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Sunday, October 28, 2007

It Comes From The Top

As many of you have seen, there are far too many people within the Salisbury Fire Department, (and others) who have obviously shown their true colors when it comes to racism.

I allowed anonymous comments, (as much as I truly didn't want to) because I wanted this community to clearly see, (without recourse) just how bad things are around Salisbury.

That being said, allow me to tell you a brief story about the process in which I personally took years ago and why I have titles this Post, "It Comes From The Top."

Years ago when my Wife was working for the Salisbury Zoo, far too many animals were dying at an extremely rapid rate. Some was because of poor care and some died because of extremely poor management decisions. I'll not bore you again with the details about that situation but I will tell you that as my Wife tried to get this information up the ladder all the way to the Mayor's Office, it fell upon deaf ears.

I took it upon myself to make an appointment with the Mayor with all the documents and information necessary to make an unbelievable case against what was actually going on at the Zoo.

I met with Barrie Tilghman and John Pick and clearly convinced them that this was a very serious problem. I also expressed some of the other issues my Wife was experiencing and some of the things upper management at the Zoo had been doing to her. I then stated to the Mayor, "You can't fix something you're not aware of." I expressed how I thought this "Chain of Command System" sucked, as you could NOT get ANY information to the Mayor! The system only allowed employees to go to their immediate supervisor, then perhaps to his Boss. To get to the next level you have to file a grievance and it would still fall way short of getting all the way to the Mayor, EVER!

The Mayor responded with, I am a woman working in a man's world, I completely understand what your Wife is going through. She then expressed how her Husband almost got into a fight at one of the Council Meetings because of some very harsh things people has said about her, so she also understood that part as well. I then stated, IF you don't do anything about this, we would sue the City.

The long and short of it is, the Mayor refused to respond once she found out how serious and real the problem was. Rather than doing something about it, they went into damage control mode and ultimately fired my Wife because she couldn't perform her duties 100% with an injured back.

For those of you who were not around a year or two ago when this whole story was still fresh, my Wife was making all of the diets for the animals and Zookeepers so they could clean exhibits and she was also doing much of the catch up work on reports the Zoo was YEARS behind in. Also note, it would take years to catch up on that information, even at the rate she was concentrating on it with. Also note, the AZA wrote them up in a BIG way for the extremely poor record keeping and demanded the Zoo change this or the AZA would drop them.

I mention that because there certainly was room within the Zoo Staff to keep her on board and do some wonderful work. However, the Mayor would NOT recognize her dedication and actually used the information I shared against us.

OK, all that being said, do ANY of you actually believe there's NOT a racial problem within SOME people at the Salisbury Fire Department? Would you agree that after all that has been said about this issue that it would be really cool if the Mayor, Chief See, Deputy Chief Gordy stepped up to the plate and said, you know what, there is a problem here and we need to do a better job resolving it and boost morale?

Instead, they send their pawns here and go on the attack to attempt to take credibility away from the main issue. I personally think the Citizens should demand better for their Employees and their future.

I'd like to add, what does it say to those people who work hard for the City and actually go back to school to better themselves in the hopes of being promoted. The idea of doing so is to better their lives and enjoy better financial gains from such hard work. That is not the case for Lorenzo Cropper and Larry Dodd. Instead, this Administration says, IF you're NOT one of the Good Old Boys, if you're NOT a yes man, you're going nowhere with us.

I can assure you Ladies & Gentlemen, these people are so darned afraid that a Black Man and another much better educated White Man would make them look stupid and they're in fear for their own future.

Then I'd add, Lorenzo has been in the Department for 13 years now. He's on the fence, wouldn't you agree? If YOU were on the job that many years, would YOU rock the boat at this point? Sadly, Lorenzo will NOT be promoted under this administration no matter how hard he works. He'll always just be one of the guys, like it or not. This is why I have brought this to every one's attention. It's not right. It's not fair and we shouldn't be stepping back 100 years under this administration, we should be moving forward.

We have experienced first hand what this administration will do, even to the point that they'll sue me just to try and shut me down. It is what it is Ladies & Gentlemen and through elections YOU can make a difference. I have clearly proven I am not afraid of these people. Start rallying behind these movements and let them know you're not going to take this any more.

Thank You.


  1. Why didn't you sue the City after she was fired, like you said you would?

  2. We did sue the City. However, my Wife received the highest award ever given out for her injuries on the job through workers compensation. If we continued the suit, ANY money we would have won would have had to be paid back to workers compensation.

    Even the lawyers agreed, what's the point. The ONLY people that would have made any money from that point forward was the lawyers.

    Another STRONG part of our decision was, the money she was awarded came from an Insurance Police and NOT the Taxpayers. There was no reason to punish the taxpayers any further for a few bad apples. We're COMPLETELY satisfied with the end results as well. Like I said, Rapp, Samis, Jacobs and others are now gone and the animals are far better off now.

  3. What the hell does your wife getting fired have to do with racism??

    And i have heard that Mr. Cropper would like you to stop using his name, considering that he can't stand you or your blogg.

  4. You sued for her injuries though, not for wrongfull termination.

  5. As Mr. Cropper has every right to call me and does in fact have my number, I have not heard him say such a thing, so you're a liar.

  6. Read my post and comment again. I'm NOT going to reply to those of you who can't read.

  7. Have you called The Daily Times for not posting it on their Blogs or on their Website?

    How about WBOC & WMDT? How about all of the other Blogs?

    Now, come back and prove you have done so before this moment OR SHUT UP!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. The Fire Departmrnt is not the only racist organization in Salisbury, SAPOA despite all their posturing that they represent the poor minorities has members that are notoriously bigoted. If only someone could secretly tape a meeting you would hea the "N" word used quite a bit. Especially from Insley. But they own Shanie Shields!!

  11. It's time to clean things up. Let's enjoy the peace and quiet for a while while I turn off anonymous comments.


  12. I see you deleted some coments that called you out Joe.

    Why are you scared to talk about a real issuse such as gangs in Salisbury. I guess the 100 or so kids last night throwing rocks at cars were all church goers.

    You have proof of a real issue and you wont do anything with it.

    Now Im sure you will come back and cuss me and tell me to get a life but thats what I expect that from you anyways.

  13. Obviously YOU missed my other comment elsewhere. It said, "That's ok though, it was worthy of posting and I thank you Wayne for sharing that with others.

    I do find it an interesting audio and if Wayne would like to provide the direct link to the audio I would be glad to put it up as a Post?"

    Now the ball is in your court Wayne?????

  14. Joe you should have an email in about 30 seconds with the file.

    as always your buddy
    Wayne Barrall

  15. I'm having technical difficulties with Blogger. As soon as I can get the link up I will create a Post with the audio.

  16. Joe- I know how much you love to bash the city, but I gotta tell ya your allegations here are based on thin air. First off, you are lacking a critical item- a complainiant. I know Lorenzo personally. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the man and have learned much from him. I also believe him to be very compentent to stand on his own 2 feet, and have NO DOUBT that if he felt that he was treated unfairly in the promotion process that he would stand up for himself and protest the results, thru the appropriate process. To my knowledge, this has not happened. Also, Asst. Chief Jimmy Gladwell has also addressed your allegations. I've known Jimmy longer than I've been in the DFD, and I can say that I have never known a more straight-shooting individual. If Jimmy says he was personally involved in the process and it was fair and just, it was fair and just. PERIOD. IMHO, if Lorenzo was wronged, Jimmy would standing right there next to him fighting to make things right, regardless of any consequences against him. Again, to my knowledge, this has not happened. So, to put things bluntly-- THAT DOG DON'T HUNT!!

  17. Technical Difficulties with blogger. Your entire pathetic life is a technical difficuluty.

  18. Ernie,

    I do not and will not disagree theses are two fine, honorable gentlemen.

    I will however state that YOU have placed yourself in the exact same position as you accuse me of, stating words out of Lorenzo's mouth.

    MY point to the entire topic was that it would have made good policy to promote Lorenzo, moving to the West Side and encourage recruiting and morale.

    DO NOT for a moment I ever suggested such because Lorenzo didn't qualify and simply for the reason he is black.

    I have my opinion on this management issue and you have yours. Respectfully, Joe

  19. POINT 2- lack of minorities in the fire service.

    This is a nationally known and recognized issue for year and years, as well as a contentious one. I have had conversations with my black brothers in and out of the fire service about this, and the most common thing that has been said (jokingly) to me is that " most black folk have enough sense not to go running INTO a burning building". And you know, they do have a point! But personally, I think it's a largely a cultural thing. Being a firefighter, like being a police officer, is something that is passed from generation to generation. This goes for both volunteer and career. Traditionally, black people who have the time and the desire to volunteer often choose venues other than the fire service to volunteer in, that are equally as worthy of their time. That doesn't meant that things shouldn't and can't change, but it is not accomplished overnite. And for you to unfairly characterize any fire dept as "racist", just turns potential minority firefighters away. and does a disservice to those you presume to help.

  20. All I got out of this post joe was that your wife is a broke loser and you are a homo pos that has a blog site, you are such a loser!


    I am going to simply bite my tongue and state loudly and very clearly, YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

  22. How many minorites give up their time to volunteer for the Lions Club, Rotary Club etc? Next to none. It's a fact. Call it racial if you want. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

  23. I will however state that YOU have placed yourself in the exact same position as you accuse me of, stating words out of Lorenzo's mouth.

    MY point to the entire topic was that it would have made good policy to promote Lorenzo, moving to the West Side and encourage recruiting and morale.

    DO NOT for a moment I ever suggested such because Lorenzo didn't qualify and simply for the reason he is black.

    I have not attempted to speak for Lorenzo. I have simply acknowledged the lack of words from him.

    Sorry, but I don't believe on promoting people, in any venue, on "good policy". The process should be colorblind.

    And you have repeatedly suggested on here that the reason he didn't get promoted is because of RACISM.


  24. You always use this pic of you and the other guy like hes your friend. Right he posed with many people that day. Thats what they do to get votes

  25. It's his way of feeling self important. Go back to the billiard table pic please.

  26. Ernie,

    I have not attempted to speak for Lorenzo. I have simply acknowledged the lack of words from him.

    In other words, you haven't spoken to him on this matter.

    Sorry, but I don't believe on promoting people, in any venue, on "good policy". The process should be colorblind.

    Are you F/N kidding me?

    And you have repeatedly suggested on here that the reason he didn't get promoted is because of RACISM.

    I do believe racism played a roll in their decision.


    I was quie active on the Watchdesk during the contentious times a few years ago. It was quite common, and obvious, for people to pose to be from the various stations of SFD and make inflamatory posts, just to stir s""t. In fact, 1 (teenage) member of another FD on the E Shore admitted to me, after the fact, to having some 60-70 identities on TWD, and he would post and counter-post against himself there, just because he got a kick about it, and the trouble it started. My point is simply that you do not know that these posters are from SFD, or firefighters at all. They are ANONYMOUS. By making your allegations without out the clear-cut facts to back it up, you are doing a disservice to ALL FIREFIGHTERS. I know many people in the SFD, and have never know of anyone of them to be racist. Again, to make such allegations without the concrete facts to back them up, just serves to scare away any minority person than may be considering joining. Such things may boost your post and hit numbers, but they damage your credibility. Which is more important to you? There are so many things on the E Shore that need publicity and attention. (For example, you are to be commened for bringing the extent of the gang problems here to light.) There is no need to unfairly attack people who spend their lives and careers trying to help people. Oh yea, one more thing-- FYI-- there is ALOT of work to be done around a firehouse between calls. Firefighters are not just standing around doing nothing, waiting for the tones to drop again.
    Anyhow, I'm done pitting my 2 cents in for now. It's your blog and you can certainly do what you want with it.

    Take care.

  28. "Firefighters are not just standing around doing nothing, waiting for the tones to drop again."

    Then they should stay off the Blogs 24/7.

  29. "Such things may boost your post and hit numbers, but they damage your credibility. Which is more important to you?"

    I know you're a smart man, so please understand what I am about to tell you.

    The amount of comments on my Blog does NOT create bigger numbers for me. You want to relate comments to hits, that's just wrong.

    My numbers each and every day are not skyrocketing with increases. I am steadily staying the same as I always have been in the past 3 months. hence my stating in another post elsewhere, if you have a computer and access to the Internet, more than likely if you live on the Eastern Shore, you've been here and or are coming here regularly.

    I have ALWAYS challenged people by saying, ask ANY one of your friends who has access to the Internet if they have been to sbynews.com and the answer will be, YES! I have YET to get someone come back and say, nope, not my friends.

    So I'm NOT putting things up just to blow them out of proportion. I'm delivering what no one else has the ba((s to.


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