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Friday, December 21, 2007

Beau Oglesby To Step Down From States Attorney's Office

Within the next 30 day, Beau Oglesby will be stepping down from the States Attorney's Office and relocating to the Western Shore and going into a Private Practice with another former States Attorney from Wicomico County.

One thing is for sure, between the extremely long hours and extremely low pay, moving into the private sector will cut his hours probably in half and double his current income.

It will be a major blow to the States Attorney's Office and Beau will be deeply missed but anyone can respect the fact that if you want quality time with your Family and actually participate in raising your children, this is a necessity.

Best of luck to you Beau and thank you for all the service you have given to Wicomico County.

UPDATE: I just came to learn Beau is actually going to go into his own small civil practice in Montgomery County.


  1. Who is Beau going into practice with? I had the pleasure of working in the same environment as Beau and he was always one of the first State's Attorneys at work each morning and his paperwork was always prepared and done properly. He was very concientious about his work. He was also a very nice and genuine guy.

  2. This is a shame. The mass exodus of tenured Assistants at this office is amazing. My count is seven of them in the last three years. If you go to court you can see the effects that it is having espcially at the District Ct. Those SAs there are embarising to the this office and to the all the hard work that is done to prosecute the hardened criminals in this county. This county needs to wake up and pay the SAs more. The SAs in Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester are paid a higher salary then Wicomico's. Finally there is that old saying that is true in all fields of work. You get what you pay for!

  3. Beau was a fantastic Assistant State's Attorney. He is going to be deeply missed. I should know, since I worked with him for 10 years. Yes, money is an issue in Wicomico that will need to be addressed very, very soon.

  4. Beau will be working with Robbie Rowe and Sherwood Wescott in Greenbelt. He will be doing criminal defense.

  5. You're wrong. That's not true at all. He'll be in Montgomery County and on his own.

  6. makes you scratch your head, what the hell is going on in that office?

  7. At least now he will be living up near Ann and the kids and be able to work normal hours and enjoy his family. Godspeed Bo.

  8. Maybee one should look at what is going on with-in that office, at one time it was operating efficiently, now it is going to hell in a handbasket, not sure if it is only the money, (maybe management)....sad day when another goes to the dark side..hope he can sleep at night

  9. Wow, what a shame to loose such a great guy. I had a chance to meet
    Beau and wife when they were campainging for States Attorney for Worcester.

    I'm sure the Wicomico County office will miss his professionalism, but totally understnd the need to and desire not to struggle with the finances and be able to spend time with the fam.

    Best of Luck Beau!

    Stephanie Burke, Pocomoke

  10. Actually, Worcester has had a much, much higher turnover than Wicomico County. Dorchester has suffered a lot also. Wicomico, by contrast, has maintained a core of extremely talented attorneys, in spite of the pay differential.

  11. Anyone who knows Beau and the work he did knew that he was one of the best attorney's in the area. He will be deeply missed by the law enforcment agency's in the area. It is a sad day for all LEO's there is hardly anyone left in the SA's office worth a hill of beans.
    Beau I wish you the best of luck, may god bless you and your family.


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