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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sheriffs Department Does It Again!

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  1. I bet they were #1's coming from UMES. um....

  2. So ALL of you know, #1's means a Black person.

  3. That's right Joe, did you have to ask Mike that? And a #2 is white.


    We spent over 50 man hours getting drugs off the streets in another county. By the way a roll of quarters weighs more than all the drug seized. This entire operation will cost tax payers over $100,000 by the time we finish in the courts plus $50,000 a year to jail these idiots.

    STOP filling up our jails and costing the tax payers of Wicomico County so much money with these people passing through.

    I would rather have the POLICE patrol my streets and arrest the drug dealers on the corners and get off the bypass where they are just passing through. ACT LOCALLY! And spend our tax dollars helping our community!

  5. Anonymous...

    These idiots distribute on the way up and down Rt. 13. Where do you think this crap comes from? Rt. 13 is the main route for all this traffic of illegal drugs. You got to get the source!!

  6. I agree & disagree.....
    It seems to me that half the students at UMES are just gangsters,albeit educated ones.Read the police blotter sometime for Princess Anne and see how many times a week they have responded to college housing.
    Secondly,while I understand the need to get lethal drugs off the streets,the fact is that the "war on drugs" is a monumental failure and will continue to be as long as they are illegal.Behavior cant and shouldnt be legislated.Prohibit something and you do nothing but create a black market for it.With all due respect,if there werent large seizures of "cash & prizes" to be made from enforcing drug laws,there would be no interest or motivation TO enforce it.Police depts HAVE to rely on forfeitures because they dont get the funding they need to police the community.Alot of people will disagree with me,I dont care-thats my opinion-and NO,I dont do drugs-but if I want to use a substance that hurts ONLY me,who the hell are the police or anyone else to tell me not to?How many more laws do we need to save us from ourselves??????

  7. Hey Anonymous said:
    Anonymous said...

    We spent over 50 man hours getting drugs off the streets in another county. By the way a roll of quarters weighs more than all the drug seized. This entire operation will cost tax payers over $100,000 by the time we finish in the courts plus $50,000 a year to jail these idiots.

    STOP filling up our jails and costing the tax payers of Wicomico County so much money with these people passing through.

    I would rather have the POLICE patrol my streets and arrest the drug dealers on the corners and get off the bypass where they are just passing through. ACT LOCALLY! And spend our tax dollars helping our community!"

    This has got to be a key member of the old admin....

    What happens when LEO don't do their job in the other states & jurisdictions? When you stop criminal interdiction efforts? And we wonder why we have such a drug issue???? Oh yeah...drugs are a "social issue"...not a crime issue, right? What a old way of thinking...but seeing who most likely posted that comment, it figures...

    GREAT JOB Deputy Matthews!!! Keep up the effort!

    The Sheriff's Office under the new command is succeeding more than it ever has...probably because now it's not a place for the command staff to use as their personal stomping grounds.

  8. NO,I dont do drugs-but if I want to use a substance that hurts ONLY me,who the hell are the police or anyone else to tell me not to?How many more laws do we need to save us from ourselves??????

    I would be to differ. Drugs don't ONLY hurt the person using. They destroy lives and families. People who buy crack usually don't/can't hold jobs. They resort to mugging and killing to support their habits. Families of the users and those murdered are reduced to a single income, thereby using MY money to support their children. Getting the sellers off the street....any street... lessens the amount of drugs the middle men can sell to others which sometimes may include our children. These laws are not saving us only from ourselves, but us from others.

  9. Lets agree to disagree on a few things.Alcohol also wrecks families and kills people directly and indirectly-but what happened when the government banned it?It proliferated underground,and created a black market which in turn created even more crime.I grew up in a home with a raging alcoholic stepfather,so I know what I am talking about firsthand!Boy,do I wish he had smoked pot instead-maybe he wouldnt have tormented us three kids,abusing us emotionally and physically until we all left home.If you were to look very closely you will see that alot of the crime associated with drugs is BECAUSE they are illegal.There have been alot of very good books written about decriminalization that demonstrate this point. dont want to get into a big debate because I am sure nobody who visits this forum will agree with me but thats how I feel about it and I wont change my mind.Using that "drugs are bad" analogy,people are pretty much saying that its OK for a guy to chug 3 or 4 pints of cheap every day,aging him and slowly poisoning his body,because its can legally go into a store and buy it-but God help him if he buiys a joint from the guy down the street to chill out because that makes him a criminal.Before anyone flames me,again my only vices are 10 Marlboros a day and maybe some Twinkies every now and then....Besides if I was a doper,I wouldnt have the where-with-all to post thought provoking opinions.

  10. Good work, yes! Was a K9 involved? A tip? Usually wsco need one of these two things to make any decent seizure! Everyone knows that! But it seems never to be mentioned in thier "press releases".
    If they gave a press release for every arrest SPD or State made similar would you post that? Obviously not!
    It happens more regularly over there than you want to believe. Let the state watch the highways, and maybe lewis should give a little more effort to those citizens in the county. After all we all know there not in the NEIGHBORHOODS getting the dealers because that seems to be a little more difficult. I would rather see the crack heads who broke into my car go to jail!
    That was a good bust I admit. Did SPD put a name on the officer that got that kilo last year? Wasn't that a local dealer? Find out and let me know.
    It is very obvious what you are trying to do joe! You biased man.

  11. I will not disagree that alcoholism is a big problem. Not everyone who drinks, however, is an alcoholic. While I admit that I don't know much about crack and herione, from what I hear it is extremely addicting. I have never heard of a social heroine user, have you? Marijuana, is a totally different story and I have thought for the longest time that that substance should be legalized. It effects driving skills much less that alcohol and I've never heard about anyone killing another for a quarter bag. I guess this is where I need to add, NO I AM NOT A DOPE SMOKER.

  12. Sorry I meant to insert gin after cheap-not enough caffeine today

  13. Let me tell you a little something Mr. No Balls with a big mouth.

    First of all, if I wanted to line this entire Blog with 10 Posts a day that would include unbelievable things the Sheriffs Department does, I could.

    I hold in my hand 4 additional DUI busts from yesterday and today that are also unbelievable Police work!

    The State Police used to send me all of their Press Releases and as I know they read this Blog daily, I haven't been getting that information in months. I even drove up there last night to let them know of such too.

    As for the Salisbury Police Department, YEAH, RIGHT! Chiefy Webster won't turn over a thing. I cannot put out information I am not privy to, it's that simple.

    I'll tell you what, Mr. SPD, YOU get me the information and I will publish it. I have nothing against the SPD and your providing me such will prove it.

  14. Man,were we seperated at birth?LOL-Heroin is like Russian roulette-theres no such thing as "casual" but marijuana is over villified by our society.I still wouldnt recommend driving under the influence of anything that alters the mood but pot is no worse than alcohol...and dont get me started on all those "legal"drug addicts-the people who doctor shop and take masssive amounts of pain pills every single day but consider themselves above common drug users because they have a prescription for their poison of choice.

  15. TWC say...
    Joe dont be so mean! It was a great arrest, and I am sure that you can put alot more up about the WCSO. I think that the anon person who sent the last entry has a point. Most of the WCSO press releases you choose to publish are in state or city jurisdiction. Everyone with half a brain can figure out why you have not received press releases from city or state. And its the titles you choose for your posts! "Sheriff's Department Does It Again" as if state is not capable of making there own arrests. Its also a well known fact among officers that Lewis isnt always so forward about the arrest stats his guys get from State and City, and its just possible that hard working officers (from all departments) dont want someone else boosting their political name by claiming they did something they didnt do! (that goes for all departments). When I bust my butt to do something at work I dont want someone else getting the pat on the back. This may not be the case for this paticular post, but in the future, although it is your blog, you may want to consider looking deeper into the cases!

  16. Oh my...it looks like someone got their feelings hurt that works or husband works for the SPD...she/he said

    "Good work, yes! Was a K9 involved? A tip? Usually wsco need one of these two things to make any decent seizure! Everyone knows that! But it seems never to be mentioned in thier "press releases".
    If they gave a press release for every arrest SPD or State made similar would you post that? Obviously not!
    It happens more regularly over there than you want to believe. Let the state watch the highways, and maybe lewis should give a little more effort to those citizens in the county. After all we all know there not in the NEIGHBORHOODS getting the dealers because that seems to be a little more difficult. I would rather see the crack heads who broke into my car go to jail!
    That was a good bust I admit. Did SPD put a name on the officer that got that kilo last year? Wasn't that a local dealer? Find out and let me know.
    It is very obvious what you are trying to do joe! You biased man."

    Who might this be??? Someone who might have been turned down getting hired by WCSO?

    This is not a contest between the two agencies. Unfortunately, the SPD refuses to cooperate with any agency in the County for whatever reason...But Sheriff Lewis has created a damn fine dept with proactive Deputies that work hard.

    Anonymous...find the correct information about what your talking about, don't just listen to your significant one...

  17. I know an electrician that told me once while crawling under a dorm he was stuck by what turned out to be a used needle.

    What the occupant had done (white or black I do not know) was drilled a hole in the floor and was disposing of the needles in that manner.

  18. Yea blutoj, these days you better watch out for older folks driving taking blood pressure meds on top of their oxycodin.

  19. did you all miss the point?

    drugs are bad, but filling our local jail and our police being forced for hours at a tme to sit on the bypass looking for out of town drug dealers is even worse

    mike "hates blacks" lewis - is out of control. his deputies are tired of these bs assignments. we need to get drugs out of our neighborhoods- not off the bypass

    this is just BAD police work, you may not se it yet but the deputies are seeing it and they are sick of at already

    voice your concern and you get sh*ty assignments and no overtime pay.

  20. Ask Mike Lewis if he ever drove drunk or used the N word.

    If he tells the truh both will be yes.

  21. Let me tell you what I know. This is the honest truth. There are two major reasons that drugs dominate our streets and our enforcement efforts......money and money.

    From the bad guys standpoint, great profits are easily made from drugs. Lets take crack fo example. An 8-ball of crack weighs 3.5 grams and sells for what $150 - $200? Let's break it down. A street level dealer will buy an 8 ball and break it down into pieces that weigh about 1/10th of a gram and sell for twenty dollars which is commonly called a "twenty". (if you're a white person you will get a "white boy 20" which is about half the size of the normal 20)That extrapolates to $200 per gram times 3.5 grams = roughly $500 profit on an 8-ball. Not a bad couple of hours work.

    Now a more complex view. The revenue generated by illegal drug trade has a substantial effect on our economy. Think not? look at the clothes, jewelry, electronics, shoes, automobiles, etc., purchased by people you suspect of being drug dealers. Do you think drug dealers cook? NO! They eat out and put a substantial amount of money into the fast food market.

    From a governmental stand point? There is little money made available for drug task forces, high tech equipment, etc., compared to that which was available in years past. Large cash seizures help fill the void. Unfortunately this causes the focus of law enforcement to all too often to be placed in areas where drug arrests are easier and seizures of drug money are larger. This enables drug task forces to remain self sufficient and lessens the burden on the tax payer to fund purchases of state of the art equipment and other large ticket items.

    This, unfortunately, leaves other areas within a community neglected when it comes to proactive drug enforcement. These neglected areas many times have drug problems that are not as large as others areas but will become larger and will move out in the open as pressure from enforcement efforts in other locations bear down on the street level dealer.

  22. I once had a social policy professor who suggested that marijuana would never be legalized in the US- because there is no ability to regulate it and therefore no ability to make money off of it like we have w/cigarettes. It's an interesting thought- after all- anybody with half a brain cell can grow pot, and it can be grown just about anywhere. And no, I don't smoke anything, much less pot. Just passing on an interesting thought.

  23. Joe,

    It sounds like there are alot of jealous people out there that can't get a job working for Sheriff Lewis? I'm not a local, but what's going on here? Where I come from drug interdiction works to a point, it's just another enforcement effort. If each department that had highways running through it would work enforcement then maybe we would have less of a drug problem.

  24. No one missed your point, anon. But where do you think the drugs in the neighborhoods come from? They are being transported somehow. Maybe the car stopped on RT 13 in Salisbury was heading further north, but those same drugs would be coming back south again at some point.

  25. Oh I totally get your point too,,,,I used to live in one of the most ghettofied drug infested neighborhoods in Smallsbury-and complained nonstop about it to no avail.Granted,I never called the Sheriffs Dept. because I lived in the city,but it just seems like very little was ever done to curb the sales going on right out in front of everyone.They actually had their own little lounge set up in an empty lot with discarded furniture where they sat around smoking up and before anyone asks,yes I called B&Z...they claimed it was difficult to enforce because the owner lived in another state.....It used to infuriate me to no end,which is why I ended up moving out into a rural area.I may be miles away from the nearest town,but I dont have people standing on the side of the dead-end road hawking lunchtime crack to guys in work trucks all day or stealing sh*t out of my yard either.Our worst drug problem here is people who ride around back roads drinking on weekends and dump their empties into the ditches.I cant speak for WCSO but I do know most city police do d*ck about drugs in neighborhoods.

  26. You are all a bunch of dumbasses. Dep Matthews is a police officer and locked up a bad guy in the county in which he works. Thats the bottom line. Thats his jurisdiction as the arrest occurred in Wicomico County and he works for Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. The negative comments are obviously the fire fighters trying to take the heat off themselves and pushing it to Sheriff Lewis. They seem to always be comparing themselves to the police. There is no comparison. I have never heard of a volunteer police officer. Need I say more.

  27. AS for the officer that got turned down by the sheriffs office:
    Check out his performance in the last few years. Beyond ANY deputy (or two or three)! And about 100 arrests alone for WCSO. Not good enough? Turned down and mistreated are two different things!
    "anonymous joe"
    Again, how would you feel? Especially going after a good man? Judge the ones who care... good job!


  28. Did you miss the point:

    Sounds like you are one of lewis' own?
    I guess you, like myself have to keep your mouth shut. It's too bad we can't speak our minds without jeopardizing our positions.
    The biggest problem in the city and county are the drug users! Dealers don't break into houses or rob people for a few bucks! It is the desparate users who need thier fix. As for the trafficers they are a problem too. But the citizens are proven to be effected most by those who go after them, and those criminals should be a priority. Interdiction should take a back seat to protecting those who need us immediately.

  29. "Good man"??? Try again...
    100 or so arrests?? Sure...Try again?

  30. TWC said...
    Dont know who is making comments posing as "NY". Although I totally agree with all of your comments, its not fair to him that you use his name and speak for him. He is capable of doing so for himself, however chooses not to get involved with all the BS.

    To the last Anon entry who claims he is not a good man and doesnt have 100 arrests...if Joe will allow me I will be more than happy to produce proof! Joe? Can I? Will you? He is a very good man, this statement obviously comes from someone who has no clue who he is.

    Grow some balls...try leaving your name or atleast a clue as to who you are next time you want to cut someone down.

  31. I say, send me all the proof/information you've got.

  32. what i'm saying is that 100 arrests means very little. Why even bring that up. if you work within salisbury and can't make 100 arrests, then you should find a new job...and "good" is in your perspective. Sounds like your married to him???

  33. TWC said
    I will gather it tomorrow night. I have kids so I dont have time tonight, but will forward it to you hopefully by the end of the week it will be in your hands.

  34. TWC said...
    Whether or not we are married is irrellevant...but if you dont know him how could you say anything about him to question his character. We are married, anyone that knows him knows he is a good person.
    As far as the arrests go, the statement was not that he had 100 arrests. He has far more than that. As a matter of fact he doubles the record for arrests on the eastern shore. I believe the 100 arrests that anon. was referring to was for others. And that is an outstanding number for any officer in any agency.

  35. oh...ok! Sounds like an outstanding guy!

  36. Those 100 were wanted suspects by wcso alone. It is common practice for him to APPREHEND a subject wanted on wcso warrants... on the street (no knock on door amatuer stuff). Then when the wanted check comes back as cofirmed by an agency, the warranting agency then picks them up (usually at the scene), transport them to the jail, then serve the warrant. Then go back to HQ and claim the arrest as thier own.
    It is kind of annoying to see in the paper that the "transport" officer gets the credit fot the arrest. But thats ok he then goes out and does it again... and again...
    (anonymous at 02:07? want to compare stats? You will be disppointed) Would you bet your job? How many of his AFOs have you come to pick up?
    To be exact 613 physical arrests since 01/01/05. And counting. But thank you for the callout! And as for Salisbury... He loves all of the good people he protects.

    God bless Joe. Try a little harder to keep it real.


  37. On a personal note... there's only one cop he would like to compare careers with. (Joe knows who).
    All the rest are his brothers and He'll kick ass with them any day!


  38. NY: wow....without your hubby working at the city police, it would just go under...just amazing...sounds like he's the BEST cop in the county...thank god for him!! Just amazing that he wants so bad to work for the crappy ole county, huh? Maybe he just wants to save them...How bout you? You keeping it real? Wow...if people only knew...

  39. NY: Your little savior husband doesn't hold a candle to any of the Deputies at the Sheriff's department.

  40. TWC said....
    My name is not NY! Get it straight before you go antagonizing! I have never signed on as NY its always TWC.

    He doesnt want to work for "crappy ole county"! He did two years ago...and has since decided he would rather not work for them.

    As far as him not being able to "hold a candle to any deputy"...you take any three deputies careers and place their stats next to his and then tell me he "cant hold a candle to them"! You pick there top three!

  41. TWC said...

    Forgot to add one more thing! NY just got a handgun from a well known bloods gang member at Sandi's One Stop tonight!

    Hmmmmmm.....Yet he cant hold a candle! Thing is...its nothing unusual for him!

    And all my comments about his stats can be proven! I would also like to add that most deputies and troopers know the work he does and appreciate it!

  42. Now look, that's just not true.

    I know for a fact that your husband applied for a job at the Sheriffs Department and was turned down.

    So please stop all that crap about ragging on the WCSD because he wanted it bad enough to apply there.

    I mean NO disrespect to either party but I must say that you're looking foolish trying to compare the two and one upping the other.

    Both organizations are fine organizations. One is just run better than the other and their leadership will never be matched, that's just a fact and everyone knows it.

    The Officers need to be respected, period and this crap should end. If it doesn't, the leader in the SPD will get exactly what he wants, a divided brotherhood/partnership. Now do ALL of you want to be that stupid and fall for that crap? Think about that one for a while. If I need to shut up and walk away from this, tell me and I will do so.

  43. TWC Said...
    Joe and even you know it was 2 years ago...as I stated!!!

  44. You know "divided brotherhood" is what started trouble in the first place joe. It wasn't NY who did anything wrong except try too damn hard at his job! Hold a candle? Hell he just raised the candle (or bar) a little higher. And what is so wrong with that. His only goal was to provide for the same family that was hurt. And who was his family hurt by? "If you only knew".
    And how does leaking confidential info about a letter helping? And turned down? He didnt even get the respect of an honest answer! Just several handshakes from a certain friend of yours at an award ceremony. The only reason a lawsuit wasn't brought on is because of "the brotherhood" that needs to be rebuilt. And why should the good men and women at any agency suffer for a loser? They should not. And neither should he.

    615 and counting...


  45. TWC...go back on your meds...he was turned down...
    a gun? from a blood? I thought we didn't have any gang problems?

  46. TWC said...
    I would like to see the proof he was turned down. Wheres the letter of rejection if thats the case? Its all politics...bad politics!

    I never said I agreed with anything that comes from the higher ups in these departments. I have never once denied that there were gangs here in salisbury. What happened last night is a fact and it can easily be found out and proven.

    I have had enough BS from a pussy that cant even leave a name! Go talk your shit to someone else!

  47. NY maybe we sould ask your husband super SPD man why you are no longer employed by the WCSO

  48. I've heard plenty already...
    I am familiar with the local law enforcement officers and thier respected agencies. So I will write what I know:
    As for the officer being mentioned here, I know who he is and I know the story. I have met him on numerous occasions. The first time it was very obvious that he is dedicated to his profession. Maybe too much. Sorry but his confidence is a little overwelming. But, if that is what keeps people working at an exceptional level then so be it.
    The only thing he has done wrong is not leaving the past alone. Let it go. He has nothing to prove to anyone but himself. He's an exceptional officer and he apparently knows it.
    He is where he is needed. If he was not he wouldn't be so productive.
    May I add that police agencys are like baseball teams... it's all about the numbers.
    And Mr. Albero why are you throwing at him? TWC is just backing her own. Just like everyone else.

  49. Big papi. Because of the "Blue Falcon".

  50. TWC:

    Why don't you work at the Sheriff's department anymore? There was a reference to you working there? What happened?

  51. Mr. "Turned Down" just happened to apprehend both of the suspects involved in the Smith St area's recent shooting. He even got a handgun on one of them. Both suspects within two nights. Sounds pretty good to me.

    617... and counting

  52. SPD does it again!


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