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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Who's The Greatest Marketing Genius On Earth?

Remember Steve Martin in the Movie, The Jerk? I awoke this morning to see I have once again headlined the news in The Daily Times. "I'M SOMEBODY, I'M SOMEBODY!"

Here we have a well known Newspaper on the Eastern Shore that many people dislike. Whenever I get press or my father-in-law writes a letter to the editor, the paper can't resist adding the comment about how my wife or my father-in-laws daughter sued the city. I guess it's their way of reminding the two people on the shore that didn't already know that.

There was no "tell it like ya see it" printed competition in local news till sbynews.com came along. Yet, wait a minute, how do we market ourselves? How can we get that front page news time and time again? All you do is have the audacity to challenge this Mayor and you'll get her to do Press Conferences announcing the EXACT location of your site.

Do we bribe, (jokingly) the Chief of Police and convince him to drive around Downtown Salisury regularly at all different times of the day or night? Keeping an eye on that pesky Albero in the hopes that one day these two would sue me and get all that FREE PRESS?

There came a day when Greg Bassett was on the John Robinson Radio Show when I called and asked Greg if the paper would sell me ad space and I was turned down because they don't sell to bloggers/.commers. Yet open the paper and check them out for yourself. But WHO managed to get the ad space for free? Thank you Daily Times, Mayor and Chief. You made it all happen!




  1. That was funny when he saw his name in the phone book.

  2. Why does the Daily Times keep going to Chrys Egan for commentary on legal issues? I know she's a communications professor and communications and media are connected, but they keep asking for a legal opinion. Are there no lawyers they could ask for this?

  3. Since I can't post on the Daily Crime story chat due to inactivity I'll post here. What is with that anyway? They want you to post daily or their system sets you at inactive status? I don't read the crime daily, why would I do that? I don't read this blog daily but I'm not set as inactive, I just can't log in under my user name for some reason. Before the question is asked, I'm not going to take the time to set up new user names at either site.

    Now for my comment that I wanted to post on the Slime's site.

    Barrie lies once again, nothing unusual there. She states she welcomes free speech. My question is if the First Amendment is so all fired important to her and welcomed with open arms, WHY oh WHY does she continue to shut Debbie Campbell up? Now it's Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen that she makes every attempt at quieting them. When they attempt to pass the truth of matters along to the citizens of Salisbury Barrie has her puppets Louise and Bubba come up with some ridiculous resolution to shut them up. Just like the email from Mike Dunn to Barrie inadvertently sent to Debbie. Just like forcing council members to file and pay for information by filing FOIA forms.

    Yeppers, Barrie cherishes the First Amendment and freedom of speech. NOT!


  4. Another comment meant for the Daily Crime so they can get their facts straight.

    Chief Webster did not get a change of venue due to working in Wicomico County. His was changed because he lied about his residency on the court documents. I know he and/or his attorneys will say it was an honest error BUT, everyone knows Ocean Pines is NOT in Wicomico County.

  5. Seems to me if you lie about your address you will lie about just about anything. Sort of like all those Sapoa dudes who get up and give their slumlord offices as their addresses. Punishment should be to have to spend a night or two in one of their own rentals.

  6. Did Webster and Barrie hire a law school intern? Tell me this is a joke? Did I understand correctly, their attorney, Jessie Hammock sent your attorney confidential attorney/client documents and now wants a motion to protect that same confidentiality? Of course it was inadvertantly. Bwaahahahahaha nothing like blowing a case.

    Note to self...never employ the law offices of Miles & Stockbridge.


  7. I take umbridge to the fact that you call all SAPOA members "Slumlords". I know one member of SAOPA PERSONALLY, and several others "by proxy". The one I am very well aquainted with is in NO WAY a slumlord, and I would live in one of his houses in a heartbeat. HE would even live in one of his houses in a heartbeat. Oh, wait, he lived in TWO of his rentals at two different times. He has even made more "luxury improvements" to his homes to make them nicer, since they are all older homes. He gets up in the middle of the night to check on a furnace that isn't working, a sump pump that is acting silly, and blown breakers and fuses.

    You may say that I'm being defensive, and that's fine, but I just wanted to set the record straight. Joe doesn't say EVERY Figherfighter is racist, only a select few. Please don't paint all SAPOA members with the same broad brush.

    Anonymous said...
    Seems to me if you lie about your address you will lie about just about anything. Sort of like all those Sapoa dudes who get up and give their slumlord offices as their addresses. Punishment should be to have to spend a night or two in one of their own rentals.


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