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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Before You Send Your Kids Out For Halloween.......

Be sure to know where the sex offenders are in YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

Enjoy, be safe and remember, look before you cross the street.


  1. Yea be careful. I hear the natives over on Church Street are planning on an old fashioned stoning on 10/31.

  2. Thankz!!!I already check this site every month or so anyway.In Delaware they make the offenders post signs at their door saying that a sex offender lives there-do not trick or treat or even approach the door.
    BTW,since you posted this link,let me share a disturbing story....if you look at the entire list of Wicomico County sex offenders,you may or may not notice a pair of brothers share this dubious honor,it seems they like having sex with underrage girls,like 12ish....Since I am good at recalling faces,I like the fact they have pics on the site-anyway,a couple of years ago,I was in Walmart(North) when I spotted one of the freak brothers in the store,and not suprisingly,he was casually walking behind a group of teenage girls,who were oblivious to him,and he was looking at their asses the whole time.Granted,todays teenage girls are way more developed than my generation ever was,but still it was obvious they were just kids.I shot him an evil look and as soon as I could I let the girls know a guy was following them,but what else could I do?I didnt want to scare them too bad,didnt think the store manager would do anything either.Can Walmart kick them out if you tell someone theres a perv in the house?Thankfully hubby wasnt with me cuz if I had of pointed the freak out to him,I would have been over on Naylor Mill Rd still trying to bail his guido ass out(roflmao)I am just curious as to what a businesses policy would be-I know they gotta shop somewhere but -ugh- not where kids are!

  3. Blutoj-I think if you let the managemet know that there is a sex offender in there "stalking" kids, they can sort of set security on him to make sure he doesn't do anything. No business can afford to allow anything to happen to their shoppers or their communities. My advice to you is the next time you see something like that, report it to the Manager on Duty as fast as you can. They can't kick them out, but they can be monitored discretely.

  4. LMAO Joe I looked at the pictures quick last night and didn't even notice you sitting there with the Simpsons. Is that a good or bad thing? : )

  5. Opps posted that last comment on the wrong thread......


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