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Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's A Sad Day For Salisbury

There was a major fire on Washington Street late last night. Sadly, a 5 year old girl and two adults died in the fire along with the family dog.

Two adult bodies were badly burned while the child was not. It's the most difficult scene a Fire Fighter can be called to, seeing the silhouette of a young child on a bed after the body has been removed.

Smoke inhalation took the lives of all three and from what I understand there were no smoke detectors. The City mainly harps on Rental Units and not homeowners when it comes to smoke detectors.

May they all rest in peace and I'm so sorry these Fire Fighters had to be experience such horrific losses. These are the things we all forget they experience regularly.


  1. god bless those three who loss their lifes early this morning. everyone should stop and say a prayer for them and their family today. also god bless those firefighters that responded to the call last night. people overlook how hard of a job firefighters have.

  2. So I guess we are not so bad after all huh joe, risked it all to try to give these people another chance. Take your comments and shove them up your ass. We do all we can to try to help everyone we can. Your ignorance and stupidity disgust me. Don't suck our ass now to try to look like you support us. Your an ass hole and the scum of the earth. Go to hell.

  3. What a shining example of a Fire Fighter and public service. That comment just cost you my donation. I hope you have a nice Holiday Season.

    Joe, keep up the good work and may God bless you and your family, along with kindly watching over the families of these that passed away with this fire.

  4. Mr. Anonymous! What cant you just say thanks, but no! Have to run your mouth! No wander everybody is against your sorry asses!!!!

  5. Anon 11:05 YOUR STUPID.
    In this time of hardship joe should be commended in handling it the proper way and supporting us when it is most needed.Joe thanks for the support of the brotherhood and sorry for the earlier comment from someone who is stupid(we know that is the one thing that cant be fixed). Anyways thanks again for handling this properly and joe you truly are showing a good side. My heart and support goes out to all those who were involved i know it was hard on all. Thank you again joe and lets keep this up.

    p.s.I am a firefighter emt-b for all those who doubt.lets be mature about this for this is a mature situatoin.


  7. this is so terrible! It's been so long since something like this has happened in salisbury. I hope this makes people see how important smoke detectors are!! and Joe..just throwing this out there..would this be an example of a fire you don't think deserved 3 fire depts to respond? Did too many units respond? A prime example of why as many units as possible go to house fires...

  8. To Anon 1105: You just can't set all this hate aside and be decent for once. Small wonder Joe goes after you guys sometimes. Why not keep such comments to yourself for a change and give Joe his due. He handled this professionally, but you sure didn't. You handled it like a totally uneducated crud and I know your not the norm in the firehouse!

    A. Goetz

  9. Let us remember these people who lost their lives as well as the fire fighters and police officers who worked diligently to save them. Now is not the time for slinging words.

    I hope everyone celebrates their family and loved ones today. Make sure to let them know how much you love them.

  10. Anonymous said...
    So I guess we are not so bad after all huh joe, risked it all to try to give these people another chance. Take your comments and shove them up your ass. We do all we can to try to help everyone we can. Your ignorance and stupidity disgust me. Don't suck our ass now to try to look like you support us. Your an ass hole and the scum of the earth. Go to hell.

    11:05 AM

    This F**KING IDIOT is a piss poor example of a real firefighter. This person needs to be exposed and expelled from the fire service immediately. It is painfully obvious that this person is in the fire service for his own thrill. I am a firefighter and I have no idea who this person is, but I would personally love to kick his ass. This persons mentality is exactly what David See, Bill Gordy and Richard Hoppes are breeding and encouraging in the Salisbury Fire Department and they need to be removed immediately. The citizens of Salibury can't afford to wait for the next election to get Barrie out of office. I pray to God that we get a decent Mayor elected and they make a clean sweep throughout the entire city.

    God bless those poor family members and the firefighters and paramedics who suffered mental anguish as well. To the good firefighters in Salisbury thank you for your dedicated service. We will have a decent fire department again and we shall prevail.

  11. You guys have to understand!! Nobody would be doing this if Joe would let the Hebron incident go away. Instead, he brings it up all the time to criticize firefighters.

  12. Well I understand where the 11:05 comment is coming from. They have sit there and take Joes BS for a long time and now that wants to change dirrections on the fire service for reason that we will find out later.

    After getting shit on for all this time the firefighters are just to think that Joe is here for the good of the department.

    I think not. Joe is always up to something. Joe has burned his bridges in the fire service. He better be glad that he has Larry Dodd in his hip pocket!

  13. anonymous 12:11 said.....

    "would this be an example of a fire you don't think deserved 3 fire depts to respond? Did too many units respond? A prime example of why as many units as possible go to house fires..."

    Get A Life! Have YOU been to the scene and shed a tear? Did you receive multiple calls referencing this fire and hear the cracks in Fire Fighters voices while they explained how horrible this fire was and what they saw?

    My heart goes out to the Family, (in which I will not mention their names) as I know his Mother lives locally and I'm sure is devastated. I also know there's a Father of a Daughter who has lost his child in this fire.

    I'll leave that kind of reporting up to The Daily Times.

    As for the equipment on the scene, I'm not going there with you. Like I said, get a life.

  14. Anonymous said...
    this is so terrible! It's been so long since something like this has happened in salisbury. I hope this makes people see how important smoke detectors are!! and Joe..just throwing this out there..would this be an example of a fire you don't think deserved 3 fire depts to respond? Did too many units respond? A prime example of why as many units as possible go to house fires...

    12:11 PM

    Wrong answer dumb ass. You are an uneducated person that has no clue about strategy and tactics. The size of the house fire can be handled by a single engine company, search and rescue, by the truck company and a third engine for RIT. Other equipment can be added to the box as needed.

  15. Joe cant and wont answer the question. Just last week he was crying the blues over to much equipment now he is sucking ass....

    Joe YOU get a life!

  16. Anonymous 11:05
    You,sir,are an asshole.You are the kind of person who would probably go out and set fires if things got slow.An entire family is GONE....Instead of trolling on Sbynews,why dont you do something useful with your time and volunteer for fire safety detail?Maybe go to homes and pass out smoke detectors?You know,something constructive?Whatever axe you have to grind with Joe,this is not the time or place,in post like this.

  17. all i'm saying is joe- you make the firefighters out to be bad people because they all come runnin to a house fire to save a life or property with many units and 3 fire depts but when there's fatalities you want to be all noble and nice towards them. this fire is a prime example no one knew people were inside until they got there and saw it. the firefighters are amazing heroes and i respect them tremendously but that doesn't give you the right to decide to stop bashing them today because of what happened. YOU NEED TO STOP BASHING THEM ALL TOGETHER AND RESPECT THEM ALWAYS!! today you'll be noble tomorrow you'll be bashing chief see again who was there commanding. hopefully you learned a lesson. my heart goes out to all the firefighters and families involved with this tragedy!

  18. You smell your an ass...lol...

  19. first off i want to say god bless the lives that were loss and the firefighters that responded to the scene.
    Second..The ass of a firefighter that posted the comment at 11:05.. you are one of them that put a bad name to the fire fighters.. that was total ignorance and disrespect. You should be mourning the loss of the ones that were loss this morning.
    Third.. Joe i dont agree with some of the things you say about fire fighters.. if you have the problem with a fire fighter or more.. make your comments and post about those people.. b.c not all fire fighters are bad and ignorant like the one that posted at 11:05. I am a fire fighters wife..and my husband goes out there to help and saves peoples lives.. not for the bullshit or the excitement. So now on put the names out of all fire fighters you may be talking about.. b.c all are not like you think!
    And once again.. god bless those that were loss this morning.. and the fire fighters that went out trying to save lives!

  20. what about the Salisbury Police Officers that pulled two of the victims out before the fire department arrived?

    Here is what wboc has on their site..
    "Deputy State Fire Marshal's are currently on-scene conducting an investigation into that cause. Fire Marshal Joe Zurolo said Salisbury police officers found themselves involved in a rescue attempt, as they broke a window and pulled two victims from the house. Those victims, the woman and child, were later declared dead on arrival at Peninsula Regional Medical Center."

  21. Dear Fire Fighter's Wife:

    If I knew the names of ALL of the Fire Fighters making nasty comments, I'd do more than just talk about them.

    Secondly, I have never said ALL Fire Fighters are bad people. Hell, they wouldn't be doing what they're doing every day if they were all bad.

    I happen to personally believe it's more the LEADERS in the SFD that are writing the nasty comments and or encouraging others to do so.

    Funny part is, their followers will get stabbed in the back by these same people as soon as they're through using them anyway.

    Nevertheless, (respectfully) this is my Blog and I'll write whatever I feel is necessary. Perhaps YOU should go to the Anti Albero Blogs and see what your beloved Fire Fighters are calling my Wife, then you'd better understand. You should have also followed The Watch Desk before See & Gordy forced them to shut that thread down.

    Nevertheless, there is a time and a place for this discussion and I'm even out of line responding here. However, fair is fair and I'll say my peace and move on. Just know Gordy and See are laughing their asses off making a joke of this Blog because they're so desperate they'll resort to anything right now to take attention away from their own abusive past towards Black Fire Fighters, right Chief? Tell everyone I'm wrong, I DARE YOU!

  22. When i spoke about not all fire fighters are bad.. i was mostly speaking of my husband.. the others out there are not my problem nor do i speak with them. Im sorry for the ones that have talked about your wife and family. I know that i would be just as upset if there were people out there talking about my family. I also would not call them my beloved fire fighters. My husband signed up to save the lives of people and to help them. He didn't get in for any other reason. He goes out for the call and then comes back home he does not sit around trashy others nor B.Sing. Arent See, Gordy and Hoppes from 16? If so.. do you think that all the rude, disrespectful and so farth comments and post are coming from within that station or you believe its everywhere?

  23. See joe there you go bustin on chief see while he's mourning the horrible scene he saw last night commanding the fire. you don't care about the firefighters you're just trying to gain people on your side through this tragedy. i predicted you'd be back to hating and disrespecting the fire fighters tomorrow, wow you couldn't even make it through the day or off this tragedy.

  24. Knew it would not take long before you said something negative about the FD, just look at your last sentence.
    And Im sure in a day or two you will have negative comments about this fire.

  25. Here is what wboc has on their site..
    "Deputy State Fire Marshal's are currently on-scene conducting an investigation into that cause. Fire Marshal Joe Zurolo said Salisbury police officers found themselves involved in a rescue attempt, as they broke a window and pulled two victims from the house. Those victims, the woman and child, were later declared dead on arrival at Peninsula Regional Medical Center."

    wboc is very wrong!! spd was there and an spd officer WHO IS A SFF was working for spd at the time and was handed out the small child from a firefighter inside. they never broke any windows or went into the house. i was told this by a firefighter on scene...makes you wonder who's lying doesn't it?

  26. I think the problem, and reason firefighters get so pissed at joe, is that you generalize your statements to make it sound like you speaking about an entire organization. It would help if you said that you are not talking about every single person in that organization. Someone, who may not be involved in whatever issue you are on that day, may take your comments personally. Even though they are the true defination of what this profession stands for. Just stop being so general. We are not all the same.

  27. If Joe Albero can put aside his upset over leadership and departmental issues to SEE THE HUMANITY OF THIS INCREDIBLE TRAGEDY, then...

    The fire fighter who had to "go there" should be MATURE enough to just say, "Thank you for the recognition, and we are all deeply saddened by this loss."

    If you aren't mature enough to do that, please give it up.

    This is an INCREDIBLY sad event. For the LOVE OF GOD, could you please lick your wounds over Albero's words somewhere else, and let the rest of us mourn this family?

    To you firefighters who responded so positively and PROFESSIONALLY here, God bless you. I know you represent MOST of the firefighting teams here and everywhere.

    To all relatives and friends of this family, my family's prayers are with you for strength, love and healing. To those who saw thise trauma, may you get the strength to cope with what you have witnessed. And to God, please embrace these souls, with a special place for that little angel. And yes, the family dog, too.

  28. Perhaps Chief See would like to plat the tape back of the audio being broadcasted over the scanners?????????

    Ladies & Gentlemen, people here are challenging me about Fire Fighters because something went very wrong last night and I have held back from saying anything.

    What Fire Truck is in being serviced right now Chief? You see, I know much of what happened and the mass confusion from last night but I'll save that for another Post, maybe?

    Bottom line is, they're trying to get me to say something because they know people were screwing up left and right last night. There was an accident at the same time of this fire and I'll leave it at that.

    All that being said, the Fire Fighters did everything they could to put out a horrible fire. Kudos!

  29. anonymous said..
    I think the problem, and reason firefighters get so pissed at joe, is that you generalize your statements to make it sound like you speaking about an entire organization. It would help if you said that you are not talking about every single person in that organization. Someone, who may not be involved in whatever issue you are on that day, may take your comments personally. Even though they are the true defination of what this profession stands for. Just stop being so general. We are not all the same.

    I will have to say I 100% AGREE to the fullest with you!

  30. I just hope and pray that the poor little girl was still asleep when the smoke overtook her so she didnt know what was happening....it IS indeed a sad,sad day.A 10 dollar smoke detector may have saved them all but the city only cares if rental units have them.
    I also wanted to take this time to remind people to PLEASE have a fire emergency plan in your home in case it ever happens to you.Know every possible exit and dont block off doors or windows with junk or furnishings.Also,anyone who smokes-NEVER smoke in bed,leave unattended smoking materials or dump "hot"ashtrays.You would be suprised at how many fires are caused by careless smoking.And above all,make sure you have operable smoke detectors-they will not work without batteries!!!

  31. The two SPD officers who tried to save those people are SFD Vollies from 16 and 2. One is past SFD career. God Bless.

  32. Totmom. Do you have a Smoke Detector? I'm sure you do. Is it installed in your house because you like the peace of mind that it provides you and your family? Did you install it because your governmental agency insisted that you do? NO! You lame a$$ people want to blame everything on the government. Totmom: Go back to to looking up the top 10 dvd releases this week and cut and paste your blather on your blog. Your comments here are out of whack.

  33. Joe said: If I knew the names of ALL of the Fire Fighters making nasty comments, I'd do more than just talk about them.

    And what would that be? I think we all know the answer to that one!

  34. blutojthetotmom...

    Why should it be up to the city to make sure every house has a working smoke detector?

    The home owner should of cared more! You stated yourself that it only cost $10. Don't say that they might not have been able to afford it!

    Why don't you and Joe run for office next term if you guys always have all the answers!

    I still don't undertsand Joe. One second he's giving the FD and SPD shit and then the next sec he's giving them praise!

    And just had to throw a punch in there about a so called problem the SFD was having during this alarm.

    Damn Joe make your mind up!

  35. All of you with your negative comments about Joe, find a new blog, you pieces of shit. Find a new job, hose beaters.

  36. Nobody has all the answers....I never said the city should make sure everyone have a smoke detector-I just said they only think its an absolute for rental properties.With an entire family dead,I am not going to split hairs on what they should have done or could have done differently....I just hope that people will take a lesson from this and take fire safety into their own hands and be proactive about it,so tragedies like this dont have to happen.The cost is not an issue-as most communities have programs that distribute free smoke detectors....but even with an operable smoke detector,you still have to get out and survive-thats the message I wanted to send.

  37. Ok I tried to stay away from here ppl need to know what really happened. I was there so i experienced it first hand. SPD assisted in pulling the first victims. The SFD pulled the second victim(5 yr grl) and discovered the third shortly there after. But all in all it doesnt really matter who did what because everyone acted the way they should. Putting the victims lives ahead of theirs. Joe I do not know what radio transmitions you are talking about but I guess I will have to wait and see. The fire scence ran great from beginning to end. Appratus placement was near perfect based on training guidelines and we had the needed sources on scence in an approperate amount of time. But again God Bless the family that lost there lives this morning and each member of the SFD and SPD who was there.

  38. Damn, Joe! You can't even wait a day before you start bashing FF's again! You are despicable!

  39. I am saddened by the lack of maturity and caring from a number of bloggers. There are many things that can be wrong with any organization, but who cares what happened. A family lost their lives and the people who risked there lives (they all know who they were so that is whay should really matter)as well as a family and community is forever changed by the event. Is it not the loss of human life that is the most important fact in this disturbing event? I have only skimmed this site to find extra "news", but it is very diturbing to me that grown adults are so childish and ignorant. This applies to all.....I am not an EMT, FF, SP, but I do work in the hospital and my job is to save lives and take care of people...not rip people apart and demean or put down others...where is the humanity in all of you. I know it has to be there becuase we all have taken similar positions to care for others. Grow up and get lives...remember why you serve the public....for the good, right? I think that something is getting lost in the translations and you all so look inside yourselves and quit being a bunch of babies. Just remember those firefighters, EMT's, SBPD all have terrible images burned forever in their minds (as well as all those who treat those patients). Not just about this subject, but the whole site....grow up ALL of you. Act like men and treat each other like human beings.

  40. Some of the information given was not entirely correct. Those excluded or not mentioned are to humble to say anything. Kudos to SFD and SPD on record for attenting. All are heroes from my heart.

  41. Please ladies and gentlemen this is a very tragic day and there is no need for any negative comments. It's so disrespectful to the families involved. What ever personal feelings you have towards Joe should wait for another day. Joe is just reporting what happened. Most firefighters there on scene this morning have never experienced anything like this before. God bless those families. Please cherish every minute with your family and friends because everything can change in a matter of seconds. This tragic day will haunt many the rest of their lives.

  42. totdad(thats funny)
    Yes of course I have a smoke detector,it is hard wired AND I keep batteries in it and its just outside the 2 main bedrooms we use.Again,I never said the city should enforce it for everyone-I just thought it peculiar that rental homes have different standards than owner-occupied dwellings.Why does everyone want to pick a damn argument with me?Furthermore,if my "blather"offends you then please start your own blog.Obviously you have visited mine or you wouldnt know that I post on new releases.Im not being rude,I just dont understand why little old me gets people so aggravated.

  43. ANON 8:01
    Well said, it's time for the battles to end. It shocks me that there are those who continue to play out this war with their key strokes after a family has suffered such a tragic loss. I challenge all of you to set your personal diffferences aside an be thankful that you are still here on this earth to be able to even comment on this incident.

    To all of you who claim to be a part of the Brotherhood,, be satisfied that you have done everything in your power to affect the results of this tragic incident in a way that makes the fire service proud. Don't condem when you have a chance to praise. And above all, respect the opinions of others even though they may differ from yours, such is human nature and the way that makes us the free nation that we all love and enjoy.

    Tonight a family mourns a loss and everyone who touched this incident in any way should pray for them and the efforts put forth by those who were called upon when they needed assistance.

    I can tell you from experience that when you hold a human body in your arms and you are doing everything in your power to keep it alive, the opinions of anyone who isn't in that position are just that - opinions.

  44. joealbero said...
    Perhaps Chief See would like to plat the tape back of the audio being broadcasted over the scanners?????????

    Ladies & Gentlemen, people here are challenging me about Fire Fighters because something went very wrong last night and I have held back from saying anything.

    What Fire Truck is in being serviced right now Chief? You see, I know much of what happened and the mass confusion from last night but I'll save that for another Post, maybe?

    Bottom line is, they're trying to get me to say something because they know people were screwing up left and right last night. There was an accident at the same time of this fire and I'll leave it at that.

    All that being said, the Fire Fighters did everything they could to put out a horrible fire. Kudos!

    Joe what went wrong or was screwed up as you accuse here. Im not tryint to stir shit, just asking for the facts you seem to say you have.

  45. When is the time Joe??? I guess when you need ammo against the men and women of the FD. If you have a problem, contact the chief's office and voice your comcerns.

  46. Anonymous said...
    When is the time Joe??? I guess when you need ammo against the men and women of the FD. If you have a problem, contact the chief's office and voice your comcerns.

    10:08 AM

    Here is another one trying to fan the fire. What is up with you guys/girls? Get a grip

  47. I agree with Joe, now is not the time. Asshole, somebody's children just died. Have some respect.

  48. To all the firefighters that are attacking Joe and accusing him of now kissing our ass, you all go to hell. Yeah Joe has bashed us for some pretty stupid shit, but a good relation has to start somewhere and sometimes it takes a tragedy to do so. Obviously all the assholes attacking Joe on this were not at that fire. I was and even if Joe was bashing us on this fire my head and heart are so heavy with grief I wouldn't be up for the argument. Take the compliments and shut your mouth. You want fight and bicker over the tragic loss of life. It's assholes like you that knock us down in the public eye.
    Unlike you I'm not goimg to post this anonymously, my name is signed at the bottom. So if one of you jackasses has a problem with something I've said you can take it up with me directly.

    Now to Joe, I understand you loath our administration. However the people you readily attack are us the firefighters, on the front line. This here is exactly the publicity we need from you and others like you. The negativity that has existed between you and the "firefighters" has been unbearable. To urge people to not donate is not hurting the administration, their money is government funded, the donations help us the firefighters in getting what we need, helping us try to prevent events such as the Washington St. fire. So let's try to keep things on the up and up for everones sake. When battles happen as they have, ultimately the public pays. Happy Holidays to all.

    Daniel Hill


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