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Friday, December 21, 2007

Duvall Isn't What He Used To Be

I'm going to make this very brief. Although I respect the fact that Bill has been around for quite a while, when a fast ball is passing you at 100 mph and you're too old to even swing, isn't it time to call it quits?

His now legendary HERE and THERE links are NOT what his readers want. If at all possible, they want the old Bill Duvall that used to tell a good story and crack us up with his unique sense of humor.

Old & bitter, Duvall is a place I believe many of us will click on for quite some time because once in a blue moon we get something out of the guy that reminds us of what used to be and we think, maybe he'll get over that petty crap and go back to being the old Duvall? I know, I know, it hasn't happened but we can always hope anyway.


  1. Hey Joe,

    Why do you care what Duvall does or does not post? You post what you want, he posts what he wants.

  2. Very true. However, I don't think there's anyone out there who doesn't miss his old style and delivery.

  3. I sure do miss it.Apparently I am not on his "good side".He promoted 2 or 3 other local bloggers who,in my opinion,were kind of inflamatory yet when I sent him a snippet from my blog post on Bethany Lutheran,he didn't even acknowledge it.Guess one has to be all seriously political and/or trash certain other bloggers to get his respect!I miss the good ole days when he was throwing the word "wetback" around.Whew!I'm gonna really get some heat from this comment but ......I did enter the kitchen!

  4. Duvall edits comments to reflect positively on his opinions, have posted many (including one dfending Dr. Harris that were not posted.)Old fart


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