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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Breaking News!!!!!

The Daily Times has announced today that the Humane Society will receive a $500,000.00 Bond from the City of Salisbury for a "Animal Isolation Room"!

As Council Members were not available this morning for comment. A special session must have taken place without my knowing because I know that for some ODD reason, (LOL) the Salisbury Zoo got the exact same thing last night? Talk about a coincidence!

I'm sure Linda Lugo will be ecstatic when she comes to learn the City supports the Humane Society so much that they are willing to donate a half a mil without her ever having to ask for it.

Greg Latshaw, (Daily Times) gets the Dee, Dee, Deeee Award of the Day.


  1. Hey Joe, someone should check the computers of the Humane society. Last time I saw them they had alternate lifestyle crap and magazines all over the place which caused virus's we will not say porn.... lol! I wonder what they really do there at the Humane Society and with the animals? Those people who work there are scary, no wonder they need to isolate the animals, they need to isolate the people...lol!

  2. A person's sexual orientation has no significance in their ability to take care of animals.

    Why try to take Joe's post and spin it into something else?

  3. Bubba is President of that board, ask him about it.

  4. The thought of Bubba, lesbians,porn and animals is making me nauseous

  5. "As Council Members were not available this morning for comment."

    What is that?

  6. An animal isolation room... awesome!! Maybe they can lock Louweasal in it!! LOL

  7. An animal isolation room... awesome!! Maybe they can lock Louweasal in it!! LOL


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