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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mary Jo, Less Ee Forget....

A few days ago, from her grave, I thought I heard Mary Jo Kopechne (July 26, 1940-July 18, 1969) call.

"This year, I would have been 67 years old. As my only wish, please refresh your memory of me and my murderer."

When Senator Ted Kennedy was merely just another Democrat bloating on Capitol Hill on behalf of liberal causes, it was perhaps excusable to ignore his deplorable past. But now that he has become the leading Democrat attack dog, positioning himself as Washington's leading arbiter of truth and integrity, the days for such indulgence are now over. It's time for good Americans to stand up and remind our countrymen why this man had to abandon his own presidential bid in 1980. It's time to say the words "Mary Jo Kopechne" out loud.

Ted Kennedy drunkenly drove his car off a bridge, extricated himself, and left Miss Kopechne behind to die in the waters underneath the Edgartown, Massachusetts, Bridge on July 17th, 1969 after a night of drinking and partying with the young blonde campaign worker.

But most Americans under 40 have never heard that story, or the details of how Kennedy swam to safety, and then tried to get his cousin Joe Garghan to say he, Garghan, was behind the wheel.

Those young voters don't know how Miss Kopechne, trapped inside Kennedy's Oldsmobile, gasped for air until she finally died (some medical experts saying two and one-half hours later), while this leading Democrat Iraq war critic rushed back to his family's compound to formulate the best alibi he could think of.

Nor does Generation X know how Kennedy was thrown out of Harvard on his ear 15 years earlier for paying a fellow student to take his Spanish final. Nor why the US Army denied him a commission because he cheated on tests.

As they listen to the Democrats' "Liberal Lion" accuse President Bush of "telling lie after lie after lie" to get America to go to war in Iraq, young voters don't know about that notorious 1991 Easter weekend in Palm Beach, when Uncle Teddy rounded up his nephews for a night on the town, an evening that ended with one of them credibly accused of rape. It's time for Republicans and Democrats with a soul to state unabashedly that they will no longer "go along with the gag" when it comes to Uncle Ted's rants about deception and moral turpitude inside the Bush White House.

If the Republicans don't, let's do it ourselves by passing this forgotten disgrace around the Internet to wake up memories of what a fraud and fake Teddy really is.

The Democrat Party should be ashamed to employ this national disgrace from Massachusetts as their spokesman!

This Message Has Not Been Confirmed.


  1. Yes, I sure do remember and it makes me sick just to see his fat face on TV in senate committee's badgering good, really honest people before any Senate Committee he is on. He is a total disgrace to this country and it's time he steps down.

    A. Goetz

  2. Yeah let him burn in hell. No one deserves a second chance right? So if your a democrat and you make a mistake, your no good forever. Republicans can make mistakes but get the chance to learn from them because they are allowed second chances those darling little saints.

  3. A second chance? He's a lying sack of crap. Mary Jo didn't get a second chance did she? This has nothing to do with party line politics. Just a rotten old bastard who's above it all becuase he's a Kennedy. I agree with Art. He's a disgrace and the epitiome of everything wrong with the political environment, R or D.

    Joe...Thank you for posting this. I hadn't forgotten it but I'm sure some have. For those who knew nothing about it, another fine example of what we have running this glorious country of ours.

  4. So Ted has a troubled past, what about all the male pages Mark Foley touched all these years? I don't see him in jail, just like Ted. If he was so wrong, why aint he in jail? Money kept Bush out of Vietnam, it can keep Ted out of jail. Right? Where is the manslaughter conviction? I guess the judicial system turned a blind eye to the whole thing. Whatever, dude might make you sick, but his constituants don't seem to mind. But living here in red MD, liberal bashing is all the rage right? Dems suck, dems suck, dems suck, dems suck....

  5. Call it the Kennedy curse or what ever you want, when you leave the scene of an accident that results in a death it's usually called murder.

    I forgot, how many hours did he wait before reporting it to authorities.

    I have spoken down about Wayne Gilchrest here because of term limits and I feel the same about Kennedy and have for years. If we had term limits we wouldn't have to look at that drunken big red nose.

    If we had equal justice for all he would have went to jail. His father made a mint bootlegging booze for the mob and got his son Jack a seat in the White house with his ill gotten gains.

    FYI I lean more to moderate to liberal, republican or democrat murder is murder. Manslaughter would be putting it lightly since he took so long to contact authorities.

  6. Wit...you missed my point. How many "commmon" people do you see in politics? Next to none. They all come from wealthy connected families. At least most in my opinion. They all think they're above the law, like spoiled rich kids. Sorry but I don't care what the party attached to the person is. If their rotten, their rotten. Who cares, Foleys dirty, Kennedy's dirty. We probably don't have a clue as to what really goes on. And that goes for both sides.

    Now about the Dem bashing in Maryland. HUH? It's a majority Democratic state. Who's doing the supposed bashing?

  7. historical wit. Check your political demographics. This sure isn't a RED state. How do you think O'Taxemall got elected? It wasn't the R's.

  8. Don't know how he manages to get re-elected, year after year.
    Seems to me, I recall that Mary Jo was pregnant. Anyone?
    Most of us love it when he opens his mouth since it exposes him as a bigger bufoon than we originally thought.

  9. DUI
    negligent homicide
    leaving the scene of an accident
    delay in reporting an accident
    if Mary jo was pregnant, double homicide with a motor vehicle
    obstruction of justice
    other charges TNTC should have been brought but never were, because of who he was(is).
    HW, this is MORE than a mistake
    He should have been in JAIL for the last 38 years!

  10. I'd forgotten he STOOD on the roof of his car before he swam to his own personal safety. There was no reason anyone present who could dog paddle could not have rescued the girl.
    So add PREMEDITATED to the list.


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