shorter amounts of time than the other candidates.

    I so sick of the party lines, that if we would simply take the step and vote for this simple no nonsense man we could actually change the world.

    No more IRS!
    Bring home the troops!
    Throw out all of the students here on Visa's that aren't going to school!
    No more (Government invented) HMO's!
    No more pork on more levels than most of us have ever thought possible.
    Use our Troops to protect our own borders and stop being morality police of the rest of the world.

    If these other people want to blow each other up; let em!
    If they aim at us we will have troops to protect us.

    Joe, Billy and I were on our way to Rehobeth when we saw the blimp over the Bypass, and pulled over and shot a few pic's too. I was invited to a Ron Paul 'meet up' where it was stated that the blimp would be flying on the Western Shore, but I didn't know it was headed here.

    You definitely got the scoop!

    Merry Christmas Everybody!

  9. We saw them too!

    It was great to see the blimp in our backyard.

    Good shot we will post ours in the morning!


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