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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Meet Salisbury's New AARP Director

No, seriously, this is Jim Caldwell, your new Public Works Director. Jim wasn't supposed to start till next week but decided to take one for the troops and come in a week early.

One thing you CAN'T purchase is wisdom and that's what I see GREAT about this guy!This is exactly what the City needs and Jim is a huge breath of fresh air. Welcome to Salisbury, Jim.


  1. You say you like him NOW. Give him a few weeks and you will just post hate about him like you do the rest.

  2. Welcome to Salisbury Jim. Let the flameing begin!

  3. Jim might be a great guy, just wait until Barrie gets a hold on him then he'll be just another pawn in her game. Then again, he might have brought his cajones with him and will throw water on the witch.

  4. Joe:

    Only time will tell.

    One thing going for him is his predecessor (GI Johnny Jacobs). Mr. Caldwell can't possibly be any worse and could be much better. But first he will have to control the havoc in SPWD that Jacobs created and left for us.

    You should send him some items from your archive about BPT -- it's much better that he know about his boss now not later.

  5. How long before all his pride and character have been sucked out by the Mare?

  6. I say lets give the guy a chance to prove himself. Though I don't know a thing about Mr. Caldwell, he could be just what we need to straighten out the mess JJ left behind. Still would like to know why he left so suddenly? Did he resign because problems were starting to surface or did her highness can him for some reason or reasons?

    A. Goetz

  7. JJ should spill the beans on everything he knows that went on while he worked under the filthy fist of Barrie. Isn't there a whistle blower law that would protect him?


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