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Monday, November 19, 2007

Do YOU Kiss On The Lips?

I don't know about any of you but I was raised to always kiss a FRIEND on the cheek, that's the respectful thing to do.

However, the Tilghman Administration, (some of the sickos) kiss right on the lips and think nothing of it. NOW, I'm not at all saying I'm right and hopefully comments will straighten me out if I am in fact wrong, but if my Wife EVER saw me kissing someone on the lips, she and I both have something to worry about.

Anyhow, perhaps Porqueena will see this photo and straighten someone out right away?


  1. If I knew you were going to post this picture I should have skipped breakfast to avoid a rerun.

  2. Well, my husband would have some splanning to do :) You are lucky if I hug you, let alone kiss you.

  3. You know, everyone says that everyone in government is in bed with each other. Maybe Joe just caught one in the act. I suppose thats what they do after they finish F**king....over the citizens of Salisbury

  4. That IS nasty!The only people who get lip smooches are my husband and baby-anyone else gets a cheek and if they dont like it I got another cheek for them.Do they realize how many diseases can be transmitted this way?

  5. If she only knew where those lips have been!

  6. You mean applied to the ass of the mare, don't you? :P

    Anonymous said...
    If she only knew where those lips have been!

  7. watchfuleye,
    Yes! that is exactly what I meant. But I guess it was okay since both sets have been there.

    :-() ( . )

  8. Yuk, that smooching between those two turns my stomach. Gary and Lynn--they're really meant for each other. I wish them much happiness together---too bad, Don and Debbie.

  9. Lynn Cathcart is like venereal disease, she just won't go awayeven though nobody wants her .Why won't she just do what she said she was going to do and leave local politics to be a granny.

  10. Ewwww. TMI!

    (Too Much Information!)



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